29 Wroxham Way, Ilford, Essex IG6 2GG


Author: Petrina

Organic Health Solutions / Articles posted by Petrina (Page 20)

Health Benefits Of Vitamin B5

Vitamins are essential micronutrients required by our body in small quantities to function properly.  Vitamins are essential to help maintain our overall health and well-being. Vitamins are organic compounds that cannot be made by our body and must be obtained either via food and drinks consumption or supplements or both.   Vitamin B5, also known as Pantothenic acid, is a water soluble B vitamin. It is an essential nutrient. We need pantothenic acid to synthesize Coenzyme A, which is essential for fatty acid and metabolism. Vitamin B5 helps to keep skin soft, healthy and smooth. It helps skin to absorb moisture from the air, keeping the skin deeply hydrated. Vitamin B5 has anti-inflammatory effects that can help stimulate your skin's healing process. Good sources of  Vitamin B5 from...

Health Benefits Of Vitamin B3

Vitamins, which are essential micronutrients, play a crucial role in maintaining our overall health and well-being by supporting proper bodily functions. These organic compounds are required by our body in small amounts. However, they are indispensable. Since our body cannot synthesize vitamins on its own, we must acquire them through our food, beverages, or supplements.   Vitamin B3, also known as niacin or nicotinic acid, is an essential water-soluble vitamin that plays a critical role in many physiological processes in the body. As niacin is water-soluble, this means our bodies cannot store it and any excess will be excreted via our urine.   Niacin helps to convert nutrients into energy. Vitamin B3 helps keep your digestive system, nervous system and skin healthy. It helps maintain a healthy digestive system...

Health Benefits Of Vitamin B2

Essential micronutrients called vitamins are required by our body in small amounts for proper functioning. These organic compounds are indispensable in maintaining our overall health and well-being. Since our body cannot synthesize vitamins on its own, they must be acquired through food, drink, or supplements.   Vitamin B2, also known as riboflavin, is a water-soluble vitamin that plays an important role in energy production and several other bodily processes. Vitamin B2 works to reduce oxidative stress and inflammation of the nerves, which are contributors to migraines and headaches. Migraines are often caused by mitochondrial abnormalities in the brain, caused by deficiency in Vitamin B2.   Vitamin B2 also helps metabolize glucose, which is the form of sugar the body uses for energy. It also supports the production of healthy...

Health Benefits Of Vitamin B1

Vitamins are essential micronutrients required by our body in small quantities to function properly.  Vitamins are essential to help maintain our overall health and well-being. Vitamins are organic compounds that cannot be made by our body and must be obtained either via food and drinks consumption or supplements or both.   Vitamin B1 also known as Thiamine is part of the B Complex Vitamins. Thiamine helps the cells in the body to convert food into energy. This process will not work properly without adequate Vitamin B1. This will result in symptoms such as loss of appetite, muscle weakness and tiredness.   Good sources of thiamine from foods are beans, eggs, fish, lentils, peas, whole grains and cereals and breads fortiied with thiamine. Watch our short video to learn more.   https://youtu.be/DwoiE4MwdS8   We must...

Health Benefits Of Vitamin A

Vitamins are essential micronutrients required by our body in small quantities to function properly.  Vitamins are essential to help maintain our overall health and well-being. Vitamins are organic compounds that cannot be made by our body and must be obtained either via food and drinks consumption or supplements or both.   Vitamin A  is important for maintaining healthy vision, skin and also supporting our immune system. It plays a crucial role in vision by maintaining a clear cornea, which is the outside covering of your eye. In developing countries, deficiency in this Vitamin is rare. This deficiency can lead to Xerophthalmia which is a progressive disease that starts with night blindness.   Vitamin A is required for great eye health, great vision, healthy immune function, healthy cell growth and fetal...

How To Treat Insomnia By Using Iridology

Insomnia means you frequently have problems sleeping. It is often caused by anxiety, stress and a poor sleeping environment such as when you are travelling and living out of a suitcase. For example, your bed may be uncomfortable due to a poor quality mattress or a room location where there is not enough darkness, uncomfortable temperatures, be it too hot or too cold and other habits such as smoking, drinking alcohol or caffeine or using electronic devices before going to bed.   Symptoms of insomnia include:   Struggling to fall asleep at bedtime Waking up during the night Waking up too early Still feeling tired after a night of sleep Tiredness or Sleepiness during the day Anxiety, Depression or Irritability Lack of focus or remembering tasks   Insomnia can be...

Health Benefits Of Vitamins And Minerals

Vitamins are essential micronutrients required by our body in small quantities to function properly.  Vitamins are essential to help maintain our overall health and well-being. Vitamins are organic compounds that cannot be made by our body and must be obtained either via food and drinks consumption or supplements or both.   Vitamin A  is important for maintaining healthy vision, skin and also supporting our immune system. It plays a crucial role in vision by maintaining a clear cornea, which is the outside covering of your eye. In developing countries, deficiency in this Vitamin is rare. This deficiency can lead to Xerophthalmia which is a progressive disease that starts with night blindness.   Watch our short video to learn more. https://youtu.be/XncWavpUhNY   Minerals are inorganic compounds  that are essential for the proper functioning of...

Gut Health and Iridology

The gut refers to your gastrointestinal (GI) system. The health of your gut is generally determined by the levels and types of bacteria in your digestive, intestinal tract. The GI tract is a key pary of your digestive system. The GI tract is a long tube that starts at your mouth and runs to your anus, where stool leaves your body.   Your gut aids in the digestion of the foods you eat, absorbs nutrients and uses it to fuel and maintain your body. When your gut is imbalanced and your immune system is not functioning at optimum levels, your hormones and serotonin will not either, making it easier for you to become ill.   Good gut health is when you have a balance between the good or helpful...

How Can Iridology Help With My Health Recovery?

Iridology is the study of the markings in your eye, in particular the iris. The iris is the coloured part of the eye. Iridology can detect various health concerns even before any symptoms arise. It is a non invasive health check tool that is gaining popularity and knowledge around the world.   Iridology can help with your health recovery because it can be used to monitor your progress. When you visit an Iridology clinic such as ours, we take digital photos of your eyes. If your disease is serious such as in the Chronic or Degenerative stages, we will highly recommend you return for a follow up appointment within 2 to 3 months. During the follow up appointment, we take new digital photos and compare these photos...

How To Get Rid Of Psoriasis Using Iridology

Psoriasis is a condition that causes red and crusty patches of skin covered with silvery scales. the main symptoms of Psoriasis are patches of skin on the face, scalp and other parts of the body, that are dry, red and covered in silver scales. Psoriasis can be very painful, both physically and emotionally.   Most people with Psoriasis naturally choose to cover up the affected parts of their skin with clothing or makeup. This actually makes it worse as using make up will clog the pores and not allow the skin to breathe naturally. Wearing clothing especially in hot and humid climates will also make the skin sweat and also not be able to breathe naturally, making the Psoriasis worse in the longer term.   When you suffer from...