29 Wroxham Way, Ilford, Essex IG6 2GG


Author: Petrina

Organic Health Solutions / Articles posted by Petrina (Page 22)

Secrets To Glowing Skin

Are you someone who is comfortable in your natural skin? Or are you like most people who will not be seen without foundation and make up? These days, even men are concerned about how they look and do value the quality of their skin.  In this blog, we share our Secrets To Glowing Skin.   Our skin is our largest organ. Contrary to popular belief and practices, the secret to glowing skin comes from within our body and not so much externally. This means that if our organs are healthy internally, our skin will glow naturally, even without make up and cosmetics. Skin problems affect all of us at different ages and stages in our lives. If at any time we encounter skin problems, this is our...

How To Treat Rashes Using Iridology

Rashes are abnormal changes in skin colour or texture. They usually occur from skin inflammation, which can have many causes. There are many types of rashes such as eczema, rosacea, dermatitis and psoriasis. The area of the skin affected by the rash is often irritated, swollen and can even be itchy or painful. Rashes on lighter skin tone is normally red. On darker skin tones, they may be purple, grey or white.   There are various types of rashes as named above. Eczema are often found on hands and forearms. The skin is itchy, scaly or raw and may have blisters that weep, ooze or become crusty.   Rosacea is a chronic (long term) skin disease that goes through cycles of fading and relapse. Relapses may be triggered by some...

How To Treat Digestive Issues Using Iridology

Iridology is a non invasive method of uncovering potential health conditions, even before the symptoms arise. This is done by examining the coloured area of the eye, known as the iris. Iridology has been practiced in various forms for many hundreds of years. It was initially practiced using a magnifying glass and torch, which some practitioners still use to date.   Modern Iridology cameras have since been developed, enabling digital photos to be taken. This is useful as it enables both the Practitioner and the Patient to see the photos and understand better the Iridology Findings. Digital Iridology photos also saves the Practitioner time and effort trying to describe and explain what has been seen and enables a record to be kept so that these photos can be...

What Diseases Can Be Detected From Your Eyes?

Have you ever wondered or know What Diseases Can Be Detected From Your Eyes? "Dis-Ease" means you are not at ease. When you have got a disease, you are not at ease. When you are at Ease, you are relaxed and feel great. If you have got arthritis, if you have got knee pain, if you have got digestive upsets, heart problems, brain problems you have diseases and  you are not at ease.   Iridology is the study of the Iris, which is the coloured part of the eye. It has been studied and practiced for hundreds of years by Doctors, Opticians, Eye Specialists and even Chiropractors. Unfortunately, over time, most of these practitioners have been under tight time and financial budgets and this proven science has been...

How To Get Rid Of Pimples Using Iridology

Do you or someone you know have pimples?  Pimples are a common skin condition caused by clogged or inflamed oil glands or an increased presence of pimple-causing bacteria on your skin. Pimples are small growths on the surface of your skin. Pimples may be a symptom of acne. Acne typically causes pimples to develop, most commonly on your face, chest, shoulders and upper back. The difference between acne and pimples is that acne is a disease. Pimples are one of the symptoms of acne.   Pimples typically affect teenagers, adolescents and young adults who are undergoing hormonal changes. However babies and adults in the 20s and 30s and beyond may also be affected by pimples. Pimples do not affect your physical health seriously compared to your mental...

How To Get Rid Of Acne Using Iridology

Do you or someone you know have acne?  Acne is a common skin condition that affects most people at some point in their lives. It causes spots, oily skin and sometimes skin that is hot or painful to touch. The main symptoms of acne are spots on your face, back and chest.  Most people are advised to treat acne with creams and gels from the pharmacy. For more severe cases, you may be prescribed stronger chemical medication or antibiotics. Acne is often linked to hormonal changes during puberty, however can start at any age.   Iridology is a non invasive method of uncovering potential health conditions, even before the symptoms arise. This is done by examining the coloured area of the eye, known as the iris. Iridology...

How To Treat Constipation Using Iridology

Iridology is a non invasive method of uncovering potential health conditions, even before the symptoms arise. This is done by examining the coloured area of the eye, known as the iris. Iridology has been practiced in various forms for many hundreds of years. It was initially practiced using a magnifying glass and torch, which some practitioners still use to date.   Modern Iridology cameras have since been developed, enabling digital photos to be taken. This is useful as it enables both the Practitioner and the Patient to see the photos and understand better the Iridology Findings.   Digital Iridology photos also saves the Practitioner time and effort trying to describe and explain what has been seen and enables a record to be kept so that these photos can be...

How To Get Glowing Skin Naturally Using Iridology

Are you someone who is comfortable in your natural skin? Or are you like most people who will not be seen without foundation and make up? These days, even men are concerned about how they look and do value the quality of their skin. Read further to learn How To Get Glowing Skin Naturally Using Iridology.   Iridology is a non invasive method of uncovering potential health conditions, even before the symptoms arise. This is done by examining the coloured area of the eye, known as the iris. Iridology has been practiced in various forms for many hundreds of years. It was initially practiced using a magnifying glass and torch, which some practitioners still use to date. Modern Iridology cameras have since been developed, enabling digital photos...

Iridology Therapy

Iridology is the study of the patterns and colours on the iris of the eye, which is the coloured part of the eye. This enables a person's overall health condition to be determined. It is an effective and beneficial way of spotting Illnesses or Potential Illnesses even before the symptoms arise. It is a non-invasive method of viewing the iris to determine existing or potential health issues. These potential health issues, when detected earlier can assist in faster recovery or prevention of the illness from getting worse.   Each marking and zone in the iris represents a different aspect or organ of the human body. Iridologists can discover some markers of inflammation in certain specific areas. For example, the brain area is between 11 o' clock...

Which Vitamins Are Good For Eyesight?

Our eyes are the window to the world and likewise, our eyes can be a window into the health of our body. Our eyes are therefore not just the window to our soul. Our eyes offer a glimpse into our health and we must go through an Iridology eye examination and consultation at least once a year or more frequently to monitor our progress if we are unwell.   In the meantime, just like our mobile devices need to be charged regularly and our vehicles need to be topped up with the right fuel, likewise our eyes require top quality nutrients for good eyesight. Our eyes are complex organs that require many different vitamins and nutrients to function properly. Adequate nutrition plays an important role in whether...