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Author: Petrina

Organic Health Solutions / Articles posted by Petrina (Page 2)

What are the symptoms of Pre Diabetes in the eyes ?

Prediabetes, though actually important, is often overlooked and sits in the gap between normal blood sugar levels and the first signs of type 2 diabetes. Its systemic effects are well-known, but the fine ocular manifestations of prediabetes are less clear. These first signs can include blurry vision or trouble differentiating colors as signs of glucose dysregulation. This article takes an in-depth look into the intricate connection between prediabetes and eye health through the lens of iridology. We explore this alternative health practice to glean the potential role it can play in diabetes detection and management as a component of a comprehensive health strategy.   Understanding Prediabetes and Its Ocular Manifestations Prediabetes is a condition in which your blood glucose levels are higher than normal but not high enough...

Does every person have a unique iris?

An ancient practice, the study of the iris to see inside a person’s health through iridology, has made a comeback with holistic medicine. The question addressed in this blog article, “Does every person have a unique iris?”, is not only relevant to the lens of biometric identification, but can also inform how the iris is a map to an individual’s health. Now, let’s take a look at the interplay between the uniqueness of the iris and its role in iridology.   The Uniqueness of the Human Iris Iris, the coloured part of the eye, is one of the most intricate and distinctive structures of the human body. People's iris patterns, textures, and colors are like a fingerprint. Iris recognition technology is so unique that it has become the...

What is the unusual star like pattern in the iris of the eye?

Iridology is the study of the iris to interpret patterns, markings and color in the eye’s colored part to assess health. One such monumentally interesting feature is the star-like pattern, for some practitioners it implies certain health or personality traits. In this article, we look at the importance of the star-like pattern in iridology and how an iridology consultation could benefit you.   Watch our informative video to learn "What Are The Cramp Rings In My Eyes?"   https://youtu.be/jxtEkDlB4t4?si=UBgeE7umK-pPW_z3   Understanding Iridology Iridology is the belief that parts of the iris correspond to different organs and systems of the body. Detailed iridology charts are used by practitioners to map these correlations: dividing the iris into zones that represent specific anatomical regions. Iridology attempts to diagnose possible health problems, organ weaknesses or imbalances,...

How can I protect my skin from pollution?

In these rapidly changing times, the modern world’s pollution has become an inevitable part of our daily life. Airborne pollutants from vehicle emissions to industrial waste can take a toll on our skin such as dullness, premature ageing, and even more severe conditions like inflammation or acne.   There’s no easy way to protect your skin from pollution and you need to take a holistic approach to this, not only paying attention to external care but also to nutrition from the inside out. There are holistic health practices and scientifically-backed supplements that have the power to save your skin’s vitality and radiance, such as USANA’s high quality nutritionals and the Celavive skincare line.   Watch and learn from our insightful video, “How to detoxify your skin naturally”.   https://youtu.be/tLvDyIaGUSk?si=gSZNZqJsLFDIudB6   The Effects...

Can diet affect my skin?

Our skin is our body’s largest organ and a mirror to our internal health. Who doesn't spend time and money on their skincare products trying to achieve that radiant complexion? However, it’s not just what we put on our skin that might make the difference in our skin appearing to glow and be healthy, but also what we put in our bodies.   Does saying “you are what you eat” also apply to our skin? The answer is very simply 'yes'. A large portion of your skin’s appearance and overall health is determined by your diet. In this blog, we’ll discuss how different foods and nutrients impact our skin health, what are some common dietary skin culprits, and how to build a diet that brightens your...

How does Psoriasis affect the skin?

Psoriasis is a condition of the skin which is complex, chronic and substantially affects the skin’s appearance, texture and general health. It’s way more than just a superficial skin issue, it’s a multifaceted autoimmune disorder that has systemic implications. In this article, we examine how and why psoriasis influences the skin and how it affects general health and quality of life.   Do you or someone you know have Psoriasis? Our skin is our largest organ and a reflection of our internal health. Watch our video to learn "How does Psoriasis affect the body".   https://youtu.be/KI9oZxvgYQM?si=w672xLZOYAtHOnyP   Understanding Psoriasis Psoriasis is a chronic, autoimmune condition that causes the body to speed up the life cycle of skin, causing skin cells to grow and multiply abnormally fast. Psoriatic skin cells do all this...

If I’ve just been diagnosed with Psoriasis, what should I know?

A diagnosis of psoriasis can be a challenging moment. This is a chronic autoimmune condition that affects your skin as well as your emotional, mental and social well being. It may seem daunting at first, but learning about psoriasis and embracing a holistic approach can help you lead a full, and even vibrant life with psoriasis.   Do you or someone you know have Psoriasis? Our skin is our largest organ and a reflection of our internal health. Watch our insightful video to learn "What Are The Main Causes Of Psoriasis?".   https://youtu.be/JIO09h_QcUA?si=-DOlVaPr5hUr50Jc   Understanding Psoriasis Psoriasis causes the immune system to attack healthy skin cells, making skin regenerate faster than normal. It results in scales and inflamed, red patches. Psoriasis often arises in the form of these plaques on elbows, knees,...

Can sunlight help Psoriasis?

Millions worldwide suffer from a chronic autoimmune condition that causes red, scaly patches, called psoriasis, on the skin. While conventional treatments with topical creams, systemic meds and light therapy are commonly used, natural treatments are also something most people explore to deal with their condition. One question often arises: Can sunlight help psoriasis?   For centuries, we have observed that sunlight and psoriasis go hand in hand — so many people have reported improvement in their symptoms after spending time outside. In this article, we will see how sunlight can affect psoriasis, the science of the effects, and how you can safely add exposure to sunlight in your psoriasis treatment regimen.   Learn from our insightful video, “Health Benefits Of Vitamin D”.   https://youtu.be/qfSJgLbBh9Q?si=MH0efs3_HhE2b3fg   Understanding Psoriasis When the immune system attacks healthy skin...

How does Diabetes affect eyes?

Diabetes is a chronic condition which can affect many areas of health and its effects tend to include the eyes. It is very important to understand how diabetes affects the eyes so we can prevent the complications of blindness. Complementary methods such as iridology provide a different, unique look at identifying and understanding systemic health issues such as diabetes.   Iridology, the study of the iris, reveals how diabetes may manifest in the body, and through the eyes. In this article, we look at how diabetes affects the eyes, and how iridology plays a part in early detection and holistic management of diabetes.   Watch and Learn from our latest video, "How Does Diabetes Affect Your Body".   https://youtu.be/U3xCa22N_v4?si=FUyXRulPzrql2zjZ   Diabetes and Eye Health It’s known that diabetes has a serious impact on eye...

What does the ring around your eye mean?

Iridology is a fascinating and ancient method of discovering what the patterns, colours and texture of the iris (the coloured part of the eye) can reveal about an individual’s overall health. Iridology is an alternative medicine that can detect imbalances and potential health problems in the body using a non-invasive technique. Many iridologists take a look at the 'ring around the eye' often referred to as 'arcus senilis' or 'cholesterol ring.'   In this article, we will dive into what this ring symbolises within the realm of iridology, how it is interpreted, and how this practise still further illuminates the inner connection between the eyes and the body’s health.   Watch our video where Petrina answers the question "Why do I have a white ring around my eye?".   https://youtu.be/miLU40iTkRk?si=PPOC6hCcxknfPMOD   The Basics...