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iridology and hormones Tag

Organic Health Solutions / Posts tagged "iridology and hormones"

Can Iridology Detect Hormone Imbalance?

In the pursuit of achieving a healthy body and mind, people look for other ways of managing and understanding their health problems. One of such approach is Iridology. This is an ancient diagnostic method that examines the iris, the coloured part of the eye, to determine the general health of a person.   Modern medicine mostly employs blood tests, imaging, and other methods to determine hormonal dysfunctions, whereas Iridology is a gentle, personalised, and holistic approach to diagnosing. In this article, we discuss how Iridology can be used to identify hormonal disorders and why it should be included in the assessments of a person’s state of health.   Understanding Iridology Iridology is based on the assumption that the iris retains reflexive information about the organs and systems of the...