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What Is The Most Common Eye Condition Associated With Aging

As we age, the risk of our eyesight deteriorating, increases. However, we can prolong this deterioration much longer if we take care of our health continuously from an earlier age. There are many ways where we can prevent this or if we notice a deterioration, there is still time to implement positive improvements to our health to improve our eyesight. Most of us start developing eyesight issues between mid-40s and early 50s. This is usually long sightedness which affects reading finer print and working on electronic devices. Short sightedness occurs at a younger age, normally in late teens or early 20s or 30s. However, these days, the younger generation of children seem to be having eye conditions much earlier in life.


Watch our short video on What Is The Most Common Eye Condition Associated With Aging


Keeping fit and free from diseases such as Diabetes is very important. Being overweight or obese can lead to Diabetes, which may cause damage to the tiny blood vessels in the eyes. This condition is known as Diabetic Retinopathy, which causes the very small arteries in your retina to leak blood and fluid into the eye, harming your vision. Your retina is the light sensitive back part of your eye.


Having regular eye check ups and Iridology consultations will help you to identify potential eye problems, even before symptoms arise. Most problems can be corrected when detected early. Sadly, most people wait until they experience eyesight problems before booking in for a check up. Regular Eye Check ups can also detect other health concerns such as High Blood Pressure, Cholesterol and Diabetes. Managing these chronic conditions, which are linked to chronic inflammation can keep you healthy. Inflammation of the optic nerve can cause pain and loss of vision.


Our genes play a big part in our health as some eye conditions are hereditary. These include glaucoma, age-related macular degeneration and retinal degeneration. Understanding your family’s eye health history can help you take early precautions. You are also in control of the environment you choose to be in and the actions you take and this has proven to be powerful in avoiding or reversing any inherited eye health concerns.



For example, if you were brought up in an environment where you consumed poor quality food, as you gain your financial independence, you can make better food choices. Likewise if you had a great and healthy childhood but have now chosen to eat more convenience foods, then your health will start to deteriorate, no matter how good your genes are.


Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a disease which affects a part of your eye called the macula. This is the central part of your retina and is responsible for your central vision, colour vision and seeing fine details. Your peripheral vision remains unaffected as a different part of your retina is responsible for its function. The symptoms of AMD include faded colours, words disappearing when you read and objects changing shape, size and colour.


Cataracts occur when changes in the lens of the eye cause it to become less transparent, resulting in cloudy or misty vision. Cataracts normally develop due to age and is the leading cause of blindness globally.


Glaucoma is a condition whereby your eyesight gradually deteriorates as a result of damage to your optic nerve. The optic nerve is at the back of your eye and becomes damage by a build up of pressure inside the eye, primarily caused by issues with the eye’s drainage area. Your eyes constantly produce a watery fluid called aqueous to maintain good eye pressure and nourish the cornea. This keeps the eyes healthy and promotes great vision. Glaucoma occurs when the drainage angle in the eye is either completely blocked or partially blocked, preventing the aqueous from draining properly.


The following are some ways to reverse or prevent eye aging:


  • Ensure you have adequate deep sleep daily.


  • Keeping adequately hydrated daily.


  • Regular Iridology check-ups and deteriorating eyesight is also caused by weaknesses in other body organs.


  • Taking adequate great quality potency guaranteed supplements for your eyes and also eating foods that contain nutrients that feed your eyes such as blueberries, carrots and tomatoes.




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