29 Wroxham Way, Ilford, Essex IG6 2GG


Author: Petrina

Organic Health Solutions / Articles posted by Petrina (Page 20)

Types of Psoriasis Treatment

Most of us will encounter some degree of skin concerns during our lifetime, be it Pimples, Acne, Eczema or Psoriasis. Psoriasis is a condition that causes red and crusty patches of skin covered with silvery scales. This  is a common skin condition that affects millions of people around the world.   Our skin is our largest organ and it reflects the levels of toxicity in our body. This toxicity is built up over time and can also be passed down by parents to their babies. This is because at the time of conception, if either the father or mother is toxic, these toxins are passed down to the next generation and in some cases, future generations as well.   For this reason, we often encourage parents to be, to...

Health Benefits Of Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin)

Vitamins are essential micronutrients required by our body in small quantities to function properly.  Vitamins are essential to help maintain our overall health and well-being. Vitamins are organic compounds that cannot be made by our body and must be obtained either via food and drinks consumption or supplements or both.   Vitamin B12 is one of the eight B Complex vitamins that help your body change food into fuel to produce energy. Vitamin B12, also known as Cobalamin is an essential vitamin that your body requires but cannot produce. This Vitamin plays a key role in many aspects of health including supporting bone health, the formation of red blood cells, enhancing mood and energy levels. It also helps prevent heart disease and helps to improve memory.   Deficiency in...

Health Benefits Of Vitamin B9

Vitamins are essential micronutrients required by our body in small quantities to function properly.  Vitamins are essential to help maintain our overall health and well-being. Vitamins are organic compounds that cannot be made by our body and must be obtained either via food and drinks consumption or supplements or both.   Vitamin B9 is one of the eight B Complex vitamins that help your body change food into fuel to produce energy. Vitamin B9, also known as Folate or Folic Acid aids the production of the body's genetic material, DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid) and RNA (Ribonucleic Acid). This is especially important when cells and tissues are growing rapidly, such as in infancy, adolescence and pregnancy. Folic acid works closely with Vitamin B12 to help make red blood cells...

How Psoriasis Starts?

Psoriasis is a condition that causes red and crusty patches of skin covered with silvery scales. This  is a common skin condition that affects millions of people around the world. Our skin is our largest organ and it reflects the levels of toxicity in our body. This toxicity is built up over time and can also be passed down by parents to their babies. This is because at the time of conception, if either the father or mother is toxic, these toxins are passed down to the next generation and in some cases, future generations as well. For this reason, we often encourage parents to be, to plan and detoxify their bodies before considering starting a family. It may sound like a chore, however, some...

Health Benefits Of Vitamin B7

Vitamins are essential micronutrients required by our body in small quantities to function properly.  Vitamins are essential to help maintain our overall health and well-being. Vitamins are organic compounds that cannot be made by our body and must be obtained either via food and drinks consumption or supplements or both.   Vitamin B7, also know as Biotin, is a water-soluble vitamin that helps metabolize carbohydrates, fats and proteins. It helps maintain a healthy nervous system, skin and hair. A daily intake of Vitamin B7 is necessary since water-soluble vitamins cannot be stored in the body. Vitamin B7, is one of the B Complex vitamins that help the body convert  food into energy. Biotin is a crucial nutrient for pregnancy as it is important for embryonic growth.   Good sources...

Health Benefits Of Vitamin B6

Vitamins are essential micronutrients required by our body in small quantities to function properly.  Vitamins are essential to help maintain our overall health and well-being. Vitamins are organic compounds that cannot be made by our body and must be obtained either via food and drinks consumption or supplements or both.   Vitamin B6 or Pyridoxine is a water soluble vitamin that is used to treat certain type of anemia. Anemia is the lack of red blood cells. This contributes to tiredness and fatigue. Vitamin B6 is needed to help make the red blood cells that transport oxygen throughout your body and help you feel energised. Vitamin B6 helps with muscle repair and brain function. It converts proteins, fats and carbohydrates to glucose.   Good sources of  Vitamin B6 from...

Health Benefits Of Vitamin B5

Vitamins are essential micronutrients required by our body in small quantities to function properly.  Vitamins are essential to help maintain our overall health and well-being. Vitamins are organic compounds that cannot be made by our body and must be obtained either via food and drinks consumption or supplements or both.   Vitamin B5, also known as Pantothenic acid, is a water soluble B vitamin. It is an essential nutrient. We need pantothenic acid to synthesize Coenzyme A, which is essential for fatty acid and metabolism. Vitamin B5 helps to keep skin soft, healthy and smooth. It helps skin to absorb moisture from the air, keeping the skin deeply hydrated. Vitamin B5 has anti-inflammatory effects that can help stimulate your skin's healing process. Good sources of  Vitamin B5 from...

Health Benefits Of Vitamin B3

Vitamins, which are essential micronutrients, play a crucial role in maintaining our overall health and well-being by supporting proper bodily functions. These organic compounds are required by our body in small amounts. However, they are indispensable. Since our body cannot synthesize vitamins on its own, we must acquire them through our food, beverages, or supplements.   Vitamin B3, also known as niacin or nicotinic acid, is an essential water-soluble vitamin that plays a critical role in many physiological processes in the body. As niacin is water-soluble, this means our bodies cannot store it and any excess will be excreted via our urine.   Niacin helps to convert nutrients into energy. Vitamin B3 helps keep your digestive system, nervous system and skin healthy. It helps maintain a healthy digestive system...

Health Benefits Of Vitamin B2

Essential micronutrients called vitamins are required by our body in small amounts for proper functioning. These organic compounds are indispensable in maintaining our overall health and well-being. Since our body cannot synthesize vitamins on its own, they must be acquired through food, drink, or supplements.   Vitamin B2, also known as riboflavin, is a water-soluble vitamin that plays an important role in energy production and several other bodily processes. Vitamin B2 works to reduce oxidative stress and inflammation of the nerves, which are contributors to migraines and headaches. Migraines are often caused by mitochondrial abnormalities in the brain, caused by deficiency in Vitamin B2.   Vitamin B2 also helps metabolize glucose, which is the form of sugar the body uses for energy. It also supports the production of healthy...

Health Benefits Of Vitamin B1

Vitamins are essential micronutrients required by our body in small quantities to function properly.  Vitamins are essential to help maintain our overall health and well-being. Vitamins are organic compounds that cannot be made by our body and must be obtained either via food and drinks consumption or supplements or both.   Vitamin B1 also known as Thiamine is part of the B Complex Vitamins. Thiamine helps the cells in the body to convert food into energy. This process will not work properly without adequate Vitamin B1. This will result in symptoms such as loss of appetite, muscle weakness and tiredness.   Good sources of thiamine from foods are beans, eggs, fish, lentils, peas, whole grains and cereals and breads fortiied with thiamine. Watch our short video to learn more.   https://youtu.be/DwoiE4MwdS8   We must...