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Author: Petrina

Organic Health Solutions / Articles posted by Petrina (Page 3)

What does Diabetes look like in your eye?

Diabetes is a serious chronic disease that affects the entire body, but it’s most devastating when it affects the eyes. Diabetic eye diseases, including diabetic retinopathy, diabetic macular oedema, cataracts and glaucoma, are among the most common diabetic complications. If left untreated, these conditions can result in vision impairment and even blindness.   Modern medicine uses high powered diagnostic tools to identify these conditions, but holistic practitioners have looked at alternative methods like Iridology for potential signs that there is something systemic going on, like diabetes. In this article, we discuss various visual aspects of the eyes in relation to diabetes and present the lens of iridology and explore its potential applications in understanding diabetic health.   Can Your Eyes Indicate Signs Of Diabetes? Watch our video to learn...

What is the iris pattern used for an individual?

Iridology is a fascinating, non-invasive practice of holistic health using the intricate patterns of the iris to glean information about the health of a person. In this article, we explore the idea of iris patterns in terms of Iridology and how this ancient art has become a valuable step to understanding an individual’s well being.   Watch our informative video to learn more about “What Is An Iridology Chart?”   https://youtu.be/YNgQk-JjOK4?si=bN8UepbFR8Hj_w2n   Understanding Iridology Iridology is the study of the iris (the coloured part of the eye) to determine the state of health of a person and to identify possible imbalances of their body. Iridology is based on the science that the iris mirrors the body’s organs and systems. An Iridologist, a practitioner of iridology, is able to examine unique patterns, colours,...

How can I prevent breakouts?

Acne, pimples, and black heads breaking out can affect your confidence and your skin. They are often viewed as a teenage problem but breakouts can occur at any age and for a number of reasons including hormonal changes, stress, poor diet or bad skin care. Luckily, there are lots of ways to manage and prevent breakouts by verifying their causes on a holistic level. In this article, we will look at how to avoid breakouts and how to promote good skin in general. We’ll also talk about how Iridology, USANA supplements, and Celavive skincare products can contribute to keeping your skin clear and radiant.   Learn more from our video, “Natural Solutions For Clearer Skin”   https://youtu.be/rT-gaHCqHqM?si=3mAkVIDDgEjnY3NY   Understanding the Causes of Breakouts It’s essential to understand the root cause of a breakout,...

How can I get motivated to take care of myself? (Diabetes)

In some ways, diabetes can feel like an overwhelming journey. If you have diabetes, managing your blood sugar levels, watching what you eat, exercising, and taking your medication or insulin prescription can be a full time job. In the midst of this constant vigilance, it’s easy to become unmotivated and fall into unhealthy routines. But it’s not just about finding and keeping the motivation to take care of yourself; it’s about changing your life. In this article, we will show you how to find the motivation to look after yourself when the work of managing diabetes seems daunting. With understanding your “why”, setting achievable goals, building a support network, and practising self-compassion, you can transform both your health and your wellbeing.   Watch and Learn from our insightful...

How can I fade acne scars?

There’s hope for persistent acne scars. There are lots of ways to get rid of acne scars, including modern skincare innovations and holistic practices. In this article, we’ll go over how you can address acne scars through skin care products, dietary changes, and even alternative therapies such as Iridology. And we’ll also talk about the benefits of USANA supplements, Celavive products, and natural remedies to help you on your path to clearer skin.   How To Get Rid Of Acne Using Iridology? Watch our insightful video to learn more.   https://youtu.be/kvWY7FIP6uw?si=_hHqGBRIQPnzMFA0   Understanding Acne Scars It is due to inflamed blemishes, caused by clogged pores, that lead to acne scars. When acne is deep, the body tries to heal by producing collagen. Scars form if too little or too much collagen is...

How does lifestyle and diet affect Psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune disease characterised by red scaly patches on the skin with the added itchiness, inflammation and discomfort. It begins with systemic inflammation as well as an abnormal immune system and it affects the skin most. Consequently, lifestyle and dietary choices are important tools in controlling psoriasis symptoms and generally improving quality of life.   In this article, we will talk about how lifestyle and diet affects the development of psoriasis, what role does Iridology play in understanding underlying health patterns and what foods you should eat and avoid if you have psoriasis.   Fighting Psoriasis starts from the inside and works its way to the outside. What you eat is very important in addition to emotion. Learn how to combat Psoriasis with a proper "diet"...

Is Bigger Iris More Attractive?

It has been said that the human eyes are ‘the window to the soul’. It has been a fascination for poets, artists and scientists. There are many features in the eye, but the iris, which is the coloured, patterned, round part in the centre of the eye, is one of the most interesting. In recent years, there has been a growing debate on how iris size is related to beauty. So the question goes: is it possible that a bigger iris makes a better impression? More fascinating still, what does iridology, or the study of the iris, say on the matter and what is its contribution in this discussion?   This article attempts to bring the question of iris size and the perception of beauty in its...

Can complications of Diabetes be delayed and even prevented?

Diabetes is a chronic condition that afflicts millions of people throughout the world, and which can affect the body all the way from cardiovascular disease and kidney damage up to vision problems and nerve damage. But the good news is that complications of diabetes can usually be put off or prevented with careful management. In this article, we will explore how Iridology has the potential to share information about your health, the need for healthy diets and practising natural remedies that are compatible with a diabetic lifestyle.   If you or someone you know has Diabetes or is Prediabetic or would like to remain healthy, watch this video, ”What happens if you ignore Diabetes?”   https://youtu.be/Ko4fks9MN-M?si=R8UDjWq8HvdlufPO   Understanding Diabetes and Its Complications Type 1 diabetes happens when your body doesn't produce enough...

What does it mean when you have a pattern in your eye?

Have you ever seen anything odd, flecks, or rings in your eyes when you look into a mirror? You might have asked yourself what they mean, beyond just being an aesthetic trait. The patterns seen here, according to the holistic field of iridology, are not random – they are part of your overall health and wellness. Iris analysis, also known as iridology, is an alternative health discipline that looks at the iris (the coloured part of the eye) for clues to a person’s physical and emotional health.   In this article, we’ll look at what these patterns mean, how iridology works, and why it’s still popular in the modern wellness world.   Do You Know The Benefits Of Iridology?  Watch our insightful video, “What Are The Benefits Of Iridology?”,...

How is Psoriasis diagnosed?

Psoriasis is a lifelong autoimmune disease that involves scaly, red patches on the skin. It is not just a cosmetic problem but also an inflammatory disorder with systemic involvement, including joint diseases like psoriatic arthritis. Better management and treatment rely on close accurate diagnosis of psoriasis. Conventional medicine uses clinical assessments, biopsies and other diagnostic tools while alternative methods such as Iridology provide a different way of understanding what may be playing a part in what is going on. In this article, we will discuss how Iridology can help us understand the psoriasis triggers and what conventional drugs are used to treat this condition.   Do you or someone you know suffer from Psoriasis or other skin concerns? Our skin is our largest organ and this is...