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Must I Go On Insulin?

Diabetes is not an easy disease to manage and it requires multiple approaches and interventions. Perhaps the most important choice you may be confronted with is the choice to go on insulin. This decision is usually made alongside a number of questions and issues. Knowing what insulin is, how it acts, and when it can be useful will enable you to make the right choice for your body.


What Is Insulin?

Insulin is a peptide hormone that is synthesised in the pancreas and is responsible for the metabolism of glucose and regulating insulin levels. Whenever you consume carbohydrates, your body breaks them down into glucose and this is pumped into the bloodstream. Insulin assists your cells to transport this glucose into the cells so that they can be able to function. When there is inadequate insulin, glucose is retained in the blood resulting in high sugar levels in the blood which is referred to as hyperglycemia.


When Is Insulin Necessary?

The need for insulin varies depending on the type of Diabetes and how well one can regulate his or her blood sugar.


Type 1 Diabetes

In type 1 Diabetes, your body produces little or no insulin, therefore, you will need to take insulin from the beginning. In this type of Diabetes, the body’s immune system fights against its own body tissues and destroys the insulin-creating cells in the pancreas. When insulin is lacking, glucose cannot be transported to the cells and, thus, an injection of insulin, taken once or twice a day, or an insulin pump, is needed to maintain the proper level of blood glucose.


Type 2 Diabetes

Diabetes type 2 can progress to a stage where insulin use is required over some time. Type 2 Diabetes at first can be regulated by changes in diet, exercises, and oral medications for many people. But in the later stages of the disease, the body may produce little or no insulin, or cells may not accept the insulin produced, making insulin therapy inevitable.


Gestational Diabetes

Many women with gestational Diabetes, a type of Diabetes that develops during pregnancy, may need insulin shots if lifestyle modifications fail to regulate blood sugar. Having a proper diet is important in that it helps manage the mother’s blood sugar levels as well as the baby’s development.


This is a recording of our recent Wellness Wednesday presentation, “Let’s Talk About Diabetes”, to a group of attendees who learnt about Diabetes and its natural remedies. 




Diabetes Guide


Have you tried everything to help control your diabetes and lead a better quality of life?

Do you sometimes wonder, how other people who have diabetes, are able to live a much more fulfilled life? Then our FREE Best Ways to Treat Diabetes Guide is must for you to learn the best proven ways to treat your diabetes.

Check out our very affordable Diabetes Introductory and Diabetes Advanced courses.





Signs That You May Need Insulin

If you have type 2 Diabetes, several signs may indicate that it’s time to consider insulin therapy:


Consistently High Blood Sugar Levels

Sometimes for type 2 Diabetes, your blood sugar may still remain high even when you have adjusted your diet and when you are taking oral medications, thus your doctor may prescribe insulin.


HbA1c Levels

HbA1c is one of the blood tests that assess your average blood glucose levels of the last 2 to 3 months. If you have been having high HbA1c levels for some time, it may be necessary for you to start using insulin.


Symptoms of Hyperglycemia

High blood sugar symptoms that may call for insulin include more frequent thirst, more frequent urges to urinate, and sudden weight loss.


Difficulty Maintaining a Healthy Weight

One of the characteristics of type 2 Diabetes is insulin resistance which makes it harder to shed pounds. There are medications that make it possible to better control the blood sugar level and facilitate the process of weight loss. However, it is important to take note that medications are only a temporary fix.


Benefits of Insulin Therapy

Starting to go on insulin can be challenging but makes a big difference when it comes to controlling the disease. Here are some benefits:


Better Blood Sugar Control

In the medical community, insulin is the best treatment that can be used in the process of managing blood sugar levels. Insulin can support the attainment of the target blood glucose levels better than other drugs.


Prevention of Complications

Prolonged high blood sugar levels result in severe effects including heart disease, kidney disease and nerve damage. These can be avoided by use of insulin treatment to ensure that high levels of blood sugar are brought to a normal range.


Flexibility in Diet

With insulin, you have a more flexible regimen and therefore there is more space for modification in what you eat and what you drink. You may need to modify the insulin dose to be able to control postprandial hyperglycemia, so that you can have a more varied diet.


Concerns About Insulin Therapy

People understand the role of insulin therapy and it is quite customary to have some concern regarding starting on it. Here are some common worries and some facts to help you address them:


Fear of Needles

The majority of patients are concerned regarding the pain of injection. Nevertheless, insulin needles are thin and made in a way that causes minimal pain to the patient. It is also possible to use insulin pens and pumps that are also easier to use when compared to the traditional syringes.


Weight Gain

While using insulin, you may gain weight, however your weight can be managed through exercise and dieting. You must ensure that you work with healthcare professionals to ensure that your weight stays within check.



Some of the side effects of insulin include hypoglycemia as it lowers blood sugar to control fluctuation risks. However, if well managed and closely supervised, the possibility of such a thing happening is small. It is possible to manage hypoglycemia by learning how to identify it and how to handle it.


Dependency on Insulin

Some patients get anxious that going on insulin is the sign that they have not been able to control their Diabetes in any other way. But this is a progressive disease, and insulin is sometimes a necessary and efficient method of treatment for many patients. It is not the end, it is not failure but is in its own way a step toward improved health.


This is a recording of a recent presentation, “8 Powerful Ways to Treat or Prevent Diabetes”, we shared on 360 Lifestyle Support Network’s weekly Sunday afternoon Zoom platform.



How to Start Insulin Therapy

If you and your doctor decide that insulin therapy is right for you, here’s what you can expect:


Education and Training

Your healthcare provider has the duty of educating you on the right way of administering insulin, reading your blood sugar levels, and symptoms of hypoglycemia. You will also get to learn the various forms of this hormone and how to go about in the matter of dosage with reference to blood glucose and the meals you take.


Starting Slow

Sometimes you may have to begin with a small amount of insulin and then gradually increase the dose until the blood sugar level is stabilised. Your doctor will decide with you which dosage and when is the best for you.


Regular Monitoring

It is very important to check your blood glucose levels frequently when you are using insulin. You’ll have to monitor your levels several times a day to ensure your dose is correct and make the necessary adjustments.


Follow-Up Appointments

Seeing your doctor regularly will assist in tracking your progress so that any adjustments can be made.


Alternatives to Insulin

Sometimes, there may be other treatments that can be done before insulin is taken. These include:


GLP-1 Receptor Agonists

These medicines assist your body to produce more insulin with foods in your stomach as well as reduce the rate at which your stomach digests the food.


SGLT2 Inhibitors

These medications assist your kidneys to filter glucose out of your blood through urine hence reducing the level of glucose in the blood.

However, do take note that every medicine you take has negative side effect/s which may not be evident now, but will manifest in the long-term.


Diet and Exercise

If you have Diabetes, lifestyle changes can help you put off the use of insulin for some time in your life. This entails keeping your meals low carbohydrate, exercising more, and reducing your weight.


Something Better than Insulin to Treat Your Diabetes

Are you tired of the constant cycle of insulin injections and managing your Diabetes with limited results? At our wellness clinic, we’ve discovered that there is a better way. Join us for a complimentary discovery call, where we’ll share a groundbreaking approach that goes beyond insulin to help you heal and manage your Diabetes more effectively. Discover how you can reclaim your health, reduce your dependence on medications, and enjoy a higher quality of life. Take the first step towards a healthier future—book your call today and find out how we can make a difference together!

Watch our video to learn more about, “Must I Go On Insulin?




Choosing whether you must go on insulin is a challenging step, but patients need to understand that insulin is a natural hormone that may be needed for those with Diabetes. If people undergo the necessary education and counselling, insulin therapy is often described by patients as a tolerable and effective method to maintain good blood sugar levels. Adhering to your doctor’s appointment, eating well-balanced meals, doing regular exercises, and sticking to your doctor’s instructions are some of the ways in which to make insulin effective in your life. However, it is important that you consult our wellness clinic as we have discovered something better than insulin that can help you treat and heal your Diabetes.


Discover the holistic approach to managing Diabetes in our FREE booklet ‘Best Ways To Treat Diabetes’. From this guide, you will learn the various treatments that can be done at home, foods to avoid and those you need to include in your diet, among other essential information. Download your FREE copy today and start the journey to take control of your life and prevent Diabetes.


Embark on a transformative journey towards better health when you purchase our book, “THE DIABETES SOLUTION: A 28 DAY ACTION PLAN FOR LOWERING BLOOD SUGAR NATURALLY”.  A wealth of information derived from years of experience in helping people with Diabetes and other health issues can be found in our #1 bestselling book on Amazon. Drawing from a diverse clientele spanning continents and cultures, we have curated a comprehensive action plan rooted in natural remedies and time-tested practices. This book is an indispensable companion, whether you are Diabetic, Prediabetic or looking for preventive action. Give yourself the power to take control of your health and see remarkable results, from nutritious recipes to invaluable advice on living a healthy life. You will be guided by the “THE DIABETES SOLUTION” to a healthier and happier future!


To learn more about Diabetes, check out our other related blogs:

Different Types Of Diabetes And How To Treat Them

How To Treat Diabetes Using Iridology

What can be done to reduce the risk of Diabetes?

Can Iridology Detect Diabetes?

Practical Tips For Preventing and Managing Obesity Related Diabetes

What Is The Main Cause Of Diabetes?




Check out and order our Amazon Number 1 Bestseller book

The Diabetes SolutionA 28 Day Action Plan For Lowering Blood Sugar Naturally.




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