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Which Organ Is Examined In Iridology?

Iridology is the study of the patterns and colours on the iris of the eye. This enables a person’s overall health condition to be determined. It is a non-invasive method of viewing the iris to determine existing or potential health issues. Iridologists use iridology charts to make these observations. The charts have been created after observation of a variety of irises over the years. Each marking and zone in the iris represents a different aspect or organ of the human body.



Iridology was discovered many years ago when an owl who had broken its leg, displayed a mark at 6 o’clock in its iris. As the owl’s leg healed, the mark disappeared. The Hungarian physician who is recognised as the founder of Iridology associated the markings in the iris to various organs in the body.



An Iridology examination initially inspects the Iris, which is the coloured part of the eye. This is done using a magnifying glass and illuminating light and/or a special Iridology camara. The observations of various patterns, markings and colours on the iris is then compared to an Iridology chart to determine specific weaknesses in various organs such as the brain, heart, lungs, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, reproductive organs and limbs.


Watch our short video to learn Which Organ Is Examined In Iridology.



Different coloured irises normally have specific genetic weaknesses. For example, those with a blue irises normally have lymphatic weaknesses.  Problems in the lymph system can affect the respiratory system, causing various issues such as hay-fever and asthma.  Those with brown irises normally have liver weaknesses. The Iridology examination will be able to confirm these genetic weaknesses, together with the severity. Natural remedies can then be recommended accordingly if the Iridologist also has knowledge and experience to treat those findings.



When cholesterol builds up in your eyes, a white or grey ring can form around your iris. This common sign of aging is called arcus senilis and can indicate high cholesterol and a greater risk for heart disease and stroke.




Other organ weaknesses such as kidneys can also be detected during an Iridology examination. Specific markings in the kidneys can indicate insufficient intake of liquids on a daily basis. Finding this organ weakness early can prevent chronic kidney disease which may also have an adverse effect on the eyes and vision.


An Iridology examination can also help detect if you have a brain tumour.  A few years ago, we helped a young nurse and prevented her from having life changing brain surgery when at least 3 “Medical Specialists” from 3 different countries in Europe claimed she had a tumour in her brain which was causing migraines for the past 10 years. All these “Specialists” insisted she needed expensive and dangerous surgery on her brain to remove the tumour. Thankfully this lady is still alive today and migraine free without requiring any surgery, all because we used Iridology to prove that it was toxicity in her body from consuming regular processed fast foods that was resulting in the constant migraines and absolutely not a brain tumour. Watch her short testimonial below.



Most illnesses start in our gut as we consume foods, drinks, chemical medication and poor quality supplements that are not the best for our body. Through Iridology, we can determine the level of toxicity and which part of the digestive system is most affected. For example, is the indigestion or toxicity built up in the ascending colon, the transverse colon or the descending colon. We can then recommend natural solutions to expel these toxins, that are like gunk and scale built up in our water pipes, drains or kettle.


Many years ago, we also helped a teenager who suffered from scoliosis and could not lift her arm beyond 90 degrees of her body. Again, the so called “Specialists” recommended that bolts be inserted into her spine. However, by having an Iridology examination, we managed to discover that she was severely lacking in nutrition and also suffered severe mental issues caused by her parents relationship break up. Step by step, we showed her what to do and today, she is able to live a more normal life and able to lift her arm above her head and most normal people are able to. By using Iridology, we were able to discover that the weakness in her arm was caused by digestive issues and malnutrition as opposed to just a weakness in the arm.





In the above video, we explain how Iridology can be used to spot Diabetes. During an Iridology examination, sugar marks can be seen in the edge of the pupil and depending on the thickness, it could be a sign of Diabetes and we will normally recommend further tests to confirm our findings. Contrary to popular knowledge and belief, often Diabetes is not caused by weaknesses in the Pancreas alone. It is often caused by a combination of weaknesses in various organs.



Weaknesses in the thyroid can be detected either as hyperthyroidism, which is an overactive thyroid or hypothyroidism which is an underactive thyroid. The former can frequently be deduced by eyes that appear to buldge slightly. This condition can cause symptoms such as weight loss, fatigue, anxiety and sleep problems.



Whilst Iridology cannot necessarily diagnose disease, it is extremely useful for understanding which areas of the body a health practitioner should pay attention to and which organs may be at risk for the development of certain illnesses and diseases. Iridology can therefore be used as a preventative meaure to ensure these diseases or illnesses are treated as soon as possible to prevent the affected organs from deteriorating even further.



To learn more about Which Organs Are Examined In Iridology, check out our other related blogs:

Can Iridology Detect Cancer?

Iridology Pictures and Meanings

Can You See Illness In Your Eyes?

Can Iridology Detect Heart Problems?

Iridology Benefits




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Iridology Guide



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