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What does the ring around your eye mean?

Iridology is a fascinating and ancient method of discovering what the patterns, colours and texture of the iris (the coloured part of the eye) can reveal about an individual’s overall health. Iridology is an alternative medicine that can detect imbalances and potential health problems in the body using a non-invasive technique. Many iridologists take a look at the ‘ring around the eye’ often referred to as ‘arcus senilis‘ or ‘cholesterol ring.’


In this article, we will dive into what this ring symbolises within the realm of iridology, how it is interpreted, and how this practise still further illuminates the inner connection between the eyes and the body’s health.


Watch our video where Petrina answers the question “Why do I have a white ring around my eye?“.



The Basics of Iridology

In Iridology, the iris is believed to be a microcosm of the body. There is a correspondence between specific organs and systems and each part of the iris. Iridology can reveal weaknesses, inflammation, or dysfunction in parts of the body through an in-depth analysis of the iris’s texture, pigmentation and markings. Although iridology is not a diagnostic tool by traditional medical standards, it is a way of looking at vitality, and a way of seeing if there is an imbalance in an individual’s health.


The science underlying this practice is that there is a complex network of neural pathways connecting the body’s organs and tissues. These connections take place in the iris and are a sort of map of one’s well being. Interpreting different rings, discolorations and patterns of the iris such as the mystery ring at the outer edge of the iris is an art in and of itself!


What Is the Ring Around Your Eye?

Often called the ‘cholesterol ring’ or ‘arcus senilis‘, this is a ring that appears just at the rim of the cornea and is grey, white or bluish in colour. Iridology looks at this feature from a broader perspective than conventional medicine, correlating it with ageing or elevated cholesterol levels. In iridology, such a ring can reveal:


Elevated Cholesterol Levels

This ring is interpreted as an aberration in lipid levels in the blood. Some iridologists may suggest to people with this feature to be careful about what they eat and maintain a diet rich in foods that are heart healthy.


Circulatory Issues

The ring can also be present when the cardiovascular system is out of balance or not properly flowing with blood.


Metabolic Concerns

This ring is also related to slow metabolism, which could be the result of thyroid problems or diabetes, or a sedentary lifestyle.


Toxic Overload

In others, the ring is considered a sign the body is working to expel toxins but can’t because, for example, the kidneys or liver are under strain.


The Science Behind Iridology’s Claims

The principles behind the practice align with certain biological realities. For one, the eyes are densely packed with nerves and are actually directly connected to the brain through the optic nerve. The idea that the eyes may serve to reflect bodily changes gets some support from the intricate relationship between the two.


Subtle bodily imbalances can manifest themselves externally and the ‘ring around the eye’ is a perfect example of that. For example, cholesterol deposits of the cornea may be related to systemic lipid imbalances. Iridologists go one step further, and they look at these deposits in the context of the overall pattern and markings in the iris to create a holistic picture of health.


Iridology and Preventative Health

Prevention is one of the most compelling aspects of iridology. Iridology is not like conventional diagnostics which usually treat an existing condition, iridology looks to see what can be done to prevent future disease. It is an early warning sign — it alerts people to come up with healthier habits, before the imbalances can get worse.


For example, someone with a pronounced cholesterol ring might be encouraged to:

Adopt a Heart-Healthy Diet

Iridologists may suggest eating less saturated fats and more fruits, vegetables and omega-3 rich foods.


Increase Physical Activity

Exercise can also help support metabolic health and circulatory health, which may help with the underlying causes of the ring.


Consider Detoxification Protocols

Natural detox methods can support liver and kidney function, which may help the body to get rid of too many toxins.

It is possible to reverse or to minimise the underlying issues represented in the iris by these lifestyle changes.


The Symbolic Role of the Eye in Holistic Health

The eyes have long been regarded as the ‘windows to the soul,’ but in iridology, it also serves as mirrors of physical health. The deep resonance for those who are seeking a holistic approach to well being is in the symbolic connection. Instead of being a physical marker of the ring around the eye, it is more than that; it is a reminder to look within, and to deal with imbalances within the body and mind.


Testimonials and Anecdotes

Iridology is promoted using testimonials and anecdotes, particularly as many practitioners and clients will have a personal story to tell about how iridology helped them. For example, after an iris examination, clients will have an insight into their digestive health or nutrient absorption needs. These stories are championed by proponents as a holistic way of assessing health.


Addressing the Skeptics

Iridology may not be as popular as mainstream medicine, but dismissing iridology outright ignores thousands of anecdotes of people who swear the science is correct and it ignores the fact that iridology can be a helpful complementary tool in holistic health care. Even the skeptics concede that the eye can reflect systemic changes; and simply put, that is what iridology does — it goes that one step further and realises this complete health audit in a system.


Watch our short video to learn “What are the cramp rings in my eyes?“.



Conclusion: Embracing Iridology for a Healthier Future

Iridology is compelling whether you are a long time believer in alternative medicine or just curious to see what holistic approaches to health may look like. The ring around the eye is more than a physical anomaly; it is the call to action to pay more attention to our bodies and make choices for long term health.

The value of iridology is in its ability to spark curiosity and encourage self-awareness. By looking at the iris and deciphering its complex nuances, we are reminded that the human body is interconnected and we must take care of it with love and intention.

The next time you see that ring around your eye, don’t write it off as a sign of your ageing. Instead, look at it as a chance to explore more deeply in your health journey using the knowledge of iridology. Maybe it will open your eyes to an entire new world of well being.


Discover the secrets of Iridology with our comprehensive, free guidebook, “Benefits of Having an Iridology Consultation”. This invaluable resource offers detailed insights into the art and science of Iridology, helping you understand how we assess and improve your health through the patterns and colours of the iris. Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your knowledge and take control of your health—download your free copy today!


Learn the secrets of your health with our free booklet What Your Eyes Can Reveal About Your Health! Get introduced to the superb science of Iridology where the patterns, colours and markings in your eyes reveal something totally unique about your body’s wellness, genetic predispositions and health concerns. If you want a natural, holistic approach to understanding your health, this booklet is a must have. Pick up your copy today, let your eyes guide you to better well being!


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To learn more about Iridology, check out our other related blogs:

What does it mean when you have a pattern in your eye?

What Your Iris Patterns Say About You

Is it possible to have the same iris pattern?

What are the patterns of the iris?

What Can Your Iris Tell You About Your Health?

Can Your Iris Show Health Problems?




Iridology Guide

Petrina Ten

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