29 Wroxham Way, Ilford, Essex IG6 2GG


Author: Petrina

Organic Health Solutions / Articles posted by Petrina

What are the primary benefits of Iridology?

Iridology functions as an alternative health assessment method that examines iris patterns in order to acquire knowledge about human body wellness. The non-invasive technique analyses iris regions to match them with specific organs and systems of the human body. Proficient iridologists evaluate iris patterns and colour distributions and tissue formations to detect body imbalances along with possible health problems and treatment areas.   The underlying purpose of iridology is identifying health patterns through eye analysis to support preventive healthcare and holistic wellness (but not disease diagnosis). The following blog article examines the essential advantages of iridology that draw numerous people toward this distinctive healthcare approach for better health understanding.   Watch our insightful video, “Iridology Benefits”, to learn more.   https://youtu.be/-YzhozqrUoI?si=6jyk0mIVPB8A_DE3   Early Detection of Health Imbalances Iridology stands out because it reveals health...

Is there a genetic component to Psoriasis?

Millions of people throughout the world must deal with psoriasis which represents a chronic autoimmune skin disease. The disease causes intense redness which produces scaly irritated scars that result in painful and difficult conditions for patients. Extensive conventional medical research has failed to identify the exact causes of psoriasis because the condition demonstrates complex and multiple origins.   The genetic element of psoriasis stands out because numerous individuals who have the condition inherit it from family members. However, the existence of psoriasis in family members does not prove psoriasis is exclusively due to genetic causes. The development of psoriasis both in terms of its appearance and intensity can also depend on environmental elements and individual lifestyle patterns. This blog article investigates the genetic origins of psoriasis...

What to expect during an Iridology session?

Iridology functions as a holistic method which evaluates a person's complete health status and wellness condition through iris examination of the eye's colored portion. The analysis technique uses iris markings for checking natural bodily health because various regions of this eye part correspond with different body organs.   The analysis of specific iris markings together with colours and patterns enables Iridologists to give important information regarding your health status as well as your strengths and weaknesses alongside required attention areas. If you’re someone new to Iridology, you likely wonder about the first visit and/or experience with this natural health assessment method. This guide will explain the consultation process and analysis steps of the non-invasive health assessment so you can understand what benefits you can obtain from this...

What are the different types of Diabetes?

Diabetes is a long-term medical condition that affects how the body controls glucose concentrations in the bloodstream. Glucose stands as a crucial energy source for all bodily processes. When blood sugar reaches high levels, the result comes from insulin production defects or insulin resistance problems within the body.   Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes receive general public recognition but the healthcare world recognises multiple additional diabetes types that demand medical attention. This blog article studies all diabetes types along with their pathogenesis together with diagnostic indicators and therapeutic approaches.   Watch our insightful video to learn "Who gets Diabetes?"   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJ_m0EhkBjk   Type 1 Diabetes The immune system of people with Type 1 diabetes attacks the beta cells of the pancreas by mistake which produces the condition. The production of insulin stops...

Can your sclera reveal health problems?

Your body reveals health information through fascinating and subtle ways. Modern healthcare tools such as blood tests or imaging scans are well known to most people but few realise that the sclera and iris of your eyes contain vital insights about your overall health.   The practices of Iridology and Sclerology draw increasing interest due to their ability to identify health imbalance patterns which enable patients to achieve comprehensive wellness goals. The mechanisms behind each discipline as well as their power to decipher health information through observation of your sclera will be explained in this blog.    We will explore how iridology and sclerology reveal the unique patterns of your body through simply examining your eye.   Can Your Eyes Reveal Health Problems? Watch our insightful video to learn more.   https://youtu.be/-rKUcBNxMsc?si=bfneIME14Z2lajJS   The...

What are the risk factors for developing Psoriasis?

The skin disease Psoriasis, a chronic autoimmune disorder, generates red scaly surface areas which result in discomfort and itchiness. Medical research indicates psoriasis develops through genetic factors together with environmental triggers and the improper functioning of the immune system. Early detection alongside effective care and proactive prevention requires a clear understanding of psoriasis risk factors. This blog article investigates the essential risk factors related to psoriasis.   Do you or someone you know have Psoriasis? Our skin is our largest organ and a reflection of our internal health. Watch our insightful video to learn "What Are The Main Causes Of Psoriasis?”   https://youtu.be/JIO09h_QcUA?si=J5nqaBRRtK4GVQqt   Genetic Predisposition The development of psoriasis often depends heavily on heredity as an essential risk factor. A history of psoriasis in your family members creates a very strong...

What are the visual signs of Diabetes ?

Diabetes is an ongoing health problem that affects many people globally. It impacts the lives of those who have Diabetes as it affects their body. While doctors rely on medical tests to find Diabetes early, some people look to Iridology because it can show signs that disease may be starting.   By looking at the coloured part of your eye, Iridology can show links between iris patterns and possible health conditions. This article examines how seeing patterns in the eye through iridology can help find diabetes early and manage overall health better.   Watch our insightful video to learn "Can Your Eyes Show Health Problems?"   https://youtu.be/2ebZ-G-Nsf4?si=voZ152c_uvGbMWBy   Understanding Iridology With Iridology, information about your body's organs and systems is visible in your eye's iris. Looking at the iris's patterns, shade, and markings...

Can an Eye Doctor tell if you have high blood pressure?

Millions of people around the World suffer from high blood pressure, often known as hypertension, a silent but potentially life-threatening condition. By catching it early, you can prevent complications, such as heart disease, stroke, and kidney failure.   Medical tests such as blood pressure monitoring are used by the majority of conventional medical doctors to diagnose hypertension, but some alternative health practitioners have suggested that the eyes are also a significant source of information on a person's health. Iridology is a fascinating and often misunderstood field of natural health based on this concept.   Can an eye doctor, or more particularly, an Iridologist, see high blood pressure? Now let’s learn about the principles of iridology, and how it works and its role in detecting hypertension.   Watch our video where...

Can stress trigger Psoriasis flare ups

Millions of people from across the globe suffer from Psoriasis, a chronic autoimmune disorder. It is a disease that manifests with red, scaly patches in the skin and can either be physically painful, or the discomfort can be psychologically traumatic. In the mainstream medical community, the exact cause of psoriasis is unclear, but experts agree that there are factors that can instigate, or even worsen flare-ups. In fact, stress is among these factors as a major cause. How does stress affect psoriasis, and what can you do about it? We explore the complicated relationship between stress and psoriasis and provide practical tips on how to handle both.   Do you or someone you know have Psoriasis?   Watch and learn from this video where Petrina answers the question...

How common is Psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition that affects millions of people globally. It is a well-known disease but many people are unaware of the real extent of it and the problems it causes for those who have it. So in this blog, we’re going to look at the numbers, the factors behind the rise, and the effects on the global population.   Learn about the different Types of Psoriasis.   https://youtu.be/SIFV8ITsDqA?si=ULMw3YxyLIyeo4Tm   What is Psoriasis? Psoriasis is an autoimmune condition that generally involves the skin but can also have an effect on the joints in the related form of psoriatic arthritis. This happens when the immune system speeds up the lifecycle of the skin cells, which pile up on the surface. As a result, they lead to scaly patches, redness and inflammation....