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Can Iridology Detect Stress?

We are all affected by stress at some stages in our lives. This can start from birth when the baby is born. After being in the mother’s womb for approximately nine months, the change of environment causes stress which is the reason babies cry when they are born. Then during childhood, stress can occur as a result of peer pressure and various tests and examinations to prepare for and pass.


Stress is the body’s reaction to feeling threatened or under pressure. It is very common and can help us to make improvements to our daily lives and help us to meet the demands of home, work and family life. More stress is encountered when one is expected to be the best in other recreational sports, clubs, societies and competitions. There is stress of meeting various deadlines during adulthood, including finding the right partner, starting a family, meeting up to expectations of parents and guardians. Stress can be caused by being stuck in traffic on the commute to work and meetings and even social events and gatherings. There is stress caused by wanting to look a certain way. Giving a speech or saying something to a person or in public is also stressful to many.


Iridology is a non invasive treatment and alternative medicine approach that studies the patterns on the iris. The iris is the coloured part of your eye. These vary in colours depending on the ancestry and genetics of the person. Iridology is based on the theory that it is possible to assess the health and potential health issues by analysing the changes in structure, texture and colour of the iris and pupil of the eye. These marks and colours can show various conditions of the body’s tissues and levels of toxicity in the body. These change over time depending on the person’s lifestyle and exposure to stress and how the person deals with various events  in their lives.


Holistic health practitioners use Iridology as a tool to analyse the overall constitution or resiliency of each individual. It also gives an insight into areas of strengths and weaknesses that have been inherited. Iridology can therefore help identify potential or root causes of problems, even when specific symptoms have not yet occurred. Iridology may reveal organs that are under or over performing and those that are under stress.




When someone is undergoing stress, they tend to  choose to binge eat on comfort foods that is high in processed sugar and other additives.  Using Iridology, we can see the sugar marks on the outer edge of the pupil. The person would also most likely be drinking more alcohol or drinks containing caffeine and sugar as a fast and convenient pick me up solution.

Sugar marks, indicating the level of unprocessed sugar that may indicate Diabetes or Pre-Diabetes  is shown as a dark blackish ring on the outer edge of the pupil.

In this photo, you can also see “stress rings” or “Contraction Furrows” which indicates the level of stress in various organs of the body.  In this photo, we can see at least 3 circular white rings in the iris, indicating the body is at least 60% stressed. At the emotional level, these rings can show vulnerability to outside influences and an increased susceptibility to anxiety, depression and even suicidal tendencies.


Someone who is stressed will often binge eat and, or eat non nutritious comfort foods such as highly processed foods which can lead to problems in the Digestive System. A fermenting digestive system is shown by the brown, orange and yellow colours in this blue eye. Symptoms include burning reflux, bloating and heartburn soon after eating carbohydrates. The person may notice the passing of undigested food in the stool. This is caused by imbalanced gastric secretions and pancreatic enzymes. Symptoms may be exacerbated by excessive intake of starchy foods. These undigested foods are also caused by fast eating whilst multitasking and not chewing each mouthful of foods adequately before swallowing.



Stress rings or contraction furrows, as discussed above, is more visible in this photo. It is easier to spot with the naked eye in lighter colour irises such as blue, hazel or light brown irises.

The dark spokes that radiate like spokes in a wheel are called radii solaris. Radii Solaris means rays of the sun. These are more visible in the superior iris area, representing the head zone. Symptoms of someone with these signs include headaches and nerve weaknesses in associated areas. Persons with radii solaris often suffer from poor sleep as a result of their stress and inability to switch off to get quality or adequate sleep.


Above are just a handful of examples of Iridology Pictures and their meanings in relation to Stress. If you have or know someone who has any of the above or other concerns of markings in their eye, we highly recommend you book in for a full consultation so that we can assist you or the person further. Similar to a boiler or vehicle check, it will be impractical to give remote advice without a close up Iridology check up in person.


Check out our short video to learn more on Can Iridology Detect Stress.



It is important to discover stress using non invasive techniques such as Iridology as often the person may not be aware of or display signs of stress. This is often the case with younger children where parents or guardians do not expect children to be stressed so early in life. If this is not addressed, it could lead to irrational behaviour or decisions that may cause harm in the longer term.

Do check out our other related blogs:

Can Iridology Detect Cancer?

Can You See Illness In Your Eyes?

How Iridology Works

Iridology Benefits

What Does An Iridologist Do?




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Iridology Guide


Petrina Ten

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