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What Clears Psoriasis Fast?

We take great satisfaction in providing a holistic approach to health and wellness at our clinic. In this article, we explore how combining the insights of an iridologist with the nutritional guidance of a nutritionist can help people with Psoriasis find relief quickly and effectively. We want to enable our customers to take charge of their health and reach their highest level of well-being by using our expertise and experience. 


Customised Nutrition Plan

Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition that impacts millions of people globally. It can be unpleasant, irritating, and uncomfortable in social situations. It is characterised by red, scaly patches of skin. Although there is no quick fix for psoriasis, symptoms can be effectively managed and reduced with a holistic approach that includes a customised nutrition plan.


Incorporate Anti-inflammatory Foods

An effective personalised nutrition plan for psoriasis should focus on anti-inflammatory foods high in omega-3 fatty acids. These foods include walnuts, flaxseeds, chia seeds, hemp seeds, and fatty fish (salmon, mackerel, and sardines, among others). It has been demonstrated that omega-3 fatty acids lower inflammation, which can help in the management of psoriasis.


Focus on Fruits and Vegetables

Rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, fruits and vegetables can help support the overall health of the skin and prevent inflammation. Aim for at least five servings of colourful fruits and veggies every day by including them into your meals. Studies have demonstrated the beneficial impact of antioxidants, such as vitamins A, C, and E, on psoriasis.


Choose Lean Proteins

Essential amino acids can be obtained from lean protein sources such as tofu, beans, and lentils without consuming the extra saturated fats present in red meats. Studies have indicated that people with psoriasis can benefit from a diet high in lean proteins.

In addition, in our 30-40 years of experience working and helping heal Psoriasis patients, we’ve discovered that the main cause of Psoriasis is toxicity in the gut caused by eating too much red meat regularly. This is because it takes about four whole days for your body  to digest red meat. For example, the red meat you eat on Monday will be stuck in your gut until Thursday. So it’s best to avoid red meat as much as possible to maintain a healthy digestive system.


Avoid Trigger Foods

While the triggers for each person may differ, alcohol, red meat, processed foods, and dairy products are frequently identified as trigger foods for psoriasis. Trying out an elimination diet can assist in determining which foods make your symptoms worse and should be avoided. 


Stay Hydrated

In addition to being beneficial to your general health, drinking lots of water throughout the day can help keep your skin moisturised, which can reduce the severity of psoriasis symptoms.


Consult a Professional

Keep in mind that what works one person might not work for another. A nutritionist clinic like Planet Wellness should be consulted in order to create a customised nutrition plan that meets your unique needs and objectives. We can also keep tabs on your development and modify as needed along the way.Psoriasis Guide



Request for our free guide 6 Proven Secrets To Improve Your Psoriasis.

If you are suffering from Psoriasis, discover natural proven techniques to improve and even completely reverse your condition by enrolling in our online course Psoriasis Expert Secrets.



Learn more about which Foods to avoid for Psoriasis, even some which you may have thought are okay for you to eat.



Herbal and Natural Remedies

Although there isn’t a quick fix for psoriasis, a number of herbal and natural treatments have demonstrated potential in successfully managing and alleviating symptoms.


Aloe Vera

Aloe vera has been used for its soothing properties for a very long time. Directly applying aloe vera gel to the affected regions can help relieve inflammation and itching.



Curcumin, a substance found in turmeric, has powerful anti-inflammatory properties. Adding turmeric as an ingredient to your meals or drinking fresh turmeric tea can help alleviate inflammation caused by Psoriasis.

Do you or someone you know have Psoriasis? Have you heard of and tried Turmeric? Watch and learn from our informative video on Benefits of Turmeric for Psoriasis.



Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)

Acetic acid, which is present in ACV, has been demonstrated to have anti-inflammatory properties as well as antimicrobial properties that can help prevent infections. ACV is also rich in antioxidants which can help neutralise free radicals and reduce oxidative stress. In addition, ACV can help regulate the pH levels of the skin. Psoriasis is linked to pH imbalances and correcting these imbalances can aid in the healing process. Last but not the least, ACV supports digestion and nutrient absorption, which can improve psoriasis indirectly by improving general health.


Gain valuable insights from watching our video, How To Treat Psoriasis Using Apple Cider Vinegar.




Because of its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, ginger helps reduce the oxidative stress and inflammation linked to psoriasis. The gingerol in ginger reduces symptoms by inhibiting pro-inflammatory cytokines. Furthermore, the antioxidants in it fight against oxidative stress that worsens psoriasis. A strong immune system is essential for managing psoriasis, and ginger supports this. Additionally, it aids digestion, enhancing the absorption of nutrients and gut health, which indirectly helps treat psoriasis.

Learn How To Heal Psoriasis Using Ginger, a commonly used ingredient in our kitchens! Ginger has been used for many centuries for its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. Watch our video:




Watercress is a cruciferous, leafy green vegetable rich in nutrients and antioxidants.  It is the ideal plant for “putting out inflammatory fires,” since it is traditionally known for its blood-cleansing abilities.  It works very well for itchy skin disorders such as Psoriasis. Enjoy watercress in your salads, sauces, soups, and smoothies.



Taking certain vitamins and supplements can support faster relief from psoriasis symptoms, such as inflammation and skin irritation, as well as boost overall health and wellbeing.



Magnesium is an essential mineral that has several health benefits for those with psoriasis. Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, it can effectively reduce the redness and inflammation brought on by psoriasis, relieving the affected skin areas. Magnesium also helps to keep the skin’s moisture barrier intact, which improves hydration and relieves irritation and dryness. Skin inflammation caused by an overactive immune system is frequently associated with psoriasis. Magnesium helps regulate the immune system, which may reduce inflammation. Its antioxidant qualities also protect skin cells from the damaging effects of free radicals, promoting general skin health. With these several advantages, taking a magnesium supplement can greatly help with psoriasis management and skin health enhancement. 



Psoriasis skin cell growth may be slowed down by maintaining adequate calcium levels, which are necessary for regulating cell division and proliferation. Additionally, calcium has anti-inflammatory properties that may help lessen psoriasis-related inflammation. Balanced calcium levels contribute to immune system function and reduce overactivity in psoriasis. Furthermore, calcium helps the skin retain moisture and protect against external factors that could aggravate the symptoms of psoriasis.


Vitamin D

There are various ways that vitamin D supplements can help clear psoriasis. Vitamin D plays a crucial role in regulating the immune system’s response, which is advantageous for the treatment of psoriasis, an autoimmune disease. Additionally, it contains anti-inflammatory qualities that may aid in lowering psoriasis-related inflammation. Adequate levels of vitamin D have the potential to regulate skin cell proliferation, thereby slowing down their rapid growth. Making sure you have enough vitamin D can help with skin health as well as general health and even help with psoriasis symptoms.



Taking prebiotics, non-digestible fibre compounds that promote the growth and activity of good bacteria in the gut, can help treat psoriasis through various ways. Prebiotics encourage the growth of beneficial gut bacteria potentially restoring the balance between good and bad microbes in the gut, which have been associated with autoimmune diseases, including Psoriasis. Prebiotics can also support proper immune function by fostering a healthy gut microbiome, which can alleviate inflammation and reduce the severity of psoriasis. In addition, prebiotics help ensure that essential vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin D, are effectively absorbed by enhancing nutrient absorption in the gut.


Make no bones about it, calcium, magnesium, and vitamin D are all vital to your everyday health and you can supplement these by taking USANA MagneCal D.

Digestive health can be taken for granted and with USANA Fibergy Active, you can show support for your gut health before irregularity and discomfort becomes a cross to bear. 

Order these Platinum Plus-rated and supplements backed by science and thorough research via bit.ly/petrinatenusana


Stress Management

Because of how Psoriasis looks and feels, it often brings about emotional stress. Ironically, stress can intensify the irritation and inflammation associated with psoriasis, leading to a vicious cycle. Nevertheless, by managing stress effectively, it is possible to break this cycle and quickly alleviate psoriasis symptoms.


Stress and Psoriasis: A Vicious Cycle

Stress can worsen pre-existing symptoms and cause flare-ups of psoriasis, which can lead to further stress and exacerbation of psoriasis symptoms. It can be challenging and overwhelming to break out of this loop. There is a correlation between stress and psoriasis that is influenced by multiple factors:


Immune Response

Stress triggers the immune system, which can worsen inflammation and trigger the skin cells that cause psoriasis to proliferate rapidly. The symptoms of psoriasis may intensify as a result of this immune activation creating a positive feedback loop.


Hormonal Changes

Hormonal changes brought on by stress include an elevation in cortisol levels. The structure and function of the skin can be impacted by cortisol, which may result in flare-ups of psoriasis.


Behavioural Changes

When stressed, persons with psoriasis may engage in unhealthy behaviours such as eating unhealthy foods or not prioritising their sleep. These actions can make psoriasis symptoms worse.


Stress Management Strategies for Psoriasis Relief


Mindfulness Meditation

Reducing stress and being present in the moment are the main goals of mindfulness meditation. Research has shown that practising mindfulness-based stress reduction can lessen the severity of psoriasis and enhance general well-being.


Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) helps people in recognizing and confronting negative thought patterns, which is especially beneficial in reducing the stress brought on by psoriasis. Studies have demonstrated that CBT can considerably improve mental health and lessen the severity of psoriasis.


Yoga and Exercise

Regular exercise or yoga are examples of physical activities that can lower stress and elevate your mood. Given that stress is frequently a trigger for flare-ups of psoriasis, this could result in a reduction in its symptoms.


Support Groups

Being a part of a support group can provide people with a sense of community and emotional support, which can help them manage stress and reduce its impact on their psoriasis. 

Everyone, younger and older, suffers from stress at some points in their lives. Do you know that taking the right vitamins daily may help? Watch and learn from our short video on Which Vitamins Are Good For Stress.




We can effectively assist people who have psoriasis in finding relief from their condition quickly and effectively by combining the holistic insights with Iridology partnered with the food recommendations using Nutrition. By applying our knowledge and experience, we empower our clients to take control of their health and achieve the maximum possible degree of well-being. A personalised diet plan that emphasises anti-inflammatory foods high in omega-3 fatty acids, rich in fruits and vegetables, and lean protein is part of our strategy. In addition, we suggest avoiding trigger foods, particularly red meat, processed foods, and alcohol and that you should drink plenty of water. Supplements, stress reduction techniques, and herbal and natural remedies can all help relieve psoriasis even more. By using these integrative efforts, you can take control of your psoriasis and live a happier and healthier life.

If you book an Iridology consultation with us, we can develop a successful and personalised treatment and detoxification program that will heal your Psoriasis and boost your quality of life.


To learn more about Psoriasis, check out our other related blogs:

How To Get Rid of Psoriasis Using Iridology

How To Heal Psoriasis With Vegetables

How To Get Rid Of Psoriasis Naturally

What Does Psoriasis Look Like?

Psoriasis and Your Immune System

How To Heal Psoriasis Naturally




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