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how much does iridology cost? Tag

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What Does Iridology Cost?

Most of us do not question when we buy presents and spend money throughout the year for special occasions such as birthdays, engagements, weddings and holidays. We even spend a lifetime of earnings raising children and giving them the best education, toys and the latest electronic gadgets. Sadly, when it comes to our own health, we tend to undervalue it until we are seriously ill.     Iridology is the practice of studying the patterns and colours of the iris, which is the coloured part of the eye. It helps determine the health condition of your body in a non invasive way.  Trained Iridologists use Iridology Charts to compare the photos taken to the markings in the chart that represent various parts of the human body. Iridology can...

How Much Does Iridology Cost?

Iridology is a non invasive and alternative medicine treatment that studies the patterns on the iris. The iris is the coloured part of your eye. Iridology is based on the theory that it is possible to assess the health and potential health issues by analysing the changes in structure, texture and colour of the iris and pupil of the eye. These marks and colours can show various conditions of the body's tissues and levels of toxicity in the body.     Iridology gives the holistic health practitioner a tool to analyse the overall constitution or resiliency of each individual. It also gives an insight into areas of strengths and weaknesses that have been inherited. Iridology can therefore help identify potential or root causes of problems, even when specific...

What Is The Cost Of Iridology?

  Iridology is the practice of studying the patterns and colours of the iris, which is the coloured part of the eye. It helps determine the health condition of your body in a non invasive way.  Trained Iridologists use Iridology Charts to compare the photos taken to the markings in the chart that represent various parts of the human body.       Before modern iridology cameras were invented, Iridologists would use a magnifying glass and torch light to analyse the eyes and then draw their observations so that the person could picture what was being seen. This process is very time consuming and the accuracy of the drawings would depend on the Iridologist's drawing skills.     However, today, with the modern camera, digital photos can be easily taken which saves a...