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How Is Iridology Used With Holistic Health?

Iridology is the science of analysing the iris, which is the coloured part of the eye.  Iris comes from the Greek word, which means rainbow. Holistic Health is about caring for the whole person, which is body, mind and spirit. This includes physical, emotional, spiritual, mental and social needs. It is the understanding that all these aspects affect a person's overall health. Being unwell in any area will affect the person in another area.     For example, when a person is under stress, there is a strong likelihood that they will not be taking care of their physical health, which will result in a weakened immune system, which will eventually result in the person getting ill.  Likewise, negative emotions such as frustration and anger, will also eventually result...

How Iridology Works

Iridology is the non invasive alternative medicine technique that studies the patterns, colours and other characteristics of the iris. The iris is the coloured part of the eye. Iris is the Greek word for Rainbow. Iridologists refer to Iridology or Iris charts to make various observations on various parts of the body. These Iridology or Iris charts have been designed by studying over 1 million pairs of eyes over the years. These charts divides the iris into zones that represent certain parts of the human body such as the Digestive System, Various Organs and Skin.   Watch our short video to learn more.   https://youtu.be/ET0KX4Rz0mU     Modern Iridology is most popularly attributed to a Hungarian Physician named Ignatz Von Peczely, who whilst trying to free a trapped owl from his garden,...

Benefits of Iridology

Iridology is the study of the coloured part of the eye, called iris. These can be in various colours such as blue, green and brown, depending on your genetic make up. Most Caucasians will have blue eyes, whereas those from African or Asian descendants would have either green or brown irises.     Before modern iridology cameras were invented, this study was done using a torch and magnifying glass to see the markings in the iris. It was a lot more challenging and the downside includes having to shine the torch into the person's eye many times. The patient was also unable to see what the Iridologist saw and even when this was drawn out, it is not the same as looking at a more accurate photograph. Despite...