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how can iridology be used to improve your health Tag

Organic Health Solutions / Posts tagged "how can iridology be used to improve your health"

How Can Iridology Be Used To Improve Your Health?

Iridology is a non invasive treatment and alternative medicine approach that studies the patterns on the iris. The iris is the coloured part of your eye. These vary in colours depending on the ancestry and genetics of the person. Iridology is based on the theory that it is possible to assess the health and potential health issues by analysing the changes in structure, texture and colour of the iris and pupil of the eye. These marks and colours can show various conditions of the body's tissues and levels of toxicity in the body. These change over time depending on the person's lifestyle and exposure to stress and how the person deals with various events  in their lives.   Holistic health practitioners use Iridology as a tool to...