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Author: Petrina

Organic Health Solutions / Articles posted by Petrina (Page 5)

Which Psoriasis Is Dangerous?

Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease characterised by inflammation and rapid skin cell production, resulting in a variety of lesions. While most forms of psoriasis are manageable, some are particularly dangerous and necessitate immediate medical intervention. Among the types of psoriasis, Erythrodermic Psoriasis is one of the most dangerous and severe. This blog article will cover the risks and dangers of Erythrodermic Psoriasis as well as other dangerous types of Psoriasis.   Learn more about the Types of Psoriasis by watching our video.     https://youtu.be/SIFV8ITsDqA?si=OlALjc1AC-SxLedG   ERYTHRODERMIC PSORIASIS Erythrodermic psoriasis, a rare and severe form of the illness, emerges as the most dangerous type of psoriasis, leading to considerable health risks. This is why:   Life-Threatening Complications Erythrodermic psoriasis is accompanied with potentially fatal consequences, making it critical to identify and treat it as soon...

What Can Diabetes Lead To?

Diabetes is a complex and chronic disease that involves more than just high blood sugar levels. Its long-term effects can have a significant impact on the body's organs and systems. Understanding these potential problems is crucial for diabetics and those seeking preventive measures.   The Long-term Effects of Diabetes include : Cardiovascular Complications and Association with Micro and Macrovascular Complications Diabetes is significantly associated with both microvascular and macrovascular complications (retinopathy, nephropathy, and neuropathy). Coronary heart disease (CHD), stroke, and peripheral arterial disease are some of these complications.   Correlation with Heart Disease and Stroke Diabetes increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke. Diabetes, heart disease, and stroke have all been linked, with shared risk factors and preventive measures.    Understanding Cardiovascular Disease in Diabetes Diabetes is a known risk factor for cardiovascular complications. These...

Does Iridology Really Work?

Iridology, a holistic practice that provides health insights by analysing the iris, has been a source of contention. Proponents argue for its effectiveness, highlighting the potential for early detection and personalised health assessments. Iridologists have championed this method for many years. However, it is important to study the evidence.   Gain valuable insights about the legitimacy of Iridology by watching our informative video.   https://youtu.be/gZ639jbLp9c?si=PGRSBpyd5uM0I_hV   Holistic Health Insights Iridology is a fascinating science that involves examining the iris of the eye to gain insights about a person's health. The concept behind this practice is that changes in the structure, texture, colour, and fibre structure of the iris can reveal information about one's overall health and well-being. Below are some major points concerning Iridology and how it can help with overall health:   Assessing...

Where Does Psoriasis Come From?

Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition that affects millions of individuals worldwide. It is distinguished by the appearance of red, itchy, and scaly patches on the skin. While the physical symptoms of Psoriasis are well-known, the exact origin of this condition has remained a source of speculation and controversy in the medical field. In this blog, we will look at how we now understand where Psoriasis comes from and the factors that contribute to its development.   The Immune System’s Role One widely held belief is that Psoriasis is an immune-mediated illness. Psoriasis is a chronic condition in which the immune system becomes overactive, causing skin cells to excessively and quickly multiply. The rapid growth of skin cells results in the production of the Psoriasis-associated plaques. In the...

Can Diabetes Result In Foot Problems?

Diabetes is a chronic condition that affects the way your body processes glucose (sugar) from the food you eat. Whilst many individuals are aware of the impact of diabetes on blood sugar levels, they may not fully comprehend the possible complications that this condition could lead to. Foot problems are one of the lesser-known, yet major complications. This blog article will look at the connection between diabetes and foot problems, including the causes, symptoms, treatment, and prevention strategies.   Understanding Diabetes and its Effects Before delving into diabetic foot concerns, it's important to understand the basics of diabetes. Diabetes is a metabolic condition with three major types: type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, and gestational diabetes. Diabetes, regardless of type, impacts how your body uses glucose for energy.   Diabetes...

Can Iridology Detect Leaky Gut?

Those who are looking for alternative healthcare methods have been interested in Nutrition and Iridology.  Iridology is the study of the iris to get insights into an individual's health. In this article, we will examine the concepts of iridology and leaky gut syndrome, their respective backgrounds, and explore whether iridology can provide insights into the presence of a leaky gut. One common question is whether iridology can be used to detect conditions like "leaky gut."   Iridology: A Brief Overview Iridology is a holistic approach that studies the iris, or coloured part of the eye, to get insight into a person's overall health and well-being. Iridology is based on the theory that distinct regions and patterns inside the iris correspond to particular bodily systems and organs. Iridologists can...

When Does Psoriasis Start To Heal?

Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease that affects millions of people all over the world. Psoriasis, which is characterized by red, scaly patches on the skin, can be difficult on a physical and emotional level. "When does psoriasis start to heal?" is one of the most frequently asked questions by those who have the condition. In this blog article, we will examine the healing process of psoriasis, the factors which influence it, and effective methods for management.   Understanding Psoriasis Let's first define psoriasis before discussing the healing process. Psoriasis is an autoimmune condition that causes skin cells to multiply at an accelerated rate, resulting in the formation of thick, scaly patches on the skin's surface. While Psoriasis is caused by toxicity in the body, genetic and environmental...

What Can Iridology Diagnose?

Iridology is frequently promoted as a method of detecting various health disorders by analysing the iris, the coloured part of the eye. It has sparked both curiosity and skepticism in the world of alternative medicine. What can iridology actually diagnose? This blog will examine iridology as a practice and its diagnostic powers.   Understanding Iridology Iridology is a holistic method that emphasizes the iris as a key component in determining health issues. Patterns, colours, and other iris characteristics can be studied to find underlying health problems. Changes in the iris can provide information about a person's wellbeing because the iris is seen as a "window" to the body's overall health and wellness.   What Iridology Can Diagnose In Iridology, the iris is like a map of the body, with different regions...

What Does Psoriasis Look Like?

Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease that affects millions of people all over the world. It is an autoimmune illness that causes a rapid growth of skin cells. It results in numerous forms of skin plaques and lesions. Have you wondered what Psoriasis looks like, and how can you tell the difference between the different types? In this blog article, we'll look at how psoriasis manifests, as well as its symptoms and various types.   Psoriasis in a Nutshell Before getting into the appearance of psoriasis, it's important to understand the basics of the condition. Psoriasis is characterized by an overactive immune system that destroys healthy skin cells by mistake. This results in an accelerated turnover of skin cells. This rapid growth causes thick, scaly plaques to form...

How Does Psoriasis Start?

Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease that affects millions of people all over the world. It is distinguished by red, scaly patches on the skin. Psoriasis can be physically and emotionally distressing. How does Psoriasis start, though? This article will look at the origins of Psoriasis and the factors that contribute to its development.   Understanding Psoriasis It's crucial to have a fundamental knowledge of Psoriasis before diving into how it develops. Psoriasis is a clinically heterogeneous skin condition that manifests as plaque, flexural, guttate, pustular, and erythrodermic Psoriasis. It is also associated with itching (or pruritus), which is one of its troubling symptoms.   Psoriasis causes skin cells to grow up to ten times quicker than normal. Though they can develop anywhere, the scalp, elbows, knees, and lower...