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Organic Health Solutions / Health (Page 10)

Tips For Healthy Eyesight

Our eyes and eyesight are one of our most valuable gifts and senses so it is important we look after it properly from young so that we maintain healthy eyesight as we grow older. When you look at your eyes, you have got to be very intelligent, and realise the eyes are part of your whole body. It's not separate. It is part of your body. So whatever goes into your body must end up feeding the eyes. If you don't feed the eyes, the eyes will suffer.     In the TV recording below, we discuss the following food items which you must consume regularly to maintain good eyesight. There are other foods not discussed here such as carrots and blueberries, which most readers are already aware...

What Is The Cost Of Iridology?

  Iridology is the practice of studying the patterns and colours of the iris, which is the coloured part of the eye. It helps determine the health condition of your body in a non invasive way.  Trained Iridologists use Iridology Charts to compare the photos taken to the markings in the chart that represent various parts of the human body.       Before modern iridology cameras were invented, Iridologists would use a magnifying glass and torch light to analyse the eyes and then draw their observations so that the person could picture what was being seen. This process is very time consuming and the accuracy of the drawings would depend on the Iridologist's drawing skills.     However, today, with the modern camera, digital photos can be easily taken which saves a...

Natural Remedies For Fibroids

Fibroids are non-cancerous growths that develop in or around the uterus or womb in women. The growths are made up of fibrous tissue and muscle. They vary in size and most women are unaware they have fibroids because, often there are no symptoms.  Fibroids may be as tiny as a seed or grow larger than a tennis ball. Although fibroids are usually not dangerous, they can cause discomfort and may lead to heavy menstrual bleeding, causing anemia and fatigue. It can also result in frequent urination and back pain.     You need silica, a trace mineral to naturally cut away fibroids or any abnormal internal growth. You need to eat foods such as Dandelion, Watercress, Organic Celery, Kale and Cavolo Nero. Dandelion and Watercress should be eaten...

How To Improve Gut Health

Have you heard of the saying "Heal Your Gut, Heal Your Body"?     Gut health is very important to our overall health as our gut is like the engine of our body and by filling it with the incorrect foods and drinks, medication and chemicals, it will certainly affect our longer term health.         Did you know there are about 6 trillion bacteria in the gut? If your gut is healthy, that part of your body is like your second brain and that's where the immune system exists. That's why you feel unwell if your gut is unhealthy. If you take what is called antibiotics, which means anti life, you are destroying your own immune system and it is important to let your own immune system fight its problems....

Skincare Tips For Glowing Skin

Have you ever wanted to be comfortable in your own skin and not have to wear so much or any make up?  Would you like to be comfortable in allowing yourself to be seen when you wake up? Would you like to know the secrets to glowing skin? This is skin that is clear, alive and not dependent on daily make up. Yes, it is possible so read on.     The human body is made up of a third Genetics, which is genetics from your parents, grandparents and so on. Two thirds is what you feed it and the environment you expose your body to.  Most people often blame their genetics for their health problems. Discover how, by following the right advice, you can actually beat your...

How To Improve Your Sleep

Have you heard of the expression "Sleep Like A Baby?" How is the quality of your sleep? Are you sleeping in excess of 8 hours daily and still struggling to wake up or wake up exhausted? Our body repairs itself whilst we are asleep which is why it is important to improve your sleep to minimise longer term term decline in our overall health.     Poor quality of sleep or lack of quality sleep can take a serious toll on our daytime energy, productivity, emotional balance and even your weight.  Sleep is vital and not having sufficient quality sleep can completely undermine your health, even if you eat well and exercise regularly. We also age more quickly if we do not have sufficient sleep. Conversely, getting sufficient sleep...

What You Need To Know About Diabetes

Diabetes is a lifestyle disease, except if you have been born with it (Diabetes Type One). Please therefore read this blog to discover how you can treat or prevent this lifestyle disease. Keep an open mind and follow our recommendations to achieve the results you have been searching for.     Some women get diabetes when they are pregnant. What amazes us is, most people who have been diagnosed as Pre-Diabetic or Diabetic, the practitioner that has given the diagnosis does not even show these people where their pancreas is! You need to remember that when we get ill or get a disease, it has not happened just overnight. It takes a few days, weeks, months or years for the illness or disease to occur.  Bearing this in mind,...

Health Benefits of Garlic

Garlic or Allium Sativum is a root vegetable that's going to be helping you to keep healthy and well in this season, where everyone's concerned about viruses, colds and flu. You have probably come across it, however you do not understand the power of garlic. What do you know about garlic? Please read on to understand the health benefits of garlic.   Do be very careful when you buy garlic. Do not buy Chinese garlic because Chinese garlic often is grown with human faeces. What happens as a result is it's grown with human faeces and therefore it's prone to get all kinds of diseases like syphilis, venereal disease that can penetrate into the garlic from China. We do not recommend Chinese garlic anymore. What we go...

Do we need to detox our body?

Most of us have heard the term "detox" especially towards the end of a new year or start of a new year. Do we need to detox our body and if yes, what is the most effective way? Read on to learn more.     Detoxification is the body's process of neutralising and eliminating toxins, which are harmful substances that contribute to ill health. In our body, our kidneys, liver, skin and digestive system are the main organs for detoxification. Detoxification is something our body does every day to transform these toxins into less harmful matter and excrete them.     However, in this modern world where we receive constant stress from various sources such as air pollution, pesticides and chemicals in our food and water supplies and other modern lifestyle...