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Can Iridology Detect Depression?

As more and more children and younger people are experiencing depression and mental illness than ever before, it is important that we recognise the possible signs of depression in order to act early. Depression is not often visible and many tend to subdue their real feelings and emotions. Over the years, the world has witnessed “unexpected suicides” especially from celebrities, who on the surface and in the public eye, had what the world classes as an ideal life – financial freedom, physical beauty, material items and happy relationships. However, this has proved further from the truth.



Iridology is the study of the patterns and colours on the iris of the eye. This enables a person’s overall health condition to be determined. It is a non-invasive method of viewing the iris to determine existing or potential health issues. These potential health issues, when detected earlier can assist in faster recovery or prevention of the illness from getting worse.



Iridologists use iridology charts to make these observations. The charts have been created after observation of a variety of irises over the years. Each marking and zone in the iris represents a different aspect or organ of the human body. Iridologists can discover some markers of inflammation in certain specific areas. For example, the brain area is between 11 o’ clock and 1 o’clock in the iridology chart and the feet at 6 o’clock in the iridology chart.




Iridology can discover many illnesses or weaknesses in the body systems, including lack of nutrition and hydration. It can also detect the stress levels in the body. These stress rings or contraction furrows can then indicate how stressed the person is overall. When a person is stressed or unhappy with their life, this naturally leads to depression so with these stress rings visible during an Iridology check up, it can detect depression.




Stress Rings or Contraction Furrows

This indicates the level of stress in various parts of the body. For example, one ring all round the iris indicates that the person is at least 20% stress. The more rings, the more serious the stress and this could indicate severe depression and even suicidal tendencies.




Weaknesses in various organs


This could include the lungs, liver, genitals, kidneys, arms and feet. Often, these weaknesses may not only be caused by lifestyle. For example, most brown and darker coloured irises would have tendencies for liver weaknesses, It may not necessarily be caused by alchohol consumption. Negative emotions such as stress, anger, depression and frustration will also affect the liver. Likewise, sadness could affect the lungs.  A mark in the kidney area could indicate insufficient hydration or other kidney problems.


Often, many who appear happy on the outside, could secretly be depressed and not show this. How often have we seen what appears to be happy moments shared on social media only to discover the hidden depression faced by those in the constant limelight such as celebrities. With Iridology, the findings do not mask any stress or depression.



When a person is unwell and constantly in discomfort or pain, this will lead to moments of unhappiness and therefore lead to depression, if the feelings are not managed well. Often babies or younger children may not be able to express their emotions or what they may be facing such as bullying at home or in school.  An Iridology Check up will be able to detect and confirm this, even if the baby or child is unable to communicate these feelings to their parents or guardians.


Depression is also often caused by lack of Vitamin D. This is why most people are more unhappy and unwell during colder months of Autumn and Winter and much happier during brighter and sunnier months of Spring and Summer. Iridology cannot detect shortages in Vitamin D. However with most people who have darker complexions, they are often more deficient in Vitamin D compared to those with fairer complexions.


Depression can also be a result of a person being unable to understand why certain things are happening to them such as forgetfulness and brain fog.  Using Iridology, we can pinpoint the root causes of these health issues and therefore detect onset of depression if these problems are not treated in time and allowed to deteriorate.


Watch our short video to learn more re Can Iridology Detect Depression.



Iridology Can Detect Depression. It is therefore highly recommended that you explore this non invasive tool as part of your regular health check or recommend it to those you care about.



To learn more, do check out our other related blogs:

Can Iridology Detect Cancer?

Iridology Pictures and Meanings

Can You See Illness In Your Eyes?

Can Iridology Detect Heart Problems?

Iridology Benefits







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