29 Wroxham Way, Ilford, Essex IG6 2GG



If It’s Sugar Free, Can I Eat As Much As I Want?

If you have Diabetes, you need to give a lot of attention to your meals, exercise, and medication. Among the many food options, sugar-free products often seem like a safe choice. However, can people with diabetes consume sugar-free products as much as they want? The answer involves understanding what "sugar-free" really means and its implications on health, particularly for those living with diabetes.   Understanding Sugar-Free Products Sugar-free products have become more popular as more people want to reduce their sugar intake and manage conditions like diabetes. However, understanding what "sugar-free" actually means is important for making informed dietary choices.   What Does Sugar-Free Mean? A food or beverage labelled as "sugar-free" contains less than 0.5 grams of sugar per serving, including both naturally occurring and added sugars. However, this doesn’t...

Do I Need To Follow A Low Carb Diet?

Properly managing Diabetes involves paying close attention to your meals, as the food you consume has a direct impact on your blood sugar levels. One dietary method that has garnered considerable interest in recent times is the low-carb diet. But is this dietary strategy necessary for all individuals with Diabetes?   In this article, we will delve into the possible advantages and disadvantages of a low-carb diet for Diabetes management, review the scientific evidence, and provide practical guidance to assist you in making well-informed choices regarding your dietary habits. Whether you are dealing with Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes, understanding the role of carbohydrates in your diet is essential for maintaining optimal health and overall well-being.   Understanding Diabetes Diabetes mellitus is a chronic condition marked by elevated...

Health Benefits Of Hydration

In order to maintain good health and well being, hydration is a fundamental aspect. Water is essential for proper functioning of all cells, tissues and organs in the body. It is an essential component of body temperature regulation, retention of blood volume and support for the cellular process. Despite its importance, hydration is not being prioritised by a large number of people. This may result in several health problems. We'll take a look at the many benefits and importance of maintaining hydration.   The Importance of Hydration   Regulating Body Temperature Hydration plays an important role in regulating body temperature, which is essential for the maintenance of overall health and prevention of heat-related illnesses. In order to regulate temperature effectively, the human body depends on water, in particular by means...

The Why and How to Alkalise Your Body

The concept of alkalising one’s body has attracted considerable attention when it comes to achieving optimum health and energy. The practice revolves around the idea that by eating foods which promote alkalinity over acidity, we maintain a balanced pH level in our bodies.   Why is it important, and how can we achieve this effectively? We'll look at the reasons why your body alkalises, and we'll see how to incorporate alkaline-rich foods in our meals. You will understand why and how alkalising your body is the key to a journey towards better health and vitality, whether you are trying to increase energy levels, reduce inflammation or improve all aspects of well being. Let's discover the secrets of achieving harmonious pH balance and unlock potential benefits from...

Tips for Liver Health

The liver, which is often referred to as the body's powerhouse, is an incredibly resilient organ, responsible for a number of vital functions that are essential to our overall health. The liver plays an essential role in maintaining optimal functioning of the body, from filtering toxins to helping with digestion and metabolism.   However, this important organ may be under stress due to the widespread consumption of processed foods, high alcohol consumption, and pollution from the environment. In this article, we are going to look at the best practices for preserving liver health and see how supplements such as USANA Hepasil DTX can help promote optimal function.   How To Discover Liver Weaknesses Using Iridology. Watch and learn from our illuminating video.   https://youtu.be/2TLY0gUCkD8?si=0aP_CIPYpTgppWBK   Understanding Liver Health The fundamentals of how the...

How To Keep Healthy During Springtime

With the promise of renewal and vitality, Spring entices us outside as the days grow longer and the weather warms up. However,  even with all the beauty of blossoming flowers and chirping birds, we must remember to put our health and well-being first. There are unique opportunities and challenges in Spring to keep up a healthy lifestyle.   Seasonal allergies and the availability of fresh produce are only two of the many things to think about. In this article, we'll explore effective strategies and habits to help you stay healthy and thriving this Spring. We'll give you some practical advice to help you make the most of springtime while taking care of your body, mind, and spirit, such as enjoying outdoor activities, improving your meals, or...

Which Fish Oil Supplement Should I Take?

Choosing the best fish oil supplement might be difficult in the current market, since there are so many options. It's important to know what makes each product unique and which one best suits your health goals because there are many companies that promise to provide the highest quality and advantages.   Omega-3 fatty acids, especially EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), are well-known for being present in fish oil supplements. These fatty acids are essential for heart health, cognitive function, and overall well-being. But not all supplements are made equal, so it's important to keep sustainability, potency, purity, and additional ingredients in mind. This article aims to give you helpful advice, supported by expert recommendations and scientific research, on how to select the best fish...

Healthy Skin Tips

In this blog article, we will explore the important relationship between skin health and nutrition. We are aware of the significant influence that lifestyle and food choices have on the health and appearance of our skin. We'll give you tips on how to get radiant, glowing skin from the inside out. Every aspect of your lifestyle, including the foods you eat and your daily habits, contributes to maintaining healthy skin. Whether your skin is dull, acne-prone, or prematurely ageing, we will help you uncover the secrets to vibrant youthful skin. Learn how simple changes to your meals and skincare routine can improve your skin and overall well-being.   Hydrate When it comes to skincare, hydration is sometimes disregarded, although it's one of the most important factors in keeping...

The Importance Of Vitamins And Minerals

In the intricate tapestry of human health, vitamins and minerals stand as indispensable threads, weaving the foundation of our well-being. As we navigate the vast landscape of nutrition, the significance of these micronutrients becomes increasingly evident.   From the cellular level to the overarching support of bodily functions, vitamins and minerals play a pivotal role in sustaining life and vitality. This blog article embarks on a journey to unravel the mysteries of these nutritional powerhouses, exploring their diverse functions, dietary sources, and the profound impact they have on our overall health. Join us as we delve into the world of vitamins and minerals, unlocking the secrets to a healthier and more vibrant life.   Cellular Function and Repair The intricate dance of cellular function and repair within the human...

Is Iridology Legitimate?

Iridology is a distinctive and fascinating method of health assessment in the field of alternative medicine. In Iridology, the intricate patterns and colours of the iris provide significant indicators of a person's overall health. Iridology is frequently regarded with skepticism, and rejected as pseudoscience. Iridology is claimed to lack the extensive body of scientific evidence seen in conventional medicine. However, this article will debunk that myth and explain why this practice is indeed legitimate.   The Basics of Iridology: How Does It Work? Iridology is the study of the patterns on the iris, the coloured portion of the eye. The iris is one of the most complex and intriguing tissue structures in the human body. An iridologist looks at the iris for any abnormalities in pigmentation to determine any...