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Why Is My Skin Flaky?

Psoriasis is a prevalent chronic skin disease that impacts millions of people globally. The condition is distinguished by the rapid overgrowth of skin cells, resulting in the development of thick, red patches covered in silvery scales. In this article, we aim to answer the frequently asked question, “Why is my skin flaky?” Flaky skin is one of the most prevalent and unpleasant of Psoriasis’ many symptoms. The reason for this flakiness is that when skin cells are produced in excess, dead cells accumulate on the skin’s surface and cause the skin to flake off.


The effects of Psoriasis’s flaking skin go beyond just being uncomfortable. It can have a serious negative impact on people’s quality of life, causing them to feel ashamed, self-conscious, and even depressed. Because flaky skin is apparent, it can be difficult to engage with people and cause disruptions to regular tasks. Psoriasis flakiness can also cause physical discomfort due to its itching and irritation, which exacerbates the emotional toll on people who are affected.


It is essential to understand Psoriasis and its symptoms, such as flaky skin, in order to manage and treat the condition effectively. People can enhance their general well-being and more effectively manage the difficulties brought on by Psoriasis by raising awareness and offering support.


What is Psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a chronic, autoimmune disease that mostly affects the skin, however it can occasionally affect the joints as well. Psoriasis results from the immune system mistakenly attacking healthy skin cells, which leads to inflammation and an excess of skin cells. As a result, red, inflamed skin patches covered with silvery scales appear, which are the hallmark signs of Psoriasis.


Types of Psoriasis


Plaque Psoriasis

This is the most prevalent type, with raised, red, inflammatory skin patches covered in silvery-white scales. Often, the elbows, knees, scalp, and lower back are affected by plaque Psoriasis.


Guttate Psoriasis

On the skin, this kind manifests as small red spots. It frequently follows a bacterial infection and can impact large areas of the body like the arms, legs, and trunk.


Inverse Psoriasis

The skin in places like the groyne, under the breasts, and armpits that are subjected to friction or perspiration is affected by inverse Psoriasis. It manifests as red, smooth, and shiny skin patches.


Pustular Psoriasis

This rare type of Psoriasis results in pus-filled bumps (pustules) surrounded by red or purplish skin. It may be widespread or isolated.


Erythrodermic Psoriasis

This type of Psoriasis is the most severe yet least prevalent. It causes the skin to become red and scaly all over, and it frequently hurts and itches a lot. It needs to be treated right away since it may be fatal.

Psoriasis’ evident symptoms, pain, and related psychological effects can significantly impact one’s quality of life. For an accurate diagnosis and successful treatment of Psoriasis, knowledge of the various types of the disorder as well as the organs and systems of the body that are typically afflicted is essential.


What are the different types of Psoriasis? The type of Psoriasis will dictate the kind of treatment you should take or go through. Understand what’s causing Psoriasis and identify to get the best quality of life! Gain insights from our video Types of Psoriasis.



Causes of Flaky Skin in Psoriasis

The main cause of flaky skin in Psoriasis is hyperproliferation, or the rapid turnover of skin cells. Psoriasis sufferers’ immune systems cause inflammation, which speeds up the production of new skin cells. In Psoriasis, cell turnover happens within days as opposed to normal skin, where it takes around a month. The outcome is an accumulation of excess skin cells on the skin’s surface, resulting in thick areas covered in silvery scales. The flakes that are typical of Psoriasis are called scales.

Psoriasis flare-ups are largely triggered by the immune system. It misinterprets healthy skin cells as pathogens and sets off an inflammatory reaction, which causes new skin cells to proliferate quickly. Flaky skin is one of the main symptoms of Psoriasis that is brought on by this immune system malfunction. Infections, stress, the environment, and some medications can also intensify immune system activity and cause flare-ups of Psoriasis. Understanding the dynamic relationship between immune dysregulation and skin cell turnover is crucial for properly treating Psoriasis and managing flaky skin.

In this video, we show you one product that is designed to remove flakes from Psoriasis. Please watch and enjoy our video Skin Brushing for Psoriasis.


Psoriasis Guide



Request for our free guide 6 Proven Secrets To Improve Your Psoriasis.

If you are suffering from Psoriasis, discover natural proven techniques to improve and even completely reverse your condition by enrolling in our online course Psoriasis Expert Secrets.




Symptoms and Diagnosis

The characteristic appearance of Psoriasis flakes is thick, silvery scales over red, inflamed patches of skin. Psoriasis scales are thicker and have a distinctive silver-white appearance, in contrast to the finer and more delicate scales observed in eczema. Additionally, Psoriasis lesions frequently have well-defined borders, although eczema patches can seem more diffused and less distinct.

A medical professional’s comprehensive evaluation is necessary to diagnose Psoriasis. A visual assessment of the affected skin, a review of the patient’s medical history, and perhaps a skin biopsy for confirmation are all possible steps in the procedure. Furthermore, dermatoscope examinations and skin scrapings are diagnostic procedures that can help differentiate Psoriasis from other skin diseases. The significance of a professional examination lies in its ability to guarantee precise diagnosis and facilitate the development of a treatment plan that is customised to meet the unique requirements of the patient.


Do you or someone you know suffer from Psoriasis or other skin concerns? Our skin is our largest organ and this is the means of our body releasing internal toxins. Watch and learn from our insightful video on How To Determine Body Toxicity Using Iridology.



Treatment Options

In order to properly manage the symptoms of Psoriasis, a chronic autoimmune disorder, a holistic approach is often necessary. The following are some natural remedies, alternative treatments, and lifestyle changes:

Natural Remedies and Holistic Treatments:


Aloe Vera

When applied topically, aloe vera helps relieve redness and irritation related to Psoriasis lesions.


Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3s, which can be found in fatty fish like salmon or fish oil supplements, can help lessen inflammation and Psoriasis symptoms.



When consumed or administered topically, curcumin, the key ingredient in turmeric, has anti-inflammatory properties and can help reduce the symptoms of Psoriasis.

Do you or someone you know have Psoriasis? Have you heard of and tried Turmeric? Watch and learn from our informative video on Benefits of Turmeric for Psoriasis.



Dead Sea Salt Baths

Taking a bath in Dead Sea salts can help get rid of scales and reduce inflammation and itching related to Psoriasis.


Self-Care Tips and Lifestyle Changes:


Moisturise Regularly

Using moisturisers to keep the skin hydrated helps prevent dryness and lessen the intensity of Psoriasis symptoms. 


Avoid Triggers

Recognise and steer clear of factors that might trigger Psoriasis flare-ups, including stress, certain foods, alcohol, and smoking.


Healthy Diet

Inflammation can be reduced and general skin health can be enhanced by eating a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. 


Stress Management

Manage your stress by engaging in stress-reduction practices like yoga, meditation, or deep breathing exercises to lessen the negative impact of stress on your Psoriasis symptoms.


How To Get Rid Of Psoriasis Using Iridology? Watch our enlightening video to learn more. 



Living with Psoriasis

Because of the obvious symptoms and associated discomfort, living with Psoriasis poses substantial psychological and social obstacles. Here are some insights regarding the impacts:


Psychological Distress

Because Psoriasis is visible, it frequently causes feelings of embarrassment, shame, and self-consciousness. People’s general mental health may be impacted by anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem.


Social Stigmatisation

Psoriasis patients may experience social stigma as a result of their noticeable red, scaly patches, which can make them feel isolated and rejected. Their social connections and relationships may be impacted by discrimination or judgement.


Physical Discomfort

Itching, pain, and discomfort are some of the symptoms of Psoriasis that can interfere with day-to-day activities and quality of life. The inability to participate in social gatherings or activities might be exacerbated by this physical discomfort, which can also lead to psychological distress.


Impact on Daily Life

Consistent care and attention are necessary for managing Psoriasis, and this can be emotionally draining and time-consuming. People may have to contend with the difficulties of following treatment plans, going to the doctor, and managing flare-ups, which can interfere with their everyday activities and productivity.


Support Networks

Strong support systems made up of friends, family, and healthcare professionals can greatly reduce the psychological and social effects of Psoriasis. People who have supportive relationships find it easier to deal with the difficulties of having Psoriasis because they receive emotional validation, understanding, and encouragement.


Do you have Psoriasis? Do you feel hopeless? Learn about a woman’s testimony on how she was able to overcome the biggest challenge of her life. Life beyond Psoriasis is indeed POSSIBLE. Be inspired as you watch our video Psoriasis Recovery Stories.




Millions of people worldwide suffer from Psoriasis, a challenging condition known for its red, scaly patches that hurt and cause the skin to become flaky. Beyond just making people physically uncomfortable, the effects can have psychological and social impacts on people. People who have Psoriasis frequently experience feelings of guilt, social isolation, and a diminished quality of life. One common symptom is flaky skin, which not only hurts physically but also interferes with everyday activities and social interactions. To properly manage Psoriasis, a thorough understanding of the condition and its repercussions is essential. Through raising awareness and fostering supportive environments, we can lessen the difficulties related to Psoriasis and enhance the quality of life of those impacted. Furthermore, holistic treatments such as natural remedies, changes in lifestyle, and support networks are essential for improving the general quality of life for Psoriasis sufferers. We should work to create a society that is more inclusive and supportive to people who are managing their Psoriasis through education, empathy, and comprehensive care.


Are you struggling with Psoriasis and seeking effective, holistic solutions? Look no further! Take the first step towards healing by booking a free 15-minute discovery call with us at Planet Wellness. During this call, we will show you how we can provide personalised insights on treating and healing Psoriasis using Iridology and Nutrition. Discover how our organic health solutions can help alleviate your symptoms and improve your quality of life. Don’t let Psoriasis hold you back any longer – schedule your consultation today!


To learn more about Psoriasis, check out our other related blogs:

How To Get Rid of Psoriasis Using Iridology

What Are The Three Symptoms of Psoriasis?

When Does Psoriasis Start To Heal?

What Clears Psoriasis Fast?

How To Heal Psoriasis Naturally

What Triggers Psoriasis?





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