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Does Hyperglycaemia Mean Diabetes

Hyperglycaemia, commonly known as high blood sugar, is a condition that often raises concerns about Diabetes. Hyperglycaemia is a major symptom of Diabetes but not an exclusive indicator, due to elevated glucose levels in the blood. Hyperglycaemia may also be caused by various factors, including the use of medicines, stress and meal intake.


It is essential to understand the complex relationship between Hyperglycaemia and Diabetes in order to recognise symptoms, manage them as well as seek appropriate help from a healthcare practitioner. This article looks at the causes, symptoms and implications of hyperglycaemia in order to determine whether it always refers to Diabetes as well as differentiate between temporary sugar spikes and chronic diseases.


Understanding Hyperglycaemia

If the body has too much glucose in its bloodstream, Hyperglycaemia occurs. Glucose is a necessary source of energy, but excessive quantities can be harmful. If the blood sugar level is higher than 180 mg per decilitre after eating or 130 mg per decilitre after fasting, it is considered to be high. Serious health problems, affecting different organs and systems in the body, can occur due to prolonged high blood sugar levels.


Causes of Hyperglycaemia

Hyperglycaemia, or high blood sugar, can be caused by various factors, particularly in individuals with Diabetes. The primary causes are as follows:


Diabetes Mellitus


Type 1 Diabetes

Caused by the autoimmune destruction of pancreatic beta cells, leading to insufficient insulin production


Type 2 Diabetes

In particular, due to insulin resistance, where the body does not respond effectively to insulin, often accompanied by an eventual decrease in insulin production


Dietary Factors

In particular, if insulin or other Diabetes medicines are not adjusted accordingly, eating more carbohydrates and sugar than the body needs for energy can increase blood glucose levels.



As a side effect some medicines, like corticosteroids, can cause an increase in blood sugar levels.


Stress and Illness

Physical stress (e.g. surgery or injury) and illness (e.g. infections) may produce a temporary spike in blood sugar because of the body’s release of stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline.


Lack of Physical Activity

Insulin sensitivity may be reduced by a sedentary lifestyle or reduced physical activity, leading to an increase in blood sugar levels.


Hormonal Changes

Hormonal changes, such as those occurring during pregnancy (gestational Diabetes) or with conditions like Cushing’s syndrome, can also contribute to Hyperglycaemia.

In order to prevent complications and maintain overall health, understanding these causes is essential for effective management of Hyperglycaemia, especially in people with Diabetes.


Symptoms of Hyperglycaemia

A number of symptoms, which may help to identify and treat the disease earlier, are characteristic of hyperglycaemia, or high blood sugar levels. Key symptoms include:


Increased Thirst and Dry Mouth

A common early sign of Hyperglycaemia is a persistent feeling of thirst and dry mouth.


Frequent Urination

The need to urinate more frequently than usual is another notable symptom.


Fatigue and Weakness

High blood sugar levels are often linked to feelings of unusual fatigue or weakness.


Blurred Vision

Hyperglycaemia may cause vision problems, e.g. blurring.


Unintentional Weight Loss

A symptom that may accompany prolonged Hyperglycaemia is loss of weight without trying.


Nausea and Vomiting

Feeling nauseous and vomiting can occur in severe cases of Hyperglycaemia.



A significant loss of fluid and dehydration can occur when the blood sugar levels are elevated.


Stomach Pain

Another symptom that may occur is abdominal discomfort.


Fruity-smelling Breath

The breath may have a fruity smell in severe cases, especially when ketoacidosis is present.

In severe cases, Hyperglycaemia can lead to diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) or hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state (HHS), both of which are medical emergencies.

To effectively manage Hyperglycaemia and prevent complications, it is important to recognise these symptoms earlier.


Watch our informative video to learn “How do you feel when your blood sugar is too high?




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Hyperglycaemia and Diabetes

While Hyperglycaemia is a hallmark of Diabetes, it can occur in non-diabetic individuals under certain conditions. For example, stress-induced Hyperglycaemia can happen during acute illnesses or surgeries. However, persistent Hyperglycaemia is usually indicative of the need for a medical evaluation for Diabetes.


Diagnosis and Management


Hyperglycaemia, which is characterised by an increased level of sugar in the blood, is a major indication for Diabetes but not exclusive to it. A number of steps are involved in the diagnosis:

Blood Tests

Fasting Blood Sugar Test


After an overnight fast, the blood sugar level is measured. On two separate tests, the result of 126 mg/dL (7 mmol/L) or higher is indicative of Diabetes.


Oral Glucose Tolerance Test

Before and after consumption of a sugary drink, your blood sugar levels are measured. After two hours, an indication of Diabetes is a reading of 200 mg/dL (11.1 mmol/L) or higher.


A1C Test

It reflects your average blood sugar levels in the last two to three months. In two separate tests, an A1C level of 6.5% or higher is confirmed as Diabetes.



Checks the urine for glucose or ketones, which can be indicative of hyperglycaemia and Diabetes.


Can Your Eyes Indicate Signs Of Diabetes? Watch our enlightening video to learn more. 




Managing Hyperglycaemia, especially in diabetic patients, involves lifestyle changes, natural remedies, and regular monitoring:


Lifestyle Changes



In order to avoid spikes of blood sugar, emphasis should be placed on a balanced diet with controlled carbohydrate intake. In particular, add more non-starchy vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds, legumes, leafy greens, berries, and tofu to your diet to help manage blood sugar levels. 


We share Food Tips For People With Diabetes.




Insulin sensitivity can be improved and blood sugar levels reduced by regular physical activity.


Weight Management

It is essential to maintain a healthy weight, in particular for the treatment of type 2 Diabetes.

Natural Remedies



The improvement of insulin sensitivity and a reduction in blood sugar levels can be helped by daily consumption of cinnamon.


Aloe Vera

The juice of the aloe vera plant may help to lower blood sugar levels during fasting.



Berberine, which is found in several plants (such as European barberry, goldenseal, goldthread, Oregon grape, phellodendron, and tree turmeric), has been shown to reduce blood sugar and improve insulin sensitivity.



Fenugreek seed may help to reduce the level of blood sugar and improve glucose tolerance.


Bitter Melon

Bitter melons or bitter gourds are known for their ability to reduce blood sugar and can be consumed in juice, extract or cooked foods. However, for maximum effectiveness, it is best to eat it simply steamed.


Do You or Someone You Know Have Diabetes or is Pre-Diabetic? Watch and learn from our insightful video, Herbal and Natural Remedies For Diabetes.





Blood Sugar Monitoring

Monitoring of blood sugar levels and adjusting treatment plans accordingly is helped by periodic testing with a glucometer.


Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGMs)

These provide real time blood sugar readings and trends, helping to improve the management of Diabetes.


Emergency Management

In severe cases, intravenous insulin treatment may be required.

Hyperglycaemia is an important sign of Diabetes, but it may also be caused by other conditions or factors. For accurate identification and effective management, a thorough diagnostic process is therefore essential.



In conclusion, while Hyperglycaemia is a common concern associated with Diabetes, it can also stem from various other factors such as medication, stress, and dietary habits. Effective management requires the recognition of symptoms and understanding of the complex relationship between Hyperglycaemia and Diabetes. Active steps to control blood sugar levels are crucial for good health and well being, whether it’s lifestyle changes, dietary modifications or regular monitoring. Individuals can manage the complexities of hyperglycaemia and Diabetes by staying informed, seeking appropriate professional advice to ensure timely detection, proper management and better health.


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To learn more about Diabetes, check out our other related blogs:

How To Treat Diabetes Using Iridology

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Check out and order our Amazon Number 1 Bestseller book

The Diabetes SolutionA 28 Day Action Plan For Lowering Blood Sugar Naturally.




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