29 Wroxham Way, Ilford, Essex IG6 2GG


How To Improve Gut Health

Have you heard of the saying “Heal Your Gut, Heal Your Body”?



Gut health is very important to our overall health as our gut is like the engine of our body and by filling it with the incorrect foods and drinks, medication and chemicals, it will certainly affect our longer term health.





Did you know there are about 6 trillion bacteria in the gut? If your gut is healthy, that part of your body is like your second brain and that’s where the immune system exists. That’s why you feel unwell if your gut is unhealthy. If you take what is called antibiotics, which means anti life, you are destroying your own immune system and it is important to let your own immune system fight its problems. We therefore recommend Probiotics which means pro/for life, especially if you are over the age of 30 as our body produces less of this naturally as we age. We also need to take Probiotics if we have taken a course of antibiotics.





You can prevent getting colds, flu or other viruses by keeping your gut healthy all year round. Being healthy is not only dependent on your genetics, the lifestyle that you live and the daily actions that you take play a significant role in your overall health.



You would have heard of this saying by Hippocrates, “Let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food.”.  Ann Wigmore also correctly said that “The food you eat can either be the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison”.



Watch and digest at your convenience the recording of a recent presentation we shared with a group who were keen to learn more.





We have observed over the years of meeting a lot of people that when we make recommendations, a number of people have said they have got issues. For example, if we say you must drink at least two or three litres of liquids daily, they’ll say, “Oh, that’s too much”. However, you give them a can of soda, or beer or wine, they can drink, litres, and litres without, without questioning or complaining. A lot of it is in the mindset.



Likewise, when we say you have to swallow a few supplements in tablet form, that will be beneficial for you, a lot of people will say, “Oh, I can’t swallow tablets, because you know, it’s too huge”. What we have observed is, these same people, when it comes to eating food such as chicken or meat,  which tastes obviously quite palatable, they chew it a few times and swallow and eat fast.  The size of the mouthful swallowed is definitely much larger that the tablet supplements.



Digestion really starts in your mouth. The reason why we have been given teeth and saliva is because that’s where the digestion starts. This is the role of saliva glands. What are the steps to a healthy digestive system? First of all, is chewing. You need to chew and process your food properly from the mouth before you swallow it. If you decide to just gulp it down, then it’s not going to work because the stomach and all the other digestive organs, are going to say, “Hey, I’m not supposed to chew the food. What am I doing with these huge chunks of food?” and this is why we get all these problems.



So if you tend to swallow your food, without chewing sufficiently, this can stress the stomach and it will lead to indigestion, bloating, and even discomfort. Have you ever eaten in a hurry and then later on in a few minutes, you actually feel unwell, that’s the reason why. So how many times should you be chewing a spoonful of food before swallowing? Is it like less than five times? I think most of us have been guilty of that. What we recommend is you should chew your food at least over 20 times, until it becomes like a paste, like baby food or toothpaste before swallowing.



When you do that, your stomach is very happy because it can process this very fast. Within a couple of hours, it’s already pre digesting, and it’s sending it across your duodenum, and your intestine and your food is digesting. If you eat your food in a hurry, you’re going to find that you’re going to bloat, have a lot of wind and you’re not going to be able to sleep well because your food is still undigested. You need your food to be past your stomach and digesting about two hours before you go to bed. Remember we need to chew every mouthful of food until it becomes like a paste before you swallow just just like baby food.



It is also important to relax whilst you are eating. Try not to eat while you’re in the middle of working because that causes stress and if you don’t concentrate on what you’re eating, then you know it can cause all sorts of problems as well.  Most of us, myself included, when growing up,  will remember being told to eat everything on the plate, i.e. we have to finish it. Otherwise people in Africa or India or some third world country, you know  are going to starve. This does not make sense and we must not pass down these comments to the younger generations. In the ideal world, you would eat until you are about 80% full. However, in the UK, the Western world, or all the first world countries, especially, most of us eat like 120% of the amount that we should, and that’s really wrong.



Sit down and eat properly without being distracted by electronic devices. Meal times must not be used to multi task and catch up on social media. Downsize your plates and eat volume and not calories. Ignore distractions such as taking the urgency out of someone else’s emergency, especially when they expect an immediate response during your meal times.



How many bowel movements should you have in a day? Ideally it should be one for every meal we have daily. Otherwise we get sick because the food is rotting in our system. If you are not having these bowel movements daily or expelling very little daily, this means you are constipated.



How do you have effective bowel movements every day? You need at least 38 grams of soluble and insoluble fibre, which will mean eating over 20 items of fruit and vegetables daily. This should not be in the form of juice. As this is not practical, we recommend a product called Fibergy-Active. One tablespoon is equivalent to 12 grams of fibre. So if you are very constipated and do not eat any fruits and vegetables, we recommend you take at least two to three tablespoons daily.


Eat whole and natural foods and avoid highly processed foods and this will help you heal your gut and heal your body.



Click here to order Fibergy-Active and Probiotics


To learn more about How To Improve Gut Health, check out our other related blogs:

Gut Health And Iridology

Iridology Pictures and Meanings

Can You See Illness In Your Eyes?



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