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psoriasis triggers Tag

Organic Health Solutions / Posts tagged "psoriasis triggers"

What are the common triggers of Psoriasis flare ups?

As a chronic autoimmune disease, psoriasis produces red and inflamed skin surfaces that become covered with scaly patches. The specific origins of psoriasis remain undetermined but experts link this condition to genetic inheritance in combination with immune system irregularities and external influences. Coping with psoriasis becomes complex because patients struggle to identify and prevent the factors that cause their symptoms to get worse. Individuals who identify their psoriasis triggers will achieve better skin health and enhanced lifestyle quality. This blog examines prevalent psoriasis triggers as well as effective methods for their management.   Did you know Psoriasis is oftentimes triggered? Aside from FOOD, get to know the other triggers which usually flare up Psoriasis by watching our video, “Triggers of Psoriasis”!   https://youtu.be/iSYyFK7-z1M?si=AlVjaNqKNQCBiYB_   Stress People with psoriasis frequently experience stress as a...