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Organic Health Solutions / Iridology (Page 2)

What are the patterns of the iris?

Iridology is a form of alternative medicine that involves looking at the patterns, colour, and other features of the coloured part of the eye—iris—to learn about someone’s health. According to iridology practitioners, the iris is a 'map' of the general health of the body and can be mapped to specific organs, tissues and body systems within particular zones of the iris. The popularity of this non-invasive practise has led both health practitioners and people interested in holistic well being to be intrigued by its abilities to detect imbalances, identify susceptibilities and recommend personalised health.   Iridology is based on the firm belief that our eyes are windows into our inner health. Iridology attracts interest from holistic healers and anyone interested in alternative approaches to health. In this...

What Your Iris Patterns Say About You

According to a long held belief, the eyes are the windows to the soul – but what if they could also serve as windows into your health? According to the study of the iris, otherwise known as Iridology, the patterns, colours and textures of the iris can tell you a lot about your physical and emotional health. While iridology is not mainstream medicine, many practitioners of alternative health swear by it as a health check tool to give a clue into the body's constitution and imbalances.   The Basics of Iridology In Iridology, the iris reflects the condition of the entire body and is also known as iridodiagnosis. It has evolved through centuries, with inputs from across the cultures and modern pioneers such as Dr. Ignaz von Peczely...

Why Is Iridology Important?

Given the healthcare and wellness landscape, alternative medicine is becoming more and more important, and provides an insight and solution to the conventional medical system. Iridology, the science of studying the eye (iris) to gain insight into overall health, is one of the many practices that pique the interest of many people.   Iridology is important because it is a non-invasive method to evaluate total health, to anticipate possible health issues at an early stage, to formulate personalised wellness packages and to encourage preventive health care.   In this blog post, we will examine why iridology is an important part of holistic health and a useful tool for many who are looking to become healthier.   A Non-Invasive Method for Health Assessment One of the most compelling reasons why Iridology is...

Can Your Iris Show Health Problems?

Have you ever wondered if the colours, patterns, and textures of your eyes could show more than just your personality or emotions? In the practice of Iridology, the iris — the coloured part of your eye — is a window to your general health.   Iridology practitioners can detect certain signs and marks in the iris that point to health problems or imbalances. This integrated health strategy has its roots in ancient practices and maintains its use among today's naturopathic practitioners.   What is iridology, what makes it work, and can your iris show health problems? We will examine the fascinating subject of iridology and look into its ideas, techniques, and current relevance to holistic health.   What is Iridology? Iridodiagnosis, or iridology as it is also called, consists in analysing...

How Can Iridology Assist With Emotional Health?

Mental health plays an essential role in determining one’s ability to think, feel, and cope with pressure. Even if people keep their emotions in check, they are never entirely free of physical symptoms, as physical states of imbalance come hand in hand with mental ones, and might result in fatigue, digestive issues, chronic diseases, and more. Although modern medicine provides numerous treatments for emotional health, practices such as Iridology find themselves in high demand due to their holistic nature.   Iridology is defined as the study of the iris of the eye, which is the coloured portion of the eye, where different patterns are believed to reveal details about a person’s general health both physically, emotionally, and psychologically. Since Iridology looks at the patterns, colours and textures...

Can Iridology Detect Hormone Imbalance?

In the pursuit of achieving a healthy body and mind, people look for other ways of managing and understanding their health problems. One of such approach is Iridology. This is an ancient diagnostic method that examines the iris, the coloured part of the eye, to determine the general health of a person.   Modern medicine mostly employs blood tests, imaging, and other methods to determine hormonal dysfunctions, whereas Iridology is a gentle, personalised, and holistic approach to diagnosing. In this article, we discuss how Iridology can be used to identify hormonal disorders and why it should be included in the assessments of a person’s state of health.   Understanding Iridology Iridology is based on the assumption that the iris retains reflexive information about the organs and systems of the...

What is the theory behind Iridology?

Iridology as a form of complementary and alternative medicine is a rather interesting field in which its underlying concept is that the eyes, and more specifically, the iris, are the reflection of the overall health of the body. By looking at the shape, colour, or other features that may be found on the iris, the Iridologist should be able to note the presence of diseases that are acute and chronic in nature. It has been widely adopted by holistic health practitioners who believe that every part of their body has a way of signalling what is happening elsewhere.   The Foundation of Iridology The concept of Iridology is built on the theory that the iris, which is the coloured part of the eye, is inextricably connected to every...

Sclerology Explained

Sclerology is another form of a health check tool.  It examines the lines, patterns, and colour changes on the sclera or the white part of the eye to assess the health of a person. Sclerology is based on the assumption that the eyes reveal the rest of the body’s state and provides a distinct approach to examining the state of health. This article seeks to shed light on the historical background, concepts, and applications of Sclerology with a view of explaining how this method operates and the benefits that can be derived from it.   The History of Sclerology It is not a new idea that the eyes provide an indication of the overall health of the body. The concept of diagnosing from the eyes was very common...

Iridology Explained

As society strives to seek more natural ways of becoming healthy and adopting more specific treatment to individual needs, Iridology remains an enlightening tool of understanding the link between the eyes and the health of an individual.   Based on the concept that the eyes are a map of the internal organs, Iridology provides a unique and intriguing perspective on health and its possible improvement. Iridologists believe that one can diagnose not only the current disease, but also potential deficiencies and excesses in the body, by studying the patterns in the coloured part of the eye, the iris. In this article about Iridology, we discover what it is, how it works, and why people use it as part of a comprehensive approach to well-being.   What is Iridology? Iridology...