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Author: Petrina

Organic Health Solutions / Articles posted by Petrina (Page 10)

Does Hyperglycaemia Mean Diabetes

Hyperglycaemia, commonly known as high blood sugar, is a condition that often raises concerns about Diabetes. Hyperglycaemia is a major symptom of Diabetes but not an exclusive indicator, due to elevated glucose levels in the blood. Hyperglycaemia may also be caused by various factors, including the use of medicines, stress and meal intake.   It is essential to understand the complex relationship between Hyperglycaemia and Diabetes in order to recognise symptoms, manage them as well as seek appropriate help from a healthcare practitioner. This article looks at the causes, symptoms and implications of hyperglycaemia in order to determine whether it always refers to Diabetes as well as differentiate between temporary sugar spikes and chronic diseases.   Understanding Hyperglycaemia If the body has too much glucose in its bloodstream, Hyperglycaemia...

Iridology and Emotional Health

Iridology provides a unique viewpoint on the relationship between our physical and emotional well-being in the intricate world of holistic health. Iridologists study the structure, colours, and patterns of the iris to gain knowledge about a variety of health issues, including emotional well-being. This age-old discipline, which originated in the 19th century, has developed with contemporary methods and technology, making it an intriguing resource for learning about the physical manifestations of our emotions. The relationships between Iridology and emotional health will be discussed in this article, along with how this eye-based diagnostic technique can help us achieve holistic well-being by revealing important details about our emotional states.   What is Iridology? The examination of the patterns, colours, and other features of the iris, which is the coloured part...

Health Benefits Of Hydration

In order to maintain good health and well being, hydration is a fundamental aspect. Water is essential for proper functioning of all cells, tissues and organs in the body. It is an essential component of body temperature regulation, retention of blood volume and support for the cellular process. Despite its importance, hydration is not being prioritised by a large number of people. This may result in several health problems. We'll take a look at the many benefits and importance of maintaining hydration.   The Importance of Hydration   Regulating Body Temperature Hydration plays an important role in regulating body temperature, which is essential for the maintenance of overall health and prevention of heat-related illnesses. In order to regulate temperature effectively, the human body depends on water, in particular by means...

Are there different types of Psoriasis?

Millions of people around the world suffer from Psoriasis, a chronic skin condition. Many people do not know that Psoriasis can occur in different forms, each with its own symptoms and challenges, even though it is commonly recognized by its red, scaly patches. In order to diagnose and treat effectively, it is important to understand these different types.   Types of Psoriasis Plaque Psoriasis The most common type of Psoriasis is Plaque Psoriasis, also known as Psoriasis vulgaris, affecting approximately 80-90% of patients with Psoriasis. It is characterised by elevated, inflamed and red patches of skin that have silvery white scales. These plaques are usually found on the elbows, knees, scalps and lower backs, but they can develop on any part of the body. The symptoms of Plaque Psoriasis may...

Practical Tips For Preventing and Managing Obesity Related Diabetes

Obesity-driven Diabetes, particularly Type 2 Diabetes, poses a significant health challenge globally. As obesity rates continue to rise, so does the prevalence of Diabetes, making it imperative to adopt effective prevention and management strategies. This blog explores practical tips that can help people mitigate the risk of developing Diabetes due to obesity and manage the condition effectively if already diagnosed. These evidence-based approaches aim at improving general health and quality of life, such as changes in meals and more exercise as well as stress management.   Adopt a Healthy Meal Intake The cornerstone of a strategy to manage and prevent obesity resulting in Diabetes is the introduction of healthy eating habits. In addition to maintaining a healthy weight, a balanced meal intake also plays an important role in...

What Is Iridology Used For?

Iridology, which involves examining the complex patterns and colours of the irises which are the coloured part of the eye, is an interesting and innovative approach to overall health care. The appearance of the eye can give valuable insight into the person’s overall health, emotional well-being, and potential health problems.   Many holistic health practitioners use this non-invasive technique to diagnose imbalances and potential health issues earlier, offering a proactive approach to healthy living. In this article, we will answer the question, “What Is Iridology Used For?”. Iridology aims to promote a comprehensive view of health, focusing on prevention and natural healing methods, by understanding the connection between the iris and the various organs and systems of the body.   Understanding Iridology Iridology, also known as iridodiagnosis, is an...

The Why and How to Alkalise Your Body

The concept of alkalising one’s body has attracted considerable attention when it comes to achieving optimum health and energy. The practice revolves around the idea that by eating foods which promote alkalinity over acidity, we maintain a balanced pH level in our bodies.   Why is it important, and how can we achieve this effectively? We'll look at the reasons why your body alkalises, and we'll see how to incorporate alkaline-rich foods in our meals. You will understand why and how alkalising your body is the key to a journey towards better health and vitality, whether you are trying to increase energy levels, reduce inflammation or improve all aspects of well being. Let's discover the secrets of achieving harmonious pH balance and unlock potential benefits from...

Tips for Liver Health

The liver, which is often referred to as the body's powerhouse, is an incredibly resilient organ, responsible for a number of vital functions that are essential to our overall health. The liver plays an essential role in maintaining optimal functioning of the body, from filtering toxins to helping with digestion and metabolism.   However, this important organ may be under stress due to the widespread consumption of processed foods, high alcohol consumption, and pollution from the environment. In this article, we are going to look at the best practices for preserving liver health and see how supplements such as USANA Hepasil DTX can help promote optimal function.   How To Discover Liver Weaknesses Using Iridology. Watch and learn from our illuminating video.   https://youtu.be/2TLY0gUCkD8?si=0aP_CIPYpTgppWBK   Understanding Liver Health The fundamentals of how the...

Who gets Psoriasis?

Psoriasis affects millions of people around the world and is a very common autoimmune skin disease. Psoriasis is characterised by red, scaly patches on the skin, which may cause discomfort, itching, and a significant impact on the person’s quality of life. In order to effectively manage and prevent Psoriasis, it is important to understand the demographics and factors related to psoriatic susceptibility.   Different factors are contributing to the development and exacerbation of Psoriasis, ranging from genetic predispositions to environmental influences. In this article, we're going to look at the intricate web of factors that influence who gets Psoriasis, shedding light on its prevalence across different demographic groups, and exploring the underlying reasons for its occurrence. We seek to provide insights enabling people to better understand...

Will Psoriasis Spread If I Scratch?

Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition known for its red, scaly patches. People usually wonder about the behaviour of Psoriasis, about whether scratching can worsen or spread the condition. Understanding the relationship between scratching and spreading Psoriasis is important for those living with this condition. While scratching itself doesn't directly cause Psoriasis to spread from one person to another, it can affect the patient’s skin health and the severity of their Psoriasis symptoms.   In this article, we aim to answer the frequently asked question, “Will Psoriasis spread if I scratch?” We will learn about the connection between scratching and Psoriasis to provide insights for effective management strategies. We want to help you make informed decisions about your skin health and overall well-being.   Discover the wonders of...