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Can diet affect Psoriasis symptoms?

Patients with psoriasis experience a long-term autoimmune disease that causes skin inflammation, redness, skin scarring and tenderness. Different treatment strategies exist to control psoriasis symptoms although apparently no conventional medical solution exists to completely eliminate this condition. However, we’ve found a natural solution that can potentially cure your psoriasis. Read on to find out. Research interest is increasing regarding the way foods influence how severe psoriasis becomes. In managing your psoriasis symptoms, can your diet possibly make a difference? This blog article examines how food choices impact psoriasis symptom expression.   Petrina answers the question "Can diet affect Psoriasis symptoms?"   https://youtu.be/wc01zbIpplw?si=jF-vvvVXluLTjsjD   Understanding Psoriasis and Its Triggers An attack on healthy skin cells by the immune system triggers psoriasis which accelerates the natural skin cell turnover process. The excessive skin cell production...

What are the common triggers of Psoriasis flare ups?

As a chronic autoimmune disease, psoriasis produces red and inflamed skin surfaces that become covered with scaly patches. The specific origins of psoriasis remain undetermined but experts link this condition to genetic inheritance in combination with immune system irregularities and external influences. Coping with psoriasis becomes complex because patients struggle to identify and prevent the factors that cause their symptoms to get worse. Individuals who identify their psoriasis triggers will achieve better skin health and enhanced lifestyle quality. This blog examines prevalent psoriasis triggers as well as effective methods for their management.   Did you know Psoriasis is oftentimes triggered? Aside from FOOD, get to know the other triggers which usually flare up Psoriasis by watching our video, “Triggers of Psoriasis”!   https://youtu.be/iSYyFK7-z1M?si=AlVjaNqKNQCBiYB_   Stress People with psoriasis frequently experience stress as a...

Is there a genetic component to Psoriasis?

Millions of people throughout the world must deal with psoriasis which represents a chronic autoimmune skin disease. The disease causes intense redness which produces scaly irritated scars that result in painful and difficult conditions for patients. Extensive conventional medical research has failed to identify the exact causes of psoriasis because the condition demonstrates complex and multiple origins.   The genetic element of psoriasis stands out because numerous individuals who have the condition inherit it from family members. However, the existence of psoriasis in family members does not prove psoriasis is exclusively due to genetic causes. The development of psoriasis both in terms of its appearance and intensity can also depend on environmental elements and individual lifestyle patterns. This blog article investigates the genetic origins of psoriasis...

What are the risk factors for developing Psoriasis?

The skin disease Psoriasis, a chronic autoimmune disorder, generates red scaly surface areas which result in discomfort and itchiness. Medical research indicates psoriasis develops through genetic factors together with environmental triggers and the improper functioning of the immune system. Early detection alongside effective care and proactive prevention requires a clear understanding of psoriasis risk factors. This blog article investigates the essential risk factors related to psoriasis.   Do you or someone you know have Psoriasis? Our skin is our largest organ and a reflection of our internal health. Watch our insightful video to learn "What Are The Main Causes Of Psoriasis?”   https://youtu.be/JIO09h_QcUA?si=J5nqaBRRtK4GVQqt   Genetic Predisposition The development of psoriasis often depends heavily on heredity as an essential risk factor. A history of psoriasis in your family members creates a very strong...

Can stress trigger Psoriasis flare ups

Millions of people from across the globe suffer from Psoriasis, a chronic autoimmune disorder. It is a disease that manifests with red, scaly patches in the skin and can either be physically painful, or the discomfort can be psychologically traumatic. In the mainstream medical community, the exact cause of psoriasis is unclear, but experts agree that there are factors that can instigate, or even worsen flare-ups. In fact, stress is among these factors as a major cause. How does stress affect psoriasis, and what can you do about it? We explore the complicated relationship between stress and psoriasis and provide practical tips on how to handle both.   Do you or someone you know have Psoriasis?   Watch and learn from this video where Petrina answers the question...

How common is Psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition that affects millions of people globally. It is a well-known disease but many people are unaware of the real extent of it and the problems it causes for those who have it. So in this blog, we’re going to look at the numbers, the factors behind the rise, and the effects on the global population.   Learn about the different Types of Psoriasis.   https://youtu.be/SIFV8ITsDqA?si=ULMw3YxyLIyeo4Tm   What is Psoriasis? Psoriasis is an autoimmune condition that generally involves the skin but can also have an effect on the joints in the related form of psoriatic arthritis. This happens when the immune system speeds up the lifecycle of the skin cells, which pile up on the surface. As a result, they lead to scaly patches, redness and inflammation....

How can I protect my skin from pollution?

In these rapidly changing times, the modern world’s pollution has become an inevitable part of our daily life. Airborne pollutants from vehicle emissions to industrial waste can take a toll on our skin such as dullness, premature ageing, and even more severe conditions like inflammation or acne.   There’s no easy way to protect your skin from pollution and you need to take a holistic approach to this, not only paying attention to external care but also to nutrition from the inside out. There are holistic health practices and scientifically-backed supplements that have the power to save your skin’s vitality and radiance, such as USANA’s high quality nutritionals and the Celavive skincare line.   Watch and learn from our insightful video, “How to detoxify your skin naturally”.   https://youtu.be/tLvDyIaGUSk?si=gSZNZqJsLFDIudB6   The Effects...

Can diet affect my skin?

Our skin is our body’s largest organ and a mirror to our internal health. Who doesn't spend time and money on their skincare products trying to achieve that radiant complexion? However, it’s not just what we put on our skin that might make the difference in our skin appearing to glow and be healthy, but also what we put in our bodies.   Does saying “you are what you eat” also apply to our skin? The answer is very simply 'yes'. A large portion of your skin’s appearance and overall health is determined by your diet. In this blog, we’ll discuss how different foods and nutrients impact our skin health, what are some common dietary skin culprits, and how to build a diet that brightens your...

How does Psoriasis affect the skin?

Psoriasis is a condition of the skin which is complex, chronic and substantially affects the skin’s appearance, texture and general health. It’s way more than just a superficial skin issue, it’s a multifaceted autoimmune disorder that has systemic implications. In this article, we examine how and why psoriasis influences the skin and how it affects general health and quality of life.   Do you or someone you know have Psoriasis? Our skin is our largest organ and a reflection of our internal health. Watch our video to learn "How does Psoriasis affect the body".   https://youtu.be/KI9oZxvgYQM?si=w672xLZOYAtHOnyP   Understanding Psoriasis Psoriasis is a chronic, autoimmune condition that causes the body to speed up the life cycle of skin, causing skin cells to grow and multiply abnormally fast. Psoriatic skin cells do all this...

If I’ve just been diagnosed with Psoriasis, what should I know?

A diagnosis of psoriasis can be a challenging moment. This is a chronic autoimmune condition that affects your skin as well as your emotional, mental and social well being. It may seem daunting at first, but learning about psoriasis and embracing a holistic approach can help you lead a full, and even vibrant life with psoriasis.   Do you or someone you know have Psoriasis? Our skin is our largest organ and a reflection of our internal health. Watch our insightful video to learn "What Are The Main Causes Of Psoriasis?".   https://youtu.be/JIO09h_QcUA?si=-DOlVaPr5hUr50Jc   Understanding Psoriasis Psoriasis causes the immune system to attack healthy skin cells, making skin regenerate faster than normal. It results in scales and inflamed, red patches. Psoriasis often arises in the form of these plaques on elbows, knees,...