29 Wroxham Way, Ilford, Essex IG6 2GG



How To Choose A Multi Vitamin?

Selecting the right multivitamin may not be an easy task as there are so many brands and types of multivitamin supplements in the marketplace today. However, knowing the factors that should be considered when making this decision can make the process smoother and more effective. One such exemplary choice is the USANA CellSentials which is a product that has been developed to help support your cellular health. This article will provide you with the basic steps to follow when choosing a multivitamin and show you why CellSentials is the best choice.   Understanding the Basics of Multivitamins Multivitamins are defined as dietary supplements that are composed of several vitamins, minerals, and sometimes other nutritional elements. They are intended to supply nutrients that may be lacking in the normal...

Which Vitamin C Supplement Should I Take?

In the market of dietary supplements, Vitamin C occupies a special place because of its important function in overall health. It is a potent antioxidant that helps in boosting the immune system and skin health as well as enhances the absorption of iron from plant-based foods. As we explore the topic of Vitamin C supplements, it is important to know why USANA Proflavanol C200 is a cut above the rest.   Understanding Vitamin C and Its Importance Vitamin C or ascorbic acid is a water soluble vitamin that performs several functions in the body. It is perhaps best known for its ability to enhance the body’s immune system. Vitamin C is essential for the prevention of infections and shortening the duration of illnesses like colds. In addition, Vitamin...

If It’s Sugar Free, Can I Eat As Much As I Want?

If you have Diabetes, you need to give a lot of attention to your meals, exercise, and medication. Among the many food options, sugar-free products often seem like a safe choice. However, can people with diabetes consume sugar-free products as much as they want? The answer involves understanding what "sugar-free" really means and its implications on health, particularly for those living with diabetes.   Understanding Sugar-Free Products Sugar-free products have become more popular as more people want to reduce their sugar intake and manage conditions like diabetes. However, understanding what "sugar-free" actually means is important for making informed dietary choices.   What Does Sugar-Free Mean? A food or beverage labelled as "sugar-free" contains less than 0.5 grams of sugar per serving, including both naturally occurring and added sugars. However, this doesn’t...

Do I Need To Follow A Low Carb Diet?

Properly managing Diabetes involves paying close attention to your meals, as the food you consume has a direct impact on your blood sugar levels. One dietary method that has garnered considerable interest in recent times is the low-carb diet. But is this dietary strategy necessary for all individuals with Diabetes?   In this article, we will delve into the possible advantages and disadvantages of a low-carb diet for Diabetes management, review the scientific evidence, and provide practical guidance to assist you in making well-informed choices regarding your dietary habits. Whether you are dealing with Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes, understanding the role of carbohydrates in your diet is essential for maintaining optimal health and overall well-being.   Understanding Diabetes Diabetes mellitus is a chronic condition marked by elevated...

Comparative Guide To Nutritional Supplements

When it comes to health and wellness, it's crucial to emphasise the significance of top-notch nutritional supplements. With a wide range of vitamins, minerals, and other dietary aids flooding the market, it can be overwhelming to determine which products are the most valuable and effective. This is where resources like the NutriSearch Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements come in handy, providing consumers with an in-depth evaluation of the extensive range of choices available. Among the numerous brands assessed, USANA stands out due to its Platinum Plus rating, serving as evidence of its exceptional quality and effectiveness.   Understanding the Comparative Guide Lyle MacWilliam authored The NutriSearch Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements, which is a valuable resource for individuals seeking to make well-informed decisions about their nutritional supplements. The...

Health Benefits of Fruit and Vegetable Juice

Fruits and vegetables are great to eat.  However, it is often more convenient to drink fruit and/or vegetable juice. For example, when you are busy at work or commuting and are unable to chew properly. It is also beneficial for those who have issues with chewing, either because of dental problems or when one is unwell. Do you know the Health Benefits of drinking Juice? Read to learn more.   Cranberry Juice This is the liquid juice of the cranberry.  It has a very tart taste, which is why most commercially pressed cranberry juice has added sugar and other fruit juices to make it more palatable.   Cranberry juice is rich in Vitamin C. It therefore strengthens the immune system and helps your body fight against oxidative stress from free...

Health Benefits of Cauliflower

You may have come across this vegetable, however you probably don't understand the full benefits of this particular vegetable. We are referring to the vegetable called cauliflower. Now, just so you know, you can get different varieties of cauliflower from several countries. There's white cauliflower and there's Romanesco cauliflower. The white cauliflower is white of course. The Romanesco is the one  that looks like the cauliflower has got little lumps on it. It is lime green in colour. There's also Orange cauliflower and Purple cauliflower. Quite remarkable. Now the orange cauliflower and the purple cauliflower, you can normally find in the USA, Australia and France. In the UK, it seems to be always the lime green Romanesco or the white cauliflower.     Why is cauliflower so versatile?...

Superfoods To Eat Daily

What are superfoods?  These are foods that are high in antioxidants, essential fatty acids or fibre, which are beneficial to a person's health. Ronald was a regular guest on the Chrissy B Show several years ago where he talked about a few superfoods we highly recommend you consume weekly if not daily.  Watch our TV recording below to learn more.     https://youtu.be/a0C3ZdUJKmE     1.Bittergourd or Bitter melon This tastes bitter as per its name. However this superfood is incredibly great for your liver and pancreas. It is proven to heal various illnesses such as diabetes and high blood pressure. It can either be eaten raw or cooked slightly by stir frying or steaming.     2. Organic Celery If you have got arthritis, eating at least six stalks of organic celery daily will reduce...

Health Benefits of Chives

Chives is a species of flowering plant in the family Amaryllidaceae that produces edible leaves and flowers. Its close relatives include onions, garlic, spring onions, shallots, scallions and leeks. Chives are normally finely chopped and used as a garnish in various recipes such as baked potatoes, egg dishes, rice and noodles dishes, soups, sauces pesto, burgers, bread and salads. Chives must never be cooked, otherwise you will end up with a soggy mess. When you grow your own chives or buy from farm shops, you are more likely to benefit from the purple or lavender flowers as well, which sadly is often not available from chives sold in other shops or supermarkets. These purple or lavender flowers have a delicate onion-garlic taste and can be...

Tips For Healthy Eyesight

Our eyes and eyesight are one of our most valuable gifts and senses so it is important we look after it properly from young so that we maintain healthy eyesight as we grow older. When you look at your eyes, you have got to be very intelligent, and realise the eyes are part of your whole body. It's not separate. It is part of your body. So whatever goes into your body must end up feeding the eyes. If you don't feed the eyes, the eyes will suffer.     In the TV recording below, we discuss the following food items which you must consume regularly to maintain good eyesight. There are other foods not discussed here such as carrots and blueberries, which most readers are already aware...