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Can I Reverse My Diabetes?

Diabetes has turned out to be a major health issue around the globe, with millions of people struggling with its impact in their everyday existence. These figures are increasing day by day, and as a result, people are wondering if Diabetes can be reversed and they can get their lives back. Diabetes care usually relies on prescriptions and dietary modifications; what if there was a more comprehensive and individualised treatment plan? This is where Iridology and Nutrition step in.


Understanding Diabetes: A Brief Overview

It is imperative to get acquainted with the disease before exploring the possibility of reversing it. Diabetes is a type of metabolic disease that affects the body’s ability to regulate blood glucose levels. There are three main types:


Type 1 Diabetes

This is the type in which the immune system targets the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas, resulting in a lack of insulin.


Type 2 Diabetes

The type that is seen most frequently and which can be linked to improper diet and physical inactivity. It is marked by insulin resistance, which is a condition wherein the body’s cells do not respond well to insulin.


Gestational Diabetes

Present in pregnancy and often clears after birth, but puts the woman at a higher risk of getting Type 2 Diabetes in her lifetime.

The conventional treatment for Diabetes entails the use of drugs, blood glucose tracking, and changes in diet and physical activity. While these methods can effectively control the symptoms, the question remains: Is it possible to reverse Diabetes and more specifically, type 2 Diabetes?


Diabetes takes a long time to heal, but it doesn’t mean that it’s not curable. From grains to vegetables to fruits! It can be reversed and cured. Watch and learn from our insightful video, “Best Ways To Cure Diabetes”.



The Potential for Reversing Type 2 Diabetes

Our years of experience and testimonies from our patients indicate that Type 2 Diabetes is reversible, especially if the condition is in its initial stages. Reversal normally entails the stabilisation of blood sugar levels to the non-diabetic range without the use of Diabetes medicines. This is often achieved through significant and consistent lifestyle changes and include, but are not limited to, changes in diet, exercise routine and weight management.


Diabetes Guide


Have you tried everything to help control your diabetes and lead a better quality of life?

Do you sometimes wonder, how other people who have diabetes, are able to live a much more fulfilled life? Then our FREE Best Ways to Treat Diabetes Guide is must for you to learn the best proven ways to treat your diabetes.

Check out our very affordable Diabetes Introductory and Diabetes Advanced courses.




The Role of Nutrition in Diabetes Reversal

Diabetes Type 2 is a chronic disease that can be managed, or its progression can be slowed down by a healthy diet. The consumption of a high amount of whole foods and unprocessed foods and the reduction of High Glycaemic Index (GI) foods would also remedy this issue. Some well-known nutritional strategies include:


Low Carbohydrates 

This means that when carbohydrate intake is lowered, blood sugar levels are also affected. The ketogenic diet and other low-carb diets involve high fat and moderate protein intake, making them beneficial for improving insulin sensitivity and losing weight.


High-Fibre Foods

Fibre takes time to be digested thus assisting in the regulation of glucose intake in the body. Low glycemic index foods including vegetables, legumes and whole grains should therefore form the basis of your diabetic meal plan.


Healthy Fats

It is important to include healthy fats such as those found in avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil as they help in enhancing insulin sensitivity and reducing inflammation.


Portion Control

Dividing food into smaller portions several times a day helps to prevent sudden fluctuations in blood sugar levels and overloading the pancreas.


Eliminating Processed Foods

Foods that are processed, which include refined sugars and unhealthy fats, need to be reduced or completely avoided as they make insulin resistance worse.

By incorporating these nutritional approaches, many people have experienced improved blood sugar control; some have even reversed their Diabetes condition.


The Holistic Approach: Introducing Iridology

Besides nutrition as an essential aspect of Diabetes management and possible reversal, there is another form of treatment known as Iridology. Iridology is the diagnosis of the body and its state through the examination of the iris or the coloured portion of the eye. According to the practitioners, each region of the iris relates to a specific organ or system within the body.


This is a recording of our Wellness Wednesday presentation, “Let’s Talk About Diabetes”, to a group of attendees who learnt about Diabetes and its natural remedies. 



How Iridology Can Aid in Diabetes Management

Iridology is another technique that is quite different from traditional medicine in that it examines a person holistically. Iridology is a practice in which an Iridologist focuses on the patterns, colours, and markings in the iris to analyse the health and imbalances of the body. For those with Diabetes or at risk of developing it, Iridology can provide valuable insights, such as:


Constitutional Strength

The iris can point out the inborn strengths and vulnerabilities of the body, which could potentially be useful in estimating how susceptible a given person might be to lifestyle adjustments that can effectively turn around the condition of Diabetes.


Digestive Health

The analysis of the iris reveals the state of the digestive system and its impact on blood sugar levels. Many people with Diabetes have issues with their digestion and absorption of nutrients and solving these problems can be an important key in the treatment of Diabetes.


Toxicity and Inflammation

The iris can manifest toxicity and inflammation in the body. It is a well-established fact that chronic inflammation plays a role in insulin resistance, and so the process of cleansing the body can lead to an improvement in insulin sensitivity.


Emotional and Stress Factors

Diabetes has an emotional component which is not given enough attention. Lack of ability to cope with stress and mood swings can affect blood glucose levels. Iridology can be useful in detecting these problems, thereby making the management of Diabetes less of a one-dimensional process.


Combining Iridology with Nutrition for Optimal Results

When Iridology is complemented with nutrition, it forms a powerful method of managing and even reversing Diabetes. Here’s how this combination can work:


Personalised Nutrition Plans

An Iridologist can suggest what fruits, vegetables, foods, and liquids to consume that best fit the client depending on the analysis of the iris to suit the client’s nutritional needs. This way, the personalised nutrition plan also caters to other medical conditions that may be causing Diabetes in the first place.


Early Detection and Prevention

Iridology can point to the early stages of Diabetes even though the disease may not be fully developed yet. This can be done before one is diagnosed with Diabetes, and this enables the doctor to change what they consume and other aspects of their life to avoid the onset of the disease.


Holistic Healing

Iridology and Nutrition are similar in the way that they work with and treat the body as a whole, not just the symptoms. This can lead to more sustainable health improvements and a better shot at achieving Diabetes remission.


Supportive Lifestyle Changes

In addition to an eating regimen, Iridology can point to other aspects of a person’s life that need to be changed in order to reverse Diabetes, including stress reduction strategies and detoxification programs.


Do You or Someone You Know Have Diabetes or is Pre-Diabetic? Watch our live webinar to a live audience on Zoom where we spoke on the topic “Practical Ways To Treat And Prevent Diabetes Naturally“.



Success Stories and Case Studies

Many people have revealed how they manage or even cure their Diabetes through Iridology and Nutrition. These stories frequently also include changes to such aspects of life like an eating regimen which is shifted to whole foods and more plant-based ones, more physical activity, and stress management strategies.

For instance, a case study may involve a client with Type 2 Diabetes who consulted with an Iridologist and learned that digestive issues were causing the fluctuations in blood sugar levels. Due to poor eating habits, they had to take medication frequently and had abnormal blood sugar levels, but with the help of a nutrition plan, they were able to control the problem.


The Path Forward: Empowering Yourself

The process of reversal of Diabetes, especially Type 2, is a long-term process that involves effort, change of lifestyle, and a desire to try out new things. It is important to note that the majority of those who undergo treatment do find improvement in their general wellbeing.

If you are thinking about incorporating the use of Iridology and Nutrition into your Diabetes management, it is advisable that you consult with a wellness clinic such as ours that can help you in the process. Thus, when the Iridology results are combined with a nutritional plan, it provides a holistic, individualised approach to addressing Diabetes and regaining one’s health.


Watch our short video to learn more about “Can I Reverse My Diabetes?




The process of achieving a reversal of Diabetes is not about merely controlling the symptoms of the disease with the help of medicine. By combining both Iridology and Nutrition, one can target the core issues that lead to Diabetes, enhance well-being and possibly reverse the condition. It may not always be easy to stick to a new healthy lifestyle, but the changes that come with it—such as improved health, increased energy levels, and improvement in decision making—makes the journey worthwhile.

Become informed, be active and do not miss out on the potential that Iridology and Nutrition hold. Having Diabetes should not be a death sentence, and with the right kind of support and the will to do it, Diabetes may be reversed.


We offer both a Beginner’s Diabetes Introductory Course and an Advanced Course, These courses provide detailed explanations on managing or preventing Diabetes effectively. Investing in yourself and your body is crucial, as ultimately, everything else is materialistic. Feel free to explore our courses!


Discover the holistic approach to managing Diabetes in our FREE booklet ‘Best Ways To Treat Diabetes’. From this guide, you will learn the various treatments that can be done at home, foods to avoid and those you need to include in your diet, among other essential information. Download your FREE copy today and start the journey to take control of your life and prevent Diabetes.


Embark on a transformative journey towards better health when you purchase our book, “THE DIABETES SOLUTION: A 28 DAY ACTION PLAN FOR LOWERING BLOOD SUGAR NATURALLY”.  A wealth of information derived from years of experience in helping people with Diabetes and other health issues can be found in our #1 bestselling book on Amazon. Drawing from a diverse clientele spanning continents and cultures, we have curated a comprehensive action plan rooted in natural remedies and time-tested practices. This book is an indispensable companion, whether you are Diabetic, Prediabetic or looking for preventive action. Give yourself the power to take control of your health and see remarkable results, from nutritious recipes to invaluable advice on living a healthy life. You will be guided by the “THE DIABETES SOLUTION” to a healthier and happier future!


To learn more about Diabetes, check out our other related blogs:

Different Types Of Diabetes And How To Treat Them

How To Treat Diabetes Using Iridology

What can be done to reduce the risk of Diabetes?

Can Iridology Detect Diabetes?

Practical Tips For Preventing and Managing Obesity Related Diabetes

What Is The Main Cause Of Diabetes?



Check out and order our Amazon Number 1 Bestseller book

The Diabetes SolutionA 28 Day Action Plan For Lowering Blood Sugar Naturally.




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