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What Is The Main Use Of Iridology?

Iridology is a non invasive method of uncovering potential health conditions, even before the symptoms arise. This is done by examining the coloured area of the eye, known as the iris. Iridology has been practiced in various forms for many hundreds of years. It was initially practiced using a magnifying glass and torch, which some practitioners still use to date.   Modern Iridology cameras have since been developed, enabling digital photos to be taken. This is useful as it enables both the Practitioner and the Patient to see the photos and understand better the Iridology Findings. Digital Iridology photos also saves the Practitioner time and effort trying to describe and explain what has been seen and enables a record to be kept so that these photos can...

What Can Iridology Do?

Iridology is the science of reading the iris of the eye. The Iris is the coloured part of the eye. Depending on your genetics passed down from your parents, grandparents and ancestors, your iris could be blue, light brown, hazel green, dark brown or black in colour.  Iridology is a non invasive treatment and alternative medicine approach that studies the patterns on the iris.  Iridology is based on the theory that it is possible to assess the health and potential health issues by analysing the changes in structure, texture and colour of the iris and pupil of the eye. These marks and colours can show various conditions of the body's tissues and levels of toxicity in the body. These change over time depending on the...

Does Iridology Work?

Iridology is the study of the patterns and colours on the iris of the eye. This enables the Iridologist to determine information about a person's overall health. Iridology charts are used to make these observations. The chart is divided into multiple zones, each zone represents a different organ or aspect of the human body.   There are many who do not believe in Iridology. This is because they have either never tested or experienced it themselves and are just relying and reacting from hearsay or every negative thing they have access to or they may be threatened by the usefulness and effectiveness of Iridology. Over 30 years ago, if you ever visited a Doctor, you will recall the Doctor making the time to look into your eyes...

What Can Iridology Detect

Our eyes are not just the window to our soul. They also offer a glimpse into our health. Changes in our eyes can signal vision problems, skin problems, diabetes, high blood pressure and even retinal detachment.   Iridology is the study of the patterns and colours on the iris of the eye. This enables a person's overall health condition to be determined. It is a non-invasive method of viewing the iris to determine existing or potential health issues. Iridologists use iridology charts to make these observations. The charts have been created after observation of a variety of irises over the years. Each marking and zone in the iris represents a different aspect or organ of the human body.   Whilst Iridology cannot diagnose diseases, it can help determine which...

Benefits of Iridology

Iridology is the study of the coloured part of the eye, called iris. These can be in various colours such as blue, green and brown, depending on your genetic make up. Most Caucasians will have blue eyes, whereas those from African or Asian descendants would have either green or brown irises.     Before modern iridology cameras were invented, this study was done using a torch and magnifying glass to see the markings in the iris. It was a lot more challenging and the downside includes having to shine the torch into the person's eye many times. The patient was also unable to see what the Iridologist saw and even when this was drawn out, it is not the same as looking at a more accurate photograph. Despite...