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Author: Petrina

Organic Health Solutions / Articles posted by Petrina (Page 4)

What Organs Does Psoriasis Affect?

Most people think of Psoriasis as a skin problem, and of the condition involving patches of inflamed, scaly skin that can be itchy or uncomfortable. Psoriasis doesn’t just impact the skin. This inflammatory autoimmune disorder can affect many organs in the body. This is an important part of understanding these impacts for patients and healthcare professionals, as it underscores the importance of comprehensive treatment approaches that encompass not just the visible symptoms, but also the underlying systemic inflammation.   In this article, we will discuss in detail how psoriasis can damage something more than just your skin; vital organs like the heart, lungs, kidneys and even the brain can be affected. We will also consider the systemic nature of the disease and how this requires holistic management...

Can I Drink Alcohol?

With Diabetes, you need to consciously make lifestyle choices especially when it comes to food and beverage intake. There is one question many people with diabetes often ask: Can I drink alcohol? It isn’t so much as a simple yes or no answer. Moderate drinking may be okay for some, but heavy drinking or otherwise reckless drinking can be very unhealthy for diabetics.   In this blog, we will cover everything from how alcohol affects diabetes, to the precautions that should be taken, and how you can enjoy alcohol responsibly while living with diabetes.   Understanding Diabetes and Alcohol Diabetes is a disease in which the body does not make or properly use the hormone insulin, causing, among other things, high blood sugar. The two main types of diabetes are:   Type...

What are the patterns of the iris?

Iridology is a form of alternative medicine that involves looking at the patterns, colour, and other features of the coloured part of the eye—iris—to learn about someone’s health. According to iridology practitioners, the iris is a 'map' of the general health of the body and can be mapped to specific organs, tissues and body systems within particular zones of the iris. The popularity of this non-invasive practise has led both health practitioners and people interested in holistic well being to be intrigued by its abilities to detect imbalances, identify susceptibilities and recommend personalised health.   Iridology is based on the firm belief that our eyes are windows into our inner health. Iridology attracts interest from holistic healers and anyone interested in alternative approaches to health. In this...

How Do I Get Rid Of Acne?

Acne is a common, widespread skin problem that causes physical discomfort and emotional distress. It’s often associated with teenagers and puberty, but acne can affect anyone. Acne outbreak is the result of many factors — genetics, hormones, diet, and skincare practises among others. Fortunately, acne can be managed with the right approach of natural remedies, proper diet and skincare products.   In this article, we’ll see how to treat as well as prevent acne in a natural way through home remedies, diet and products from brands such as USANA and Celavive.   Understanding Acne: Causes and Triggers When hair follicles (pores) become clogged with oil (sebum), dead skin cells and sometimes bacteria, acne is the result. A blockage can lead to whiteheads, blackheads, or pimples, depending on how bad the...

What Diseases Are Associated With Psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a chronic, or long lasting, autoimmune disease that affects the skin and causes dry plaques or patches to appear on different parts of the body, most commonly on the scalp, back, knees and elbows. Psoriasis is brought on by rapid overproduction of skin cells, causing the build up of scaly patches. While psoriasis is often described as a skin problem, it’s much more than that. Psoriasis is a systemic disease associated with multiple other diseases. Research indicates that people with psoriasis are more likely to have a number of comorbidities, including cardiovascular diseases, metabolic syndrome, and gastrointestinal disorders and mental health issues.   In this article, we’ll examine the many diseases and conditions that accompany psoriasis, and how treating this complex condition requires a holistic...

Will Insulin Make Me Gain Weight?

Often, managing both Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes requires a combination of lifestyle changes and medications. Many people living with diabetes need insulin to maintain healthy blood glucose levels. But one of the most frequently asked questions about insulin therapy is: will insulin make me gain weight?   Yes, the short answer is that insulin can contribute to weight gain. While there are several reasons for this, you can take steps to try to minimise or manage this side effect. This blog will elaborate on the relationship between insulin and weight gain, what happens, and ways you can have a healthy weight even if you’re using insulin.   Understanding Insulin: What Is It and Why Is It Necessary? Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas which helps the...

What Your Iris Patterns Say About You

According to a long held belief, the eyes are the windows to the soul – but what if they could also serve as windows into your health? According to the study of the iris, otherwise known as Iridology, the patterns, colours and textures of the iris can tell you a lot about your physical and emotional health. While iridology is not mainstream medicine, many practitioners of alternative health swear by it as a health check tool to give a clue into the body's constitution and imbalances.   The Basics of Iridology In Iridology, the iris reflects the condition of the entire body and is also known as iridodiagnosis. It has evolved through centuries, with inputs from across the cultures and modern pioneers such as Dr. Ignaz von Peczely...

Is it important to moisturise?

When it comes to skincare, there is so much to choose, so many products, so many techniques, and so much advice. But one step that always seems to stand out: moisturising, no matter what age you are, what type of skin you have, what kind of skin concerns you have. No matter dry, oily or sensitive skin, moisturising is the fundamental part of any skincare routine. Why, in particular, is it so important? We’ll explore the science of moisturising, its benefits and why not moisturising can be bad for your skin.   What Is Moisturising? Generally, moisturising means applying creams or lotions to the skin to maintain or recover its hydration. Moisturisers are these products, also called moisturisers that are designed to trap water in the skin and...

What Are Good Travel Foods For People With Diabetes?

Travelling is an exciting opportunity to explore new places and cultures but unfortunately for the diabetic, it also means dealing with some unique challenges, making sure your blood sugar levels are well managed; particularly when you’re travelling. On the road, the food choices made are an important consideration as erratic eating patterns, unfamiliar foods and, in general, lack of healthy options can also disrupt blood glucose control. The most successful way to navigate any travel is preparation. Planning snacks and meals that are both nutritious and Diabetes-friendly can really help make your trip smoother.   In this blog, we’ll cover several healthy and convenient travel foods that are easy on the diabetes diet. These foods also focus on nutrient balanced nutrition to help keep the blood sugar...

How Does Psoriasis Affect The Body?

The chronic autoimmune condition psoriasis usually manifests as a skin problem but affects several other body parts. About 125 million individuals worldwide face the condition which can influence not just the obvious skin lesions but also joint discomfort and bodily functions. To grasp how psoriasis affects the body, we will investigate its mechanisms and related issues.   What is Psoriasis? As an autoimmune condition, psoriasis results from the immune system incorrectly attacking healthy cells. Skin cells become its primary target while their growth speeds up dramatically compared to usual cells. The result is a rapid buildup of cells on the surface of the skin, which leads to the hallmark symptoms of the disease: dense scaly spots on the skin labelled as plaques. Although psoriasis primarily impacts the skin visibly,...