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Where Does Psoriasis Come From?

Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition that affects millions of individuals worldwide. It is distinguished by the appearance of red, itchy, and scaly patches on the skin. While the physical symptoms of Psoriasis are well-known, the exact origin of this condition has remained a source of speculation and controversy in the medical field. In this blog, we will look at how we now understand where Psoriasis comes from and the factors that contribute to its development.


The Immune System’s Role

One widely held belief is that Psoriasis is an immune-mediated illness. Psoriasis is a chronic condition in which the immune system becomes overactive, causing skin cells to excessively and quickly multiply. The rapid growth of skin cells results in the production of the Psoriasis-associated plaques. In the medical community, the origin of Psoriasis is unknown but is thought to entail a combination of hereditary and immune system factors. The inflammation and excessive skin cell production are caused by the immune system’s overactivity.


Genetic Predisposition

Aside from the immune system, genetics plays a key influence in the development of Psoriasis. While the actual origin of Psoriasis is unknown in the medical community, scientists have discovered a major genetic component. Individuals who have a family history of Psoriasis are more likely to develop the condition themselves. In fact, a child has a 10% chance of having Psoriasis if one parent has it, and a 50% chance if both parents have it according to the National Psoriasis Foundation. Certain people are more prone to Psoriasis than others due to the association of specific genes with the disorder. These genes are linked to immune system regulation and skin cell growth.


Triggers and Environmental Factors

While genetics and the immune system play important roles, other triggers and environmental factors can also contribute to the onset or worsening of Psoriasis. Stress is a common cause of Psoriasis. High amounts of stress can aggravate the condition or induce flare-ups in people who are already suffering. In susceptible people, skin injuries such as cuts or extreme sunburn can also trigger Psoriasis.

Furthermore, lifestyle factors like smoking and excessive consumption of alcohol have been linked to an increased risk of Psoriasis development. Smoking has been connected to an increased risk of Psoriasis in women.

Psoriasis Guide



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Aside from food, learn more about the other triggers that commonly flare up Psoriasis by watching our video.



The Role of Infections

Infections, particularly streptococcal infections, have been proposed as probable Psoriasis triggers. Some persons develop or exacerbate their Psoriasis following a streptococcal throat infection. It is important to note, however, that not everyone with Psoriasis will have this trigger, and it may be more relevant in certain cases.


Watch our videos below to learn more about where Psoriasis comes from and what their causes are.




Toxicity and Inflammation

In our over 40 years of experience in Iridology and Nutrition, we have determined that the main cause of Psoriasis is inflammation. It is caused by inflammation inside the body like the stomach, the kidneys, the liver, large intestines, brain, thyroid, etc. Psoriasis is caused by a certain level of inflammation and when your body reaches that level, Psoriasis will break out on your skin. That is a sign that you are internally suffering from severe inflammation. 


In particular, Psoriasis is usually caused by toxicity in the bowel as well as in the liver. If you eat a lot of red meat and pork like sausages and pepperoni, these are likely to cause Psoriasis in your body if you eat too much of them, especially because they are full of chemicals. Furthermore, if you eat a lot of red meat on a regular basis and you work a sedentary job and live a sedentary lifestyle, you’re likely to get some form of Psoriasis.


Using Iridology, we can determine the level of toxicity in your body and find the root cause of your Psoriasis. We will then recommend a personalized deep tissue detoxification using Nutrition to naturally heal and even reverse your Psoriasis holistically.


Gain insights by watching our video on How To Determine Body Toxicity Using Iridology.





In conclusion, Psoriasis is a multifaceted skin condition characterised by red, itchy, and scaly patches, affecting millions worldwide. Its exact origins have remained elusive to the medical community, but emerging research points to a combination of factors. The immune system’s overactivity and genetic predisposition are central, leading to the rapid growth of skin cells. Stress, skin injuries, and lifestyle choices like smoking and alcohol can trigger or worsen Psoriasis. Infections, particularly streptococcal, may play a role in specific cases. 


However, a holistic and Iridology perspective links Psoriasis to internal toxicity and inflammation, notably in the bowel and liver. Addressing these factors through personalised detoxification and Nutrition offers a pathway to holistic healing. Understanding Psoriasis’ intricate interplay of genetics, immune responses, environment, and holistic health is crucial for effective management and treatment of this complex skin condition.


To learn more about Psoriasis, check out our other related blogs:

What Causes Psoriasis?

Psoriasis and Your Immune System

How To Get Rid of Psoriasis Using Iridology

How Does Psoriasis Start?

Will Psoriasis Go Away?

How To Heal Psoriasis Naturally




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