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Author: Petrina

Organic Health Solutions / Articles posted by Petrina (Page 17)

What Can Iridology Reveal?

As experienced Iridologists, we are frequently asked, "What can Iridology reveal?" Iridology is a fascinating science that explores the potential of our eyes to provide insights into our overall health and well-being. In this article, we'll look at Iridology through the eyes of an Iridologist, explaining how this holistic practice works and what it could reveal about your health.   Understanding Iridology Iridology, sometimes known as "eye diagnosis," is a holistic healing modality that dates back to the 19th century. Its inception is attributed to the Hungarian physician, Ignaz von Peczely, who saw unique changes in an owl's iris after it had recovered from a leg wound. As a result of this finding, he hypothesised that the iris could reveal information about a person's health.   Iridology's central tenet is...

Are Psoriasis and Eczema Related?

Skin disorders can be extremely painful, both physically and emotionally. Psoriasis and Eczema are two common skin illnesses that might be confusing due to their similarities. They are fundamentally different conditions, despite the fact that they have some similar symptoms. It's a common concern to wonder if Psoriasis and Eczema are somehow connected. In this article, we will look at the differences, similarities, and potential links between these two conditions.   Understanding Psoriasis Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition distinguished by an excessive and rapid production of skin cells. This results in thick and scaly areas developing on the skin's surface. Psoriasis can appear at any age, but it commonly does so between the ages of 15 and 35. Eczema frequently starts in childhood. Psoriasis is characterized by...

Who Discovered Iridology?

Pioneers and visionaries who attempted to unravel the secrets of the human body have weaved a variety of threads into the sprawling fabric of medical history. The art and science of Iridology stand out among these themes as a distinctive and intriguing way to comprehend health and wellness.   Iridology has drawn the interest of both holistic practitioners and curious minds. Iridology is the study of iris patterns and colours to provide details about a person's general health.  Who was the luminary behind the discovery of Iridology?   The Genesis of Iridology Iridology has its roots in ancient civilizations when healers and philosophers considered the eyes as a potential window into the body's state of well-being. The earliest references to this concept may be found in Egyptian and Chinese...

Is Diabetes Genetic?

Diabetes is a chronic disease that occurs when your blood glucose or blood sugar is too high. Blood glucose or blood sugar is the main sugar found in your blood. It is your main source of energy that comes from the foods and drinks consumed.   The question of whether diabetes, a common metabolic disorder, is genetic is frequently brought up in conversation. This article will take a holistic look at diabetes from the unique vantage points of iridology and nutrition, exploring the genetic factors that play a role in its onset. Let's delve deep to understand the intricate connections between health, genetics, and lifestyle.   The Genetic Puzzle of Diabetes A complicated interplay of genetic and environmental factors influences diabetes, which includes Type 1, Type 2, and gestational diabetes....

Will Psoriasis Go Away?

Millions of individuals throughout the world suffer from Psoriasis. Psoriasis is an autoimmune chronic skin disease. It is characterised by patches of skin that are red, itchy, and scaly, can significantly affect a person's physical and mental health. "Will Psoriasis go away?" is a question that people with Psoriasis frequently ask. In this article, we will examine the nature of Psoriasis, its potential for remission, and the different management strategies that can support people with Psoriasis in living fulfilling lives despite its obstacles.   Understanding Psoriasis Psoriasis develops when the immune system becomes overactive, causing skin cells to grow rapidly. This results in cells accumulating on the skin's surface and form plaques, which are thick, red, and scaly patches.    The Nature of Psoriasis As Psoriasis is considered a chronic disorder, it...

Will Diabetes Kill You?

Diabetes is a chronic medical condition that occurs when your blood glucose or blood sugar is too high. Blood glucose or blood sugar is the main sugar found in your blood. It is your main source of energy that comes from the foods and drinks consumed. Diabetes affects millions of people throughout the world. It is a complex disorder that affects the body's ability to regulate blood sugar levels and, if left untreated, can result in a number of health issues. Is diabetes fatal? Let's look at the reality of diabetes, its potential risks, and the steps that can be taken to reduce its impact.   Watch and learn from our short video re Explanation of Diabetes   https://youtu.be/dp95N6iv3tc?si=9QZodab2WMh-ogzz To understand the complications of diabetes, it is important to first understand its...

Is Iridology Legitimate?

Iridology is a distinctive and fascinating method of health assessment in the field of alternative medicine. In Iridology, the intricate patterns and colours of the iris provide significant indicators of a person's overall health. Iridology is frequently regarded with skepticism, and rejected as pseudoscience. Iridology is claimed to lack the extensive body of scientific evidence seen in conventional medicine. However, this article will debunk that myth and explain why this practice is indeed legitimate.   The Basics of Iridology: How Does It Work? Iridology is the study of the patterns on the iris, the coloured portion of the eye. The iris is one of the most complex and intriguing tissue structures in the human body. An iridologist looks at the iris for any abnormalities in pigmentation to determine any...

Does Diabetes Cause Hair Loss?

Hair loss is normal. We lose between 50 to 100 hairs daily, often without noticing. Severe hair loss or alopecia however, can be distressing. It can be caused by chemotherapy or other cancer treatments, an illness, stress or iron deficiency. Alopecia is a disorder caused by an interruption in the body's natural cycle of hair production. It commonly affects the scalp. This results in patches of baldness which can be embarrasing, especially for women.   Diabetes is a chronic, metabolic disease that is characterised by elevated levels of blood sugar or blood glucose. Over time, this leads to serious damage to blood vessels, eyes, heary, kidneys, nerves and even hair. Over 415 Million people worldwide are living with Diabetes. It is estimated that over half a billion...

Vegetables Beneficial For Diabetes

Diabetes is a chronic or long-lasting health condition that affects how your body turns food into energy. Over 415 Million people worldwide are living with Diabetes. It is estimated that over half a billion will have Diabetes within the next 20 years! It is therefore so important for us to learn how to prevent and treat Diabetes naturally.   Do you or someone you know have diabetes or is pre-diabetic? Have you ever wondered which vegetables are beneficial for Diabetes or maintaining great health? Watch our video recording to learn about vegetables beneficial for Diabetes.   https://youtu.be/IjRVolzCeLs   The vegetables beneficial for Diabetes include: Bitter Gourd or Bitter Melon or Karela Consume preferably the dark green ones as these are most potent. Most people overcook this vegetable or soak it in salt water...

Should Diabetics Eat Fruit?

Diabetes is a chronic or long-lasting health condition that affects how your body turns food into energy. Over 415 Million people worldwide are living with Diabetes. It is estimated that over half a billion will have Diabetes within the next 20 years! It is therefore so important for us to learn how to prevent and treat Diabetes naturally.   When we eat, most of the food is broken down into sugar or glucose and released into our bloodstream. When our blood sugar increases, our pancreas releases insulin. Insulin acts like a key to let the blood sugar into our body's cells for use as energy. When you have Diabetes, your body either does not make enough insulin or cannot use it as effectively.   Should Diabetics Eat Fruit? This is...