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what is the iris patterns used for individuals Tag

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What does Diabetes look like in your eye?

Diabetes is a serious chronic disease that affects the entire body, but it’s most devastating when it affects the eyes. Diabetic eye diseases, including diabetic retinopathy, diabetic macular oedema, cataracts and glaucoma, are among the most common diabetic complications. If left untreated, these conditions can result in vision impairment and even blindness.   Modern medicine uses high powered diagnostic tools to identify these conditions, but holistic practitioners have looked at alternative methods like Iridology for potential signs that there is something systemic going on, like diabetes. In this article, we discuss various visual aspects of the eyes in relation to diabetes and present the lens of iridology and explore its potential applications in understanding diabetic health.   Can Your Eyes Indicate Signs Of Diabetes? Watch our video to learn...

What is the iris pattern used for an individual?

Iridology is a fascinating, non-invasive practice of holistic health using the intricate patterns of the iris to glean information about the health of a person. In this article, we explore the idea of iris patterns in terms of Iridology and how this ancient art has become a valuable step to understanding an individual’s well being.   Watch our informative video to learn more about “What Is An Iridology Chart?”   https://youtu.be/YNgQk-JjOK4?si=bN8UepbFR8Hj_w2n   Understanding Iridology Iridology is the study of the iris (the coloured part of the eye) to determine the state of health of a person and to identify possible imbalances of their body. Iridology is based on the science that the iris mirrors the body’s organs and systems. An Iridologist, a practitioner of iridology, is able to examine unique patterns, colours,...