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What Are The Two Signs Of Psoriasis?


Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune skin condition that causes red, scaly patches on the skin due to a fast overproduction of skin cells. It can have a major negative influence on someone’s physical and mental health and affects millions of people globally. Effective care of Psoriasis depends significantly on early detection. Early detection of the condition’s symptoms enables timely medical care, which improves symptom control and the quality of life for those who have it.


Understanding Psoriasis

The Nature of Psoriasis

The rapid and uncontrolled growth of skin cells that results in the creation of red, inflamed patches covered in silvery scales is the hallmark of Psoriasis, a chronic autoimmune skin condition. Millions of people worldwide suffer from this disorder, which can take many different forms, including guttate Psoriasis, scalp Psoriasis, and plaque Psoriasis.

Psoriasis is an autoimmune condition caused by an overactive immune system that attacks healthy skin cells by mistake, leading to inflammation and an increased rate of skin cell turnover. People with Psoriasis manifest these outward signs as a result of immune system dysfunction.


Impact on Individuals’ Daily Life

Beyond its outward appearance, Psoriasis has a profound effect on the daily lives of those who have it. Due to the condition’s apparent appearance, emotional and psychological difficulties such as depression, anxiety, and self-consciousness may arise. People with Psoriasis may experience social shame and loneliness as a result of false beliefs regarding the disease’s transmissibility.

Additionally, the symptoms—such as pain, discomfort, and itching—can interfere with day-to-day activities, compromising sleep, productivity, and general quality of life. Because Psoriasis is chronic, it necessitates continuous care and treatments. This adds another level of difficulty to people’s daily routines.


Sign #1: Red, Inflamed Patches


A Primary Indicator

Red, swollen areas on the skin are a common indicator that someone has Psoriasis. An autoimmune response causes this visible manifestation when the immune system inadvertently speeds up the growth of skin cells, resulting in an abnormal buildup. Excessive skin cell proliferation results in redness and inflammation, which form the characteristic Psoriasis patches.


Visual Characteristics and Common Locations on the Body

These red, inflammatory patches have distinct visual traits, such as raised, well-defined borders. The afflicted skin frequently has a scaly appearance, with white or silvery scales covering its surface. These patches are most frequently found on the knees, elbows, trunk, and scalp.

Skin tone can affect how the patches appear; on lighter skin, they seem red with white scales, and on darker skin, they appear purplish, violet, or brown with grey scales.


The Role of Accelerated Skin Cell Turnover

The appearance of red, inflamed areas in Psoriasis is mostly caused by the skin cells’ accelerated turnover. Weeks pass throughout a typical skin cell cycle before new cells proliferate. But with Psoriasis, this process is sped up to a few days, which causes the skin’s surface to rapidly accumulate immature cells.

This abnormal turnover starts an ongoing cycle of renewal and buildup triggering inflammation and the development of distinctive patches. It is essential to understand this process in order to identify and address the underlying cause of Psoriasis symptoms.


Sign #2: Silvery-White Scales

Accompanying Red Patches

The characteristic silvery-white scales of Psoriasis symptoms are a unique aspect in the complex tapestry of symptoms. These scales frequently accompany the red, inflamed patches, resulting in a visual contrast that characterises the disorder. It is important to know the nature of these scales in order to identify and understand the intricacies of Psoriasis.


Description and their Impact

Skin cells turn over quickly, which is why Psoriasis is characterised with silvery-white scales. Psoriasis speeds up this process to a matter of days, in contrast to normal skin, where cells replace themselves over the course of weeks. Usually whitish-silver in colour, these scales develop on the skin of afflicted regions such the elbows, knees, scalp, trunk, palms, and soles of the feet.

Physical pain may result from the scales since they can cause itching and, in certain situations, a burning sensation. Additionally, the appearance of scales amplifies the visual effects of Psoriasis, impacting people’s self-esteem and general quality of life.


Link Between Scales and Rapid Skin Cell Accumulation

The increased buildup of skin cells, which is the fundamental cause of Psoriasis, is closely related to the scales. These silvery-white scales are formed as a layer on top of the red patches due to abnormal proliferation of skin cells. This dynamic interplay emphasises the necessity of holistic management approaches that deal with the underlying cellular processes as well as the outward symptoms.

Psoriasis Guide



Request for our free guide 6 Proven Secrets To Improve Your Psoriasis.


If you are suffering from Psoriasis, discover natural proven techniques to improve and even completely reverse your condition by enrolling in our online course Psoriasis Expert Secrets.



How To Get Rid Of Psoriasis Using Iridology? Watch our short video to learn more. 



A Holistic Approach to Managing Psoriasis

Understanding Psoriasis Through Iridology


The Eyes As Mirrors

With Iridology, the study of the iris,  the general health of the body is reflected in the eyes. Particular markings or discolourations could indicate areas of concern and reveal potential imbalances.


Identifying Triggers

Iridologists study the iris to identify factors like inflammation, toxins, or compromised immune systems that could trigger Psoriasis. This personalised approach enables customised solutions made to meet each person’s unique needs.


Nutritional Deficiency Clues

A customised nutritional plan might be recommended by practitioners based on the signs of nutritional deficiencies that Iridology can reveal. Addressing the underlying causes of Psoriasis can greatly benefit from this understanding.


The Role of Nutrition in Psoriasis Management


Anti-Inflammatory Diet

Research indicates that suffering from Psoriasis can benefit from an anti-inflammatory diet. Foods high in nutrients, such as veggies, fruits, and omega-3 fatty acids, can help lower inflammation.


Gut-Health Connection

Iridology acknowledges the significance of gut health. Probiotics and fibre-rich diets that support a healthy gut flora can help control the symptoms of Psoriasis.


Identifying Triggers

Dietary triggers that worsen Psoriasis can be identified with personalised nutrition plans that are derived from Iridology consultations. Reducing these triggers and placing more emphasis on healthy foods will help reduce symptoms.


Natural Remedies for Psoriasis

With our 40-50 years of experience in helping people in over 28 countries manage and even heal their Psoriasis, we’ve found that natural remedies are indeed effective and beneficial for Psoriasis as well as for your overall health.

Here are a few simple examples you can try yourself:


Apple Cider Vinegar 

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is frequently recommended for Psoriasis due to its potential anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and pH-balancing properties.



Sel De Guerande

A traditional marine salt called Sel De Guerande may be beneficial for those with Psoriasis due to being rich in minerals and their magnesium content.




Those with Psoriasis can benefit from celery mostly because of its nutritional profile such as its anti-inflammatory properties, water content, nutrient density, and alkalizing effect.



Extra Virgin Cold Pressed Olive Oil

The anti-inflammatory, moisturising, and antioxidant properties of extra unified olive oil make it advantageous for Psoriasis. 



Many more natural remedies and tips to heal Psoriasis can be found in our YouTube channel PlanetWellness.


The Synergy: Iridology and Nutrition


Targeted Healing

Through the integration of nutritional strategies and the insights of Iridology, people are able to receive a customised and holistic approach to healing. Nutritional therapies work better when they specifically target the imbalances found through Iridology.


Holistic Wellness

Together, Iridology and nutrition support holistic health by addressing the many interrelated factors that contribute to Psoriasis. This integrated approach improves overall well-being and vitality in addition to managing symptoms.



To recap, the two signs of Psoriasis, which are red, swollen areas with silvery-white scaling, are frequently seen on the knees, elbows, torso, scalp, and nails, among other body parts. Promoting empathy, debunking misconceptions, and building a community of support that acknowledges the social, emotional, and physical difficulties that people with Psoriasis endure are all dependent on encouraging awareness and understanding of the chronic condition. Furthermore, integrating Iridology and nutrition provides a holistic avenue for understanding and managing Psoriasis. Holistic healing embraces the body’s innate ability to thrive when supported through personalised, natural, and balanced approaches.


To learn more about Psoriasis, check out our other related blogs:

How To Get Rid of Psoriasis Using Iridology

What Causes Psoriasis?

Why Psoriasis Occurs

Psoriasis and Your Immune System

How To Heal Psoriasis Naturally

Where Does Psoriasis Come From?





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