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Organic Health Solutions / Diabetes (Page 5)

Food Tips For People With Diabetes

Do you or someone you know have diabetes or is pre-diabetic? Have you ever wondered what foods people with diabetes should eat or avoid?   Diabetes is a chronic or long-lasting health condition that affects how your body turns food into energy. Over 415 Million people worldwide are living with Diabetes. It is estimated that over half a billion will have Diabetes within the next 20 years! It is therefore so important for us to learn how to prevent and treat Diabetes naturally.   When we eat, most of the food is broken down into sugar or glucose and released into our bloodstream. When our blood sugar increases, our pancreas releases insulin. Insulin acts like a key to let the blood sugar into our body's cells for use as...

Practical Ways To Treat And Prevent Diabetes Naturally

Are you or someone you know searching for practical ways to treat and prevent Diabetes naturally? If the answer is yes, then this blog is for you.   Diabetes is a chronic or long-lasting health condition that affects how your body turns food into energy. Over 415 Million people worldwide are living with Diabetes. It is estimated that over half a billion will have Diabetes within the next 20 years! It is therefore so important for us to learn how to prevent and treat Diabetes naturally.   When we eat, most of the food is broken down into sugar or glucose and released into our bloodstream. When our blood sugar increases, our pancreas releases insulin. Insulin acts like a key to let the blood sugar into our body's celles...

Can Your Eyes Indicate Signs Of Diabetes?

Diabetes is a chronic disease that occurs when your blood glucose or blood sugar is too high. Blood glucose or blood sugar is the main sugar found in your blood. It is your main source of energy that comes from the foods and drinks consumed.   Insulin is a hormone that is made in your Pancreas. It helps glucose from these foods and drinks get into your cells to be used as energy. If you are suffering from Diabetes, and you come across this blog, there is a very strong chance that you know other people who have got Diabetes or are Pre-Diabetic. You need to share this blog, which will help as many people with Diabetes or are Pre-Diabetic to recover or heal from Diabetes completely....

What Can Iridology Tell You About Your Health

Iridology is a fascinating practice that can reveal a lot about your health status. It is done by examining the patterns and colours in your irises. The iris is the coloured part of your eye. An Iridology consultation is a non-invasive, safe and reliable method that can identify health imbalances before they become serious illnesses.   During an Iridology examination, the Iridologist can identify areas of toxicity, weaknesses and inflammation. This examination involves an in-depth examination of the iris. It is then followed by a personalised analysis that outlines imbalances found and provides recommendations to address these imbalances.   To learn more on What Can Iridology Tell You About Your Health,  watch at your convenience, our over an hour long interview where we shared real life success stories about...

Which Organ Weaknesses Can Be Identified Using Iridology?

Your eyes can tell you a lot about your overall health. For example, when have an eye check up, the optician can spot early signs of tumours, stress and diabetes. Eye examinations check far more than your vision. It is therefore important to have regular eye examinations. Watch and learn from our short video re Which Organ Weaknesses Can Be Identified Using Iridology.   Iridology is the study of the patterns and colours on the iris of the eye. This enables a person's overall health condition to be determined. It is a non-invasive method of viewing the iris to determine existing or potential health issues. Iridologists use iridology charts to make these observations. The charts have been created after observation of a variety of irises over the years. Each...

What Are The Four Stages Of Disease?

Are you aware there are four stages of disease? "Dis-Ease" means you are not at ease. When you have got a disease, you are not at ease. When you are at Ease, you are relaxed and feel great. If you suffer with arthritis, cancer, constipation, diabetes, knee pain, digestive upsets, heart problems, brain problems or skin problems, you have diseases and  you are not at ease.   Watch and learn more from our short video on What Are The Four Stages Of Disease? https://youtu.be/Fz3QVKjH5T0   The Four Stages Of Disease are as follows: Acute This means the disease is at the start of onset and this is the stage where it is best to take action to prevent the disease from getting worse and to reverse it.   For example, the common cold, flu and...

What Health Conditions Can Be Seen Through The Eyes?

Our eyes can reveal our health conditions. A comprehensive eye examination via Iridology can detect, monitor and even predict many diseases such as high blood pressure or hypertension, diabetes, digestive issues, thyroid disease, constipation, liver weaknesses and arthritis.   Iridology is a non invasive method of uncovering potential health conditions, even before the symptoms arise. This is done by examining the coloured area of the eye, known as the iris. Iridology has been practiced in various forms for many hundreds of years. It was initially practiced using a magnifying glass and torch, which some practitioners still use to date. Modern Iridology cameras have since been developed, enabling digital photos to be taken. This is useful as it enables both the Practitioner and the Patient to see the...

What Can An Eye Examination Reveal?

Have you ever had an eye examination? If you have and are older, you may recall the optician, apart from checking your vision, also checking for signs of Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Stress or Glaucoma. Your eyes can tell you a lot about your overall health.   Watch our short video about What Can An Eye Examination Reveal?   https://youtu.be/0hQIweCbWxg   Iridology is the study of the patterns and colours on the iris of the eye. This enables a person's overall health condition to be determined. It is a non-invasive method of viewing the iris to determine existing or potential health issues. Iridologists use iridology charts to make these observations. The charts have been created after observation of a variety of irises over the years. Each marking and zone in the...

What Diseases Can Be Detected From Your Eyes?

Have you ever wondered or know What Diseases Can Be Detected From Your Eyes? "Dis-Ease" means you are not at ease. When you have got a disease, you are not at ease. When you are at Ease, you are relaxed and feel great. If you have got arthritis, if you have got knee pain, if you have got digestive upsets, heart problems, brain problems you have diseases and  you are not at ease.   Iridology is the study of the Iris, which is the coloured part of the eye. It has been studied and practiced for hundreds of years by Doctors, Opticians, Eye Specialists and even Chiropractors. Unfortunately, over time, most of these practitioners have been under tight time and financial budgets and this proven science has been...

Which Vitamins Are Good For Eyesight?

Our eyes are the window to the world and likewise, our eyes can be a window into the health of our body. Our eyes are therefore not just the window to our soul. Our eyes offer a glimpse into our health and we must go through an Iridology eye examination and consultation at least once a year or more frequently to monitor our progress if we are unwell.   In the meantime, just like our mobile devices need to be charged regularly and our vehicles need to be topped up with the right fuel, likewise our eyes require top quality nutrients for good eyesight. Our eyes are complex organs that require many different vitamins and nutrients to function properly. Adequate nutrition plays an important role in whether...