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Can the sun help with Psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease, which manifests as red and scaly skin lesions that can be quite painful and impair the health-related quality of life in patients. There are many conventional treatments available from topical remedies like creams and ointments to medications. However,  one of the most effective and perhaps the simplest is sunlight exposure. The question that any patient suffering from Psoriasis might ask is whether the sun can really help with managing this condition. In this article, we discuss the role of sunlight in Psoriasis treatment, the advantages and pitfalls of this approach and the recommended methods.


Understanding Psoriasis and Its Symptoms

Psoriasis is an autoimmune condition characterised by rapid growth of skin cells with a tendency to pile up on the surface of the skin. These extra skin cells form scales and red patches that are usually itchy and at times, you can experience pain. The condition can be mild and cover only small areas of the skin, or it can be extensive and cover the entire body. Common symptoms include:

  • Red patches of skin covered with thick, silvery scales
  • Dry, cracked skin that may bleed
  • Itching, burning, or soreness
  • Thickened or ridged nails
  • Swollen and stiff joints

The exact cause for Psoriasis is still unknown in the medical community; however, it is a skin condition that seems to stem from a problem with the immune system that leads to the faster development of skin cells. Flare-ups may be affected by one’s genetics, environment, and lifestyle, and their severity and frequency may vary. Stay updated with our blog to find out what our wellness clinic has discovered in relation to the main cause of Psoriasis.


Learn from our informative video, Holistic Health for Psoriasis.




The Role of Sunlight in Psoriasis Treatment

Sunlight, especially ultraviolet (UV) light, has been viewed as a useful treatment for Psoriasis for many years. There are two types of UV light that impact the skin: UVA and UVB. The penetration of UVA light is deeper in the skin while UVB light is said to have positive effects on patients with Psoriasis.


Benefits of Sunlight for Psoriasis


Slowing Down Skin Cell Growth

UVB light can decrease the rate of the excessive proliferation of skin cells common in Psoriasis. UVB light slows down the rate at which these cells divide, which in turn minimises the development of scales and plaques on the skin surface.


Vitamin D Production

Vitamin D is produced in the skin in response to sunlight and has anti-inflammatory properties that assist in reducing the inflammation that occurs in Psoriasis. Vitamin D is also involved in the regulation of the immune system; it may even help lessen the autoimmunity that leads to Psoriasis outbreaks.


Improved Mood and Well-being

The UV rays from the sun play a role in increasing the levels of serotonin, a chemical that is associated with happiness in the brain. This can be especially helpful for Psoriasis, as stress is known to cause Psoriasis to worsen.


Natural and Cost-effective Treatment

Sunlight exposure does not cost you any money and is available to everyone unlike some medical treatments. For patients with mild to moderate Psoriasis, short and frequent duration of exposure to sunlight will greatly benefit the patients and it is also cost effective.

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Risks and Precautions

While sunlight can be beneficial, it is essential to approach this treatment with caution to avoid potential risks:



People suffering from Psoriasis are more vulnerable to sunburn since they have sensitive skin. Sunburns resulting from excessive exposure to UV radiation worsens the symptoms of Psoriasis and can lead to skin cancer. You should avoid sun exposure to the skin lesions and should limit your exposure to the sun and apply sunscreen as well on other parts of the body that are not affected by the disease.


Skin Cancer

UV radiation has been established as one of the causes of skin cancer and that is why prolonged exposure to it is discouraged. Psoriasis patients need to understand that, although sunlight is good for them, their skin can be adversely affected by it as well. It is wise to discuss with a healthcare provider about a safe sun exposure strategy.



Some remedies for Psoriasis like topical agents and drugs may cause increased photosensitivity which is the skin’s susceptibility to be damaged by ultraviolet radiation. As a result, patients should be informed on possible drug interactions and change their strategy regarding sun exposure.


Flare-ups from Overexposure

Although taking in Vitamin D from moderate exposure to sunlight is beneficial for the patients suffering from Psoriasis, over-exposure to the sun is not good as it causes skin irritation and may lead to Psoriasis flare-up. The approach is to achieve the proper dosage of sunlight exposure in order to achieve a positive outcome.


Gain insights from our video, “Health Benefits of Vitamin D”.Health Benefits of Vitamin



Best Practices for Sunlight Therapy

To maximise the benefits of sunlight while minimising the risks, Psoriasis patients should follow these best practices:


Consult our Wellness Clinic

To begin with this treatment, it is necessary to consult a wellness clinic such as ours. It is recommended to consult our expert Iridologist and Nutritionist for advice on the basis of the severity of Psoriasis, skin type and treatments.


Gradual Exposure

Begin with short sessions of sunlight exposure, gradually increasing the duration as the skin adapts. For example, start with 5-10 minutes of exposure and slowly work up to 20-30 minutes per session.


Use Sunscreen

Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 to unaffected areas of the skin to prevent sunburn and reduce the risk of skin cancer. Reapply a new coat of sunscreen every two hours if you are swimming or sweating throughout the day.


Protect Sensitive Areas

Wear clothes that cover the skin, and caps and sunglasses to protect the head and eyes from too much radiation. You should carry a UV-blocking umbrella or find an area of shade during the day from 10 in the morning to 4 in the afternoon.


Monitor Skin Response

Be keen on the kind of reactions your skin is having to the sunlight. Any development of sunburn, rashes, or worsening of Psoriasis symptoms should be an indication to decrease exposure and see a healthcare provider.


Combine with Other Treatments

Sunlight therapy can be combined with other holistic treatments, for example, eating more whole foods, exercising more frequently, and regularly taking supplements. When therapies are integrated, they offer a synergistic effect on the final result and on skin health.


Alternatives to Natural Sunlight

For those who are residing in areas where there is little sunlight or are concerned with the risks that come with sunbathing, light therapy or phototherapy is a good option. Phototherapy entails the use of UVB light through lamps and other related equipment in a controlled manner. This treatment is usually administered under the prescription of a health care provider and may be personalised.


In this interview, Petrina and Ronald share how they both got into Wellness Iridology and Smart Nutrition. They share real life testimonials on how many people worldwide have managed to find the health solutions they have been searching for. As the saying goes, “The Eyes Are The Window To The Soul”.  In actual fact, it also reflects the health or less than healthy state of your physical body as well. Iridology is the most powerful science for early health analysis for fast and noticeable health improvement, tissue rejuvenation, and anti-ageing. Learn more from our insightful video, “How Iridology Can Be Used To Improve Your Health”.





The sun can definitely help in treating Psoriasis. It is one of the most convenient methods to treat the disorder and can drastically lessen the severity of the symptoms in many patients. This is because the UVB rays in sunlight help in slowing down the rapid growth and division of the skin cells, reducing inflammation and increasing the synthesis of vitamin D which can help to ease the symptoms of Psoriasis. However, it is important to note that you have to be careful when doing sunlight therapy and must ensure that you do not sustain injuries such as sunburn among others that are common when your skin is in too much contact with UV radiation.


Start your Psoriasis journey with confidence, using our resources that are meant to guide and encourage you. Start by downloading our FREE Psoriasis guide booklet, containing all relevant information and helpful tips. For those interested in gaining further knowledge and learning more about comprehensive approaches, enrol in our special Psoriasis course. Furthermore, you can book a free consultation from our wellness clinic to get professional help that will be aimed at meeting your needs. Do not let Psoriasis be a hindrance – begin your path to improved skin health right away!


To learn more about Psoriasis, check out our other related blogs:

How To Get Rid of Psoriasis Using Iridology

What Is The Best Treatment For Psoriasis?

What Foods Should Psoriasis Patients Avoid?

What Is The Main Cause Of Psoriasis?

How To Heal Psoriasis Naturally

Who gets Psoriasis?






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