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Organic Health Solutions / Iridology (Page 7)

How To Treat Insomnia By Using Iridology

Insomnia means you frequently have problems sleeping. It is often caused by anxiety, stress and a poor sleeping environment such as when you are travelling and living out of a suitcase. For example, your bed may be uncomfortable due to a poor quality mattress or a room location where there is not enough darkness, uncomfortable temperatures, be it too hot or too cold and other habits such as smoking, drinking alcohol or caffeine or using electronic devices before going to bed.   Symptoms of insomnia include:   Struggling to fall asleep at bedtime Waking up during the night Waking up too early Still feeling tired after a night of sleep Tiredness or Sleepiness during the day Anxiety, Depression or Irritability Lack of focus or remembering tasks   Insomnia can be...

How Can Iridology Help With My Health Recovery?

Iridology is the study of the markings in your eye, in particular the iris. The iris is the coloured part of the eye. Iridology can detect various health concerns even before any symptoms arise. It is a non invasive health check tool that is gaining popularity and knowledge around the world.   Iridology can help with your health recovery because it can be used to monitor your progress. When you visit an Iridology clinic such as ours, we take digital photos of your eyes. If your disease is serious such as in the Chronic or Degenerative stages, we will highly recommend you return for a follow up appointment within 2 to 3 months. During the follow up appointment, we take new digital photos and compare these photos...

How To Get Rid Of Psoriasis Using Iridology

Psoriasis is a condition that causes red and crusty patches of skin covered with silvery scales. the main symptoms of Psoriasis are patches of skin on the face, scalp and other parts of the body, that are dry, red and covered in silver scales. Psoriasis can be very painful, both physically and emotionally.   Most people with Psoriasis naturally choose to cover up the affected parts of their skin with clothing or makeup. This actually makes it worse as using make up will clog the pores and not allow the skin to breathe naturally. Wearing clothing especially in hot and humid climates will also make the skin sweat and also not be able to breathe naturally, making the Psoriasis worse in the longer term.   When you suffer from...

Which Organ Weaknesses Can Be Identified Using Iridology?

Your eyes can tell you a lot about your overall health. For example, when have an eye check up, the optician can spot early signs of tumours, stress and diabetes. Eye examinations check far more than your vision. It is therefore important to have regular eye examinations. Watch and learn from our short video re Which Organ Weaknesses Can Be Identified Using Iridology.   Iridology is the study of the patterns and colours on the iris of the eye. This enables a person's overall health condition to be determined. It is a non-invasive method of viewing the iris to determine existing or potential health issues. Iridologists use iridology charts to make these observations. The charts have been created after observation of a variety of irises over the years. Each...

What Are The Four Stages Of Disease?

Are you aware there are four stages of disease? "Dis-Ease" means you are not at ease. When you have got a disease, you are not at ease. When you are at Ease, you are relaxed and feel great. If you suffer with arthritis, cancer, constipation, diabetes, knee pain, digestive upsets, heart problems, brain problems or skin problems, you have diseases and  you are not at ease.   Watch and learn more from our short video on What Are The Four Stages Of Disease? https://youtu.be/Fz3QVKjH5T0   The Four Stages Of Disease are as follows: Acute This means the disease is at the start of onset and this is the stage where it is best to take action to prevent the disease from getting worse and to reverse it.   For example, the common cold, flu and...

What Health Conditions Can Be Seen Through The Eyes?

Our eyes can reveal our health conditions. A comprehensive eye examination via Iridology can detect, monitor and even predict many diseases such as high blood pressure or hypertension, diabetes, digestive issues, thyroid disease, constipation, liver weaknesses and arthritis.   Iridology is a non invasive method of uncovering potential health conditions, even before the symptoms arise. This is done by examining the coloured area of the eye, known as the iris. Iridology has been practiced in various forms for many hundreds of years. It was initially practiced using a magnifying glass and torch, which some practitioners still use to date. Modern Iridology cameras have since been developed, enabling digital photos to be taken. This is useful as it enables both the Practitioner and the Patient to see the...

Can Your Eyes Reveal If You Have Stress?

Stress is a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or demanding circumstances. It is any type of change that causes physical, emotional or psychological strain. Everyone experiences stress at some stages in their lives. This can start from birth when the baby is born. After being in the mother's womb for approximately nine months, the change of environment causes stress which is the reason babies cry when they are born. Then during childhood, stress can occur as a result of peer pressure and various tests and examinations to prepare for and pass.   Stress continues in adults as they leave home and start working or doing tasks themselves. It can also be stressful managing or communicating with others. Watch our short video to...

What Can An Eye Examination Reveal?

Have you ever had an eye examination? If you have and are older, you may recall the optician, apart from checking your vision, also checking for signs of Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Stress or Glaucoma. Your eyes can tell you a lot about your overall health.   Watch our short video about What Can An Eye Examination Reveal?   https://youtu.be/0hQIweCbWxg   Iridology is the study of the patterns and colours on the iris of the eye. This enables a person's overall health condition to be determined. It is a non-invasive method of viewing the iris to determine existing or potential health issues. Iridologists use iridology charts to make these observations. The charts have been created after observation of a variety of irises over the years. Each marking and zone in the...

Can Cancer Be Detected By Looking At The Eyes?

Cancer is a life threatening disease cause by an uncontrolled division of abnormal cells in a part of the body. This can invade nearby tissues. The leading causes of cancer include smoking, being overweight, stress, drinking too much alcohol and eating excessive processed foods. Cancer is also caused by excessive consumption of processed sugar and the body being over-acidic. Acidity is the result of not consuming sufficient fresh fruits and vegetables and other alkaline foods and drinks.   Iridology is the study of the patterns and colours on the iris, which is the coloured part of the eye.  This enables the Iridologist to determine information about the patient's overall health and health concerns, even before symptoms arise. Iridologists use Iridology Charts to make these observations. The Iris...

How To Treat Heartburn Using Iridology

Heartburn is a burning sensation in the middle of your chest caused by stomach acid travelling up towards the throat, also known as acid reflux. If it keeps happening, this is called gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD.   Apart from the burning sensation, the main symptoms include an unpleasant sour taste in your mouth due to the stomach acid, cough or hiccups that keep occurring, a hoarse voice, bad breath and bloating and feeling sick.   Most people suffer from heartburn after they eat a large meal, eat late before bedtime or eating fatty or spicy foods. If the pain is not relieved shortly after taking antacids, one should seek medical care. Drinking herbal tea, fruit juice, water or coconut water may help with acid reflux.   Iridology is a non...