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What Iridology Can Tell You

Insights regarding our health and well-being may be gained through the intriguing study of iris patterns and colours, or Iridology. In this blog article entitled, we will examine the intricacies of Iridology and examine the different facets of this complementary and alternative medicine field. We will guide you on a journey through the eyes to unearth hidden signs about their health. Come along as we provide interesting facts and talk about the significant influence Iridology can have on your health. Gain a deeper understanding of Iridology and its potential to provide a unique perspective on health assessment.


Constitutional Strengths and Weaknesses

Iridology tells us the inherent strengths and weaknesses encoded in the iris. These traits are identified through examination of physical markings, colour variations, pupil size, and iris patterns.

A person’s eye colour determines their constitution and serves as the foundation for an iris diagnosis. Lymphatic (blue and grey iris colour), Haematogenic (brown iris colour), and Mixed Bilary (green and hazel iris colour) are the three basic constitutions. Similar to eye colour, constitution is a hereditary trait that indicates inherited mental, emotional, and physical conditions. Determining disposition, or identifying the inherited disorders a person may be predisposed to developing, is the next stage in the iris diagnosis process. Certain inherited illnesses will manifest as active, while others will stay latent. The iridologist examines the texture and structure of the iris’s stroma, or fibres, to define disposition. 

The next step is to define diathesis. Diathesis is the term for the hereditary predisposition to illness. It can be inherited or acquired by dietary and lifestyle choices, and it is typically represented by an overlay of pigment in the iris. Iridology charts are a reliable tool for mapping or correlating certain iris zones with the major organs and body parts. The Iridologist may precisely diagnose the health and vital force within the body by examining the iris’s structural signs, patterns, pigment deposits, pupil size, and tonus.


Learn more about What Does Iridology Tell You by watching our short video.



Body Toxicity

The iris provides information about internal bodily processes. In the same way that we may observe droughts in Africa and floods in India by looking out into the world, we can similarly identify excess and deficiency in body function in the iris. When one organ stops functioning properly, one or more other organs take up some of the burden. For example, constipation causes toxins to accumulate, which makes it harder for the kidneys, lymphatic system, and arteries to filter blood. Organs that are inherently weak do not utilise nutrients as well as they should and do not have the ability to discharge toxins.

Digestion problems, fatigue, trouble sleeping, irritability, mood swings, lack of energy, and difficulty concentrating are common symptoms of toxic overload. A non-invasive method for determining your body’s degree of toxicity is Iridology. Blood tests are another intrusive method of determining toxicity that require more time to produce findings.

A lot of harmful substances, such those found in vaccines, medications, radiation, and metal poisoning, can remain in our bodies for a long time since they break down slowly. When you come to a Wellness Clinic like ours, we can give you advice on how to get rid of toxins that have accumulated over time using a natural deep tissue detoxification process

We will be able to assess the toxicity and stress levels in your body as well as the condition of your liver and other organs using Iridology. We can then address the organs that need the most attention, recommending foods and beverages as well as emotional management.


Do you know How Iridology Can Assess Levels of Toxicity in your body? Gain insights by watching our video.




We can determine when and where inflammation in your body might be a problem by using Iridology. Inflammation is fueled by over-acidity; the two go hand in hand in the body.

An iris that is white in colour indicates an acute or overactive condition. Because an acute ailment is highly active, it frequently manifests as discharge or discomfort during a cleansing process like a head cold, or as pain and redness, for example, following an ankle sprain, where the healing process is facilitated by the local inflammation. Currently, the body is merely performing its “maintenance and repair” functions and if managed properly, should result in a full recovery. 

On the other hand, acute inflammation may also be an indication of the presence or possibility of inflammatory illnesses like gastritis, arthritis, or any other disorder that ends in –itis. At this stage, natural preventative measures are highly effective. In addition, indications of irritation and inflammation are shown by small dots or broken lines in the iris. Iridologists can determine which body area is inflamed by using the iris chart. As many major conditions have inflammation as a precursor, early detection is crucial.


Learn more about What Can Iridology Tell You About Your Health by watching our video.



Digestive Issues

It is possible for an iridologist to determine the state of a person’s digestive system like how well they break down food, absorb nutrients, and eliminate toxins from the body. When treating symptoms associated with poor digestion and nutrient deficiencies, this could be helpful.

The primary purpose of Iridology is to identify the body’s major weaknesses. Prompt treatment or lifestyle modifications can be implemented to prevent or reverse the specific weaknesses in the body’s organs with early detection, even before any symptoms manifest. The majority of illnesses are caused by problems in the digestive system.

Discolourations surrounding the pupil may indicate issues with the digestive system, specifically the stomach and intestines. A toxic digestive system is indicated by different darker tones in the iris, particularly in the area right outside the pupil. Constipation and a regular diet high in junk and processed foods may be the cause of this. The darker tones may point to obstructions in the sigmoid colon, ascending, transverse, or descending colon, depending on where they are located.

It is possible to determine the degree of toxicity or blockages in the digestive tract that cause constipation using Iridology. The patient can then be advised on how much additional fibre they should consume on a daily basis. Our Wellness Clinic offers years of proven results in natural fibre from foods and supplements that you can take when you book a discovery call or come see us for an Iridology consultation.


Watch and learn more from our insightful video How Iridology Can Help With Digestive Issues and Gut Health.




Delving into the intricate world of Iridology unveils a unique lens through which we can gain valuable insights into our health. The patterns and colours of the iris, often regarded as windows to the body, can offer a holistic understanding of potential health concerns. As we wrap up this exploration, it becomes evident that Iridology goes beyond the surface, providincg a distinctive perspective on well-being. By acknowledging the potential benefits and embracing the knowledge gleaned from the eyes, we are empowered to take proactive steps towards holistic health. So, let your journey through the eyes be not just a revelation but a catalyst for a mindful and informed approach to overall well-being.


To learn more about Iridology, check out our other related blogs:

What Can Iridology Tell You About Your Health?

Which Organ Weaknesses Be Identified Using Iridology?

What Can Iridology Tell You?

How To Determine Body Toxicity Using Iridology

What Can You Tell From Iridology?

How To Treat Digestive Issues Using Iridology





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