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Can Iridology Detect Dementia?

Iridology is the study of the patterns and colours on the iris of the eye. This enables a person’s overall health condition to be determined. It is a non-invasive method of viewing the iris to determine existing or potential health issues. These potential health issues, when detected earlier can assist in faster recovery or prevention of the illness from getting worse.



Dementia is a term used to describe a set of symptoms linked with progressive neurological or brain disorders. This may include memory loss, difficulties with problem-solving or language or difficulties with thinking. These symptoms normally start small. However, as Dementia progresses, it may affect the person’s daily life and tasks and those who live with the person. As a result of Dementia, the person may also experience changes in behaviour and mood. The person may become easily frustrated or irritable, upset or anxious. These behavious may cause distress to family members, friends or colleagues.



It is estimated that over 55 million people around the world are living with Dementia. It is also the fifth leading cause of death globally and it is expected to triple over the next 30 years.  Dementia makes a person have difficulty in recalling events that happened recently, for example what they had for breakfast or a loved one’s name. It affects day to day memory. It also affects problem solving  or carrying out a sequence of tasks such as making a drink or preparing a meal. Finding the right words during a speech or conversation or difficulty in following a conversation is another sign of Dementia.



Obvious signs of Dementia include repetitious questioning, inadequate hygience and trouble with decision making. Those with early signs of Dementia encounter trouble keeping track of time and remembering familiar places and people. This can result in depression and aggression. In later stages of Dementia, a person may develop physical symptoms such as muscle weakness, weight loss or changes in appetite or sleep patterns. It is therefore important to have regular check ups, such as using Iridology to detect the early warning signs, even before these symptoms arise.



Watch our short video to learn more about Iridology and Dementia.




Iridologists use iridology charts to make observations on the patterns and markings in the iris. The charts have been created after observation of a variety of irises over the years. Each marking and zone in the iris represents a different aspect or organ of the human body. Iridologists can discover some markers of inflammation in certain specific areas. For example, the brain area is between 11 o’ clock and 1 o’clock in the iridology chart. When a grey or whitish ring forms around the brain area of the iris, this signifies the start of Dementia or the severity of it, depending in the thickness of the grey or whitish ring.




The following persons are more at risk of developing Dementia:


  • Those who are over the age of 65.
  • South Asian and African or African-Caribbean people
  • Those who are at risk of stroke or suffer from hypertension, Diabetes or Cardiovascular disease
  • Women are twice as likely to be at risk compared to men
  • Those who have had a history of Dementia in their family



When cholesterol builds up in the eyes, a white or grey ring can form around the iris. This is called arcus senilis, which is a common sign of aging. This can indicate high cholesterol and triglycerides, and a greater risk for stroke and heart disease.

Very often, the patient will confirm they consume lots of foods cooked in the wrong oils and deep fried such as highly processed and fast foods.



People with Dementia can have visual difficulties as Dementia affects the parts of the brain that handle visual information coming from the eyes. Dementia is the term applied to a group of symptoms that negatively impact memory, performance of daily activities and communication abilities. Alzheimer’s, which is the most common type of Dementia, is a specific progressive disease of the brain that slowly causes impairment in memory and cognitive function.


Watch our short video to learn more re Can Iridology Detect Dementia.



As Dementia is a very serious degenerative illness, it is highly recommended that you explore this non invasive tool of Iridology as part of your regular health check.



To learn more about What Can Iridology Discover, check out our other related blogs:

Can Iridology Detect Cancer?

Iridology Pictures and Meanings

Can You See Illness In Your Eyes?

Can Iridology Detect Heart Problems?

Iridology Benefits







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Iridology Guide


Petrina Ten

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