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What does Diabetes look like in your eye?

Diabetes is a serious chronic disease that affects the entire body, but it’s most devastating when it affects the eyes. Diabetic eye diseases, including diabetic retinopathy, diabetic macular oedema, cataracts and glaucoma, are among the most common diabetic complications. If left untreated, these conditions can result in vision impairment and even blindness.


Modern medicine uses high powered diagnostic tools to identify these conditions, but holistic practitioners have looked at alternative methods like Iridology for potential signs that there is something systemic going on, like diabetes. In this article, we discuss various visual aspects of the eyes in relation to diabetes and present the lens of iridology and explore its potential applications in understanding diabetic health.


Can Your Eyes Indicate Signs Of Diabetes? Watch our video to learn more.



Diabetes and Its Effects on the Eyes

As they say, ‘the eyes are the window to the soul’ but they can also be a window to your health in general. High blood sugar levels associated with diabetes damage the blood vessels in the retina and other parts of the eye, leading to the following conditions:


Diabetic Retinopathy

    • What It Is: A condition that is characterised by the abnormal growth of blood vessels in the eye caused by high blood sugar levels which damage the small blood vessels in the retina, causing bleeding, fluid leakage, or abnormal blood vessel growth.


  • Visual Symptoms:
    • Dark or wavy strings in your vision (floaters)
    • Blurred or fluctuating vision
    • In severe cases, sudden loss of vision


Diabetic Macular Oedema (DME)

    • What It Is: An inflammation of the macula, the central part of the retina, responsible for detailed vision.


  • Visual Symptoms:
    • Vision that is blurry or wavy in the centre of the visual field
    • Washed out or faded colours



  • What It Is: Clouding of the eye’s lens, which occurs more frequently and at younger ages in people with diabetes.


  • Visual Symptoms:
    • Blurry vision
    • Difficulty seeing at night
    • Sensitivity to glare



    • What It Is: A group of eye conditions that damage the optic nerve (the nerve which transmits images to the brain) which are commonly associated with increased eye pressure. But people with diabetes have almost double the risk of getting glaucoma.


  • Visual Symptoms:
    • Loss of peripheral vision
    • Difficulty seeing in dim light


Modern Diagnostic Methods for Diabetic Eye Diseases

Ophthalmologists and optometrists rely on advanced diagnostic tools to detect these eye diseases early:

Dilated Eye Exams

It can help to identify damage to the retina’s blood vessels.

Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT)

It offers high resolution images of the retina, and can spot swelling or abnormalities.

Fluorescein Angiography

Blood vessels in the retina are highlighted in order to detect the leakage or blockage.

Though these methods are evidence-based and accurate, other methods of systemic disease identification, such as with iridology, suggest a different approach to identifying diabetes.


What Is Iridology?

The practice of iridology, also referred to as iridodiagnosis, is a holistic way to assess a person’s health by looking at the iris (the coloured part of the eye). In this science, the patterns, colours, and markings in the iris correspond to organs and systems in the body.

Iridology can give early indications of imbalances or stress in certain areas, like the pancreas, the organ at the centre of diabetes.

Iridology and Diabetes

    • How It Works: According to iridology, the pancreas relates to specific zones on the iris. These zones may change (become discoloured or develop structural abnormalities) as a result of potential problems with glucose control.


  • Visual Indicators:
    • An area in the pancreatic zone that is darkened or discoloured.
    • “Lacunae” (tiny gaps or depressions in the iris structure) near the pancreatic zone
    • Radial furrows or streaks radiating to the pancreatic zone


Can Iridology Detect Diabetic Eye Disease?

Iridology does not directly diagnose diseases such as diabetic retinopathy or macular oedema. Rather, it hopes to determine a predisposition to conditions like diabetes by identifying systemic stress or dysfunction. However, iridology is not a clinical diagnostic tool; rather, it is a non-invasive health check tool.

Iridology is congruent with a holistic approach, encouraging individuals to see the bigger picture, to alter one’s lifestyle, to monitor your own health and to go the conventional medical route when warranted.


Integrating Iridology into a Holistic Approach

Iridology is good for non-traditional people that want to look at other forms of health that might be prevalent in your body, it’s a complementary type of tool that you can have to raise awareness that there might be something going on in your body. But it should never be used without confirmation via a conventional medical diagnosis. Here are some recommendations:

Routine Eye Exams

Regular dilated eye exams are recommended for individuals with diabetes, so complications can be caught in their early stages.

Blood Sugar Management

Good glucose control will greatly reduce the chance for diabetic eye diseases.

Nutrition and Lifestyle

A diet that is balanced, regular exercise and stress management will help your overall health as well as your ocular health.

Exploring Complementary Practices

If you will choose to explore iridology, then it is an addition to your standard medical care.


The Future of Diabetes and Eye Health

Medical technology has moved ahead, and the outlook for people with diabetic eye disease is improving. Hope for preserving vision is offered through treatments like anti-VEGF injections for macular oedema, retinopathy laser therapy, the most advanced surgical techniques for glaucoma and cataracts. In addition, iridology can provide some insights for those interested in a holistic understanding of the problem.


Can Iridology Detect Diabetes? Diabetes affects at least one in ten persons worldwide. It would therefore be very useful if Diabetes or Pre-Diabetes can be detected early so that it can be prevented or treated. Watch our insightful video to learn more. 




Diabetes is a systemic disease and has its marks on the body, particularly in the eyes. Diabetic retinopathy, macular oedema, cataracts, and glaucoma are conditions that demonstrate that diabetes left unchecked can compromise your vision. Modern diagnostic tools can detect and manage these issues.

Iridology gives a view into the holistic health philosophy, ultimately encouraging people to take steps in a preventive direction towards their health. By having regular medical check-ups and some mindful lifestyle practices, one can protect their vision as well as their overall health and have a bright future despite the problems of diabetes.


We offer both a Beginner’s Diabetes Introductory Course and an Advanced Course, These courses provide detailed explanations on managing or preventing Diabetes effectively. Investing in yourself and your body is crucial, as ultimately, everything else is materialistic. Feel free to explore our courses!


Discover the holistic approach to managing Diabetes in our FREE booklet ‘Best Ways To Treat Diabetes’. From this guide, you will learn the various treatments that can be done at home, foods to avoid and those you need to include in your diet, among other essential information. Download your FREE copy today and start the journey to take control of your life and prevent Diabetes.


Embark on a transformative journey towards better health when you purchase our book, “THE DIABETES SOLUTION: A 28 DAY ACTION PLAN FOR LOWERING BLOOD SUGAR NATURALLY”.  A wealth of information derived from years of experience in helping people with Diabetes and other health issues can be found in our #1 bestselling book on Amazon. Drawing from a diverse clientele spanning continents and cultures, we have curated a comprehensive action plan rooted in natural remedies and time-tested practices. This book is an indispensable companion, whether you are Diabetic, Prediabetic or looking for preventive action. Give yourself the power to take control of your health and see remarkable results, from nutritious recipes to invaluable advice on living a healthy life. You will be guided by the “THE DIABETES SOLUTION” to a healthier and happier future!


To learn more about Diabetes, check out our other related blogs:

How To Treat Diabetes Using Iridology

Can Iridology Detect Diabetes?

How To Use Iridology To Spot Diabetes

What does it mean when you have a pattern in your eye?

Practical Ways To Treat And Prevent Diabetes Naturally

Practical Tips For Preventing and Managing Obesity Related Diabetes


Iridology Guide

Petrina Ten

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