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Organic Health Solutions / Diabetes (Page 2)

What can be done to reduce the risk of Diabetes?

Diabetes,  especially Type 2 Diabetes, is a common disease and has become a global issue that affects many people around the world. Nonetheless, there are several established methods that can help you avoid the onset of this chronic disease. This article provides insights into the methods of preventing Diabetes through improving daily habits, diet, and continuous monitoring of health.   Understanding Diabetes It is very important to define what exactly Diabetes is and how it influences the human body before trying to look for ways to prevent it. Diabetes is a common disease that is classified as a metabolic disorder which causes high blood sugar levels. There are primarily two Types of Diabetes: Type 1 and Type 2. Type 1 Diabetes is a disease whereby the immune system...


What are the types of Diabetes?

Diabetes is a long-term illness that affects the way the body processes glucose or blood sugar. It happens when the body either fails to make enough insulin or is unable to properly utilise the insulin that has been produced. Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas that helps glucose from food pass into cells and be used for energy. If left uncontrolled for years, high blood glucose can cause damage to different organs of the body such as the heart, blood vessels, eyes, kidneys and nerves.   The Different Types of Diabetes There are different types of Diabetes and they differ in their causes, symptoms, and management. The three common ones are known as Type 1 Diabetes, Type 2 Diabetes and Gestational Diabetes. There are also other...

What Is Pre-Diabetes?

Prediabetes is a critical health condition that can be characterised by high levels of blood sugar that are, however, below the threshold for type 2 Diabetes. This stage is usually ignored for the reason that there are no apparent symptoms that require medical attention and it actually serves as a wake up call that something has to be done to prevent diabetes. General knowledge about prediabetes, as well as its traits and prevention, is crucial for overall health and for avoiding dangerous outcomes. In this article, we will discuss what prediabetes is, how one can be diagnosed with it, and what measures can be taken to prevent or manage this ailment.   Understanding Prediabetes Prediabetes is a condition characterised by raised blood sugar levels but are not elevated...

What Are The Risk Factors For Developing Diabetes?

Diabetes is a long-term condition that results from the body inability to regulate glucose in the blood and it impacts millions of people. If not well managed, it can cause severe health risks such as heart problems, stroke, kidney malfunction, and nerve dysfunction. Knowledge of factors that put one at a risk of developing Diabetes is important in preventing the condition and possibly treating the condition at an early stage. In this article, we discuss the various factors that may lead to different types of Diabetes, especially Type 2 Diabetes, which is more prevalent.   This is a recording of our Wellness Wednesday presentation, "Let's Talk About Diabetes”, to a group of attendees who learnt about Diabetes and its natural remedies.  Set aside time to watch and...

Does Hyperglycaemia Mean Diabetes

Hyperglycaemia, commonly known as high blood sugar, is a condition that often raises concerns about Diabetes. Hyperglycaemia is a major symptom of Diabetes but not an exclusive indicator, due to elevated glucose levels in the blood. Hyperglycaemia may also be caused by various factors, including the use of medicines, stress and meal intake.   It is essential to understand the complex relationship between Hyperglycaemia and Diabetes in order to recognise symptoms, manage them as well as seek appropriate help from a healthcare practitioner. This article looks at the causes, symptoms and implications of hyperglycaemia in order to determine whether it always refers to Diabetes as well as differentiate between temporary sugar spikes and chronic diseases.   Understanding Hyperglycaemia If the body has too much glucose in its bloodstream, Hyperglycaemia...

Practical Tips For Preventing and Managing Obesity Related Diabetes

Obesity-driven Diabetes, particularly Type 2 Diabetes, poses a significant health challenge globally. As obesity rates continue to rise, so does the prevalence of Diabetes, making it imperative to adopt effective prevention and management strategies. This blog explores practical tips that can help people mitigate the risk of developing Diabetes due to obesity and manage the condition effectively if already diagnosed. These evidence-based approaches aim at improving general health and quality of life, such as changes in meals and more exercise as well as stress management.   Adopt a Healthy Meal Intake The cornerstone of a strategy to manage and prevent obesity resulting in Diabetes is the introduction of healthy eating habits. In addition to maintaining a healthy weight, a balanced meal intake also plays an important role in...

Watercress and Diabetes

In the quest for managing Diabetes, a condition affecting millions worldwide, people often explore various meal options to complement medical treatment. Watercress stands out as a powerful candidate among the myriad of foods that claim to have health advantages. Watercress isn't just a salad staple; it is praised for its potential to manage Diabetes, thanks to its peppery taste and bright green leaves.   However, what's the connection of watercress to Diabetes, and how can it be useful in treating this condition if you add them to your meals? Let's take a closer look at the science behind watercress and its intriguing relationship with Diabetes.   Understanding Diabetes It is essential to understand the basic principles of Diabetes before we can look into the potential benefits of watercress. Diabetes...

Why Am I Going To The Toilet Frequently?

Have you noticed that you've been visiting the toilet more frequently lately? It may be your body's method of alerting you to a serious health problem rather than merely a passing annoyance. Diabetes is a prevalent illness linked to frequent urination. While the odd trip to the toilet is typical, excessive and persistent urination, especially when combined with other symptoms like fatigue and increased thirst, may point to a more serious issue.   This article explores the reasons why frequent visits to the toilet may be a warning sign for Diabetes. Gaining an understanding of this connection is important for the early detection and treatment of this metabolic disorder so that you can enhance your health and wellbeing. Together, let's answer the question, “Why am I...

What Happens If You Ignore Diabetes?

Millions of people worldwide suffer from Diabetes, a chronic illness marked by high blood sugar levels. Diabetes must be managed with the right meals and lifestyle changes; otherwise, there may be dangerous repercussions. In this article, we explore the potential health risks and issues that can arise from failing to manage Diabetes.   The consequences of untreated Diabetes are extensive and highlight the need for proactive care and vigilance. These consequences range from cardiovascular problems to nerve damage and kidney damage among others. In order to lessen the impact of Diabetes on general health and well-being, let's examine what happens when the disease is ignored and the imperative need for early intervention and comprehensive management strategies.   High Blood Sugar Levels Diabetes can have major repercussions if ignored, especially...

What Does Diabetes Fatigue Feel Like?

There are many difficulties associated with having Diabetes.   Fatigue is one of the most common but sometimes underestimated symptoms. Fatigue can affect a person with Diabetes in a number of ways, which can affect their physical and mental health. We'll examine the symptoms, causes, and management strategies of Diabetes fatigue in this article. We hope that by shedding light on what Diabetes fatigue feels like, we will offer helpful guidance to people managing this aspect of their health journey. By understanding the complexities of fatigue associated with Diabetes, people can better prepare themselves to handle its effects and improve their overall quality of life.   Symptoms of Diabetes Fatigue Diabetes fatigue can have a big influence on everyday life and is a prevalent but frequently ignored aspect...