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Is It Possible For My Children To Inherit My Psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a long-term, chronic inflammatory disease of the skin. This happens where skin cells are created at an unusually rapid rate and accumulate on the skin’s surface, forming scales. These scales are usually whitish-silver in colour and develop in thick and red patches often with features of scaling which can cause cracking and bleeding.


The exact cause of Psoriasis is still unknown, but the condition is considered as a result of multiple genetic, environmental, and immunological factors. Another question that keeps on emerging in this condition is the ability to pass on the condition to their children. In the following section of this article, you will discover more about the hereditary aspects of this skin disease, Psoriasis, its genetic link, and implications for families.


Understanding Psoriasis

Psoriasis is estimated to occur in approximately 2-3% of people all over the world, thus being among the most common autoimmune diseases. Its symptoms can be seen as minor or as severe and can greatly affect the quality of life of the patient, especially in cases of intensive skin involvement. Common triggers are usually certain foods, stress, skin injury, infections, as well as use of specific drugs and chemicals.


Although there are many treatment options that can relieve the symptoms, at the moment, according to the conventional medical community, it is impossible to fully cure Psoriasis, and many people will have to deal with this disease throughout their lives.


However, Planet Wellness sure does have some good news for you! Download our FREE booklet, “6 Proven Secrets to Improve Your Psoriasis in as Little as 8 Weeks or Less!”, to find out how we can treat and prevent Psoriasis. We can even help you to reverse it! With our help, you no longer have to suffer from Psoriasis for the rest of your life.

Psoriasis Guide



Request for our free guide 6 Proven Secrets To Improve Your Psoriasis.

If you are suffering from Psoriasis, discover natural proven techniques to improve and even completely reverse your condition by enrolling in our online course Psoriasis Expert Secrets.



The Genetic Link

According to research that has been conducted, it was found that Psoriasis, a skin and autoimmune disease, has a strong hereditary influence. Scientists have suggested that Psoriasis can be hereditary as there is evidence that it can be passed down from generation to generation. They even state that Psoriasis has links with faulty genes and that such genes can be inherited from one generation to another. It is imperative to understand that this genetic factor does not provide a guarantee that a child will develop the condition if one of the parents suffers from Psoriasis, but the probability of this occurring is higher than in the rest of the population.


In this video, Alison, founder of Tigs and Moo Natural and Organic Skincare interviewed us to find out Why Kids Have Eczema and Other Skin Issues.



How Psoriasis is Inherited

Psoriasis inheritance is not a simple one. It is believed to be a polygenic disorder, implying that several genes are involved rather than a single gene mutation. This makes it difficult to determine whether a child is likely to develop Psoriasis just by looking at the family history. Studies have noted that children with a parent who has Psoriasis are at a higher risk, but it is not the only determinant.


Family Studies and Twin Studies

Genetic researches have established that people whose first degree relatives (this includes parents, siblings or children) with Psoriasis are more liable to develop the disease. Genetic studies using twins also shed more light into the genetic aspect of Psoriasis. The risk of developing Psoriasis is significantly higher among identical twins, who share 100% of their genes, than among fraternal twins, who, in turn, share approximately 50% of their genes. Yet, the concordance rate (the probability that a trait shared by a pair of individuals, such as twins, is inherited from a common ancestor) is not 100% even for identical twins, which shows that genetic factors are not the only ones that matter.


Environmental and Other Contributing Factors

Although there is a strong hereditary component in the development of Psoriasis, the environment has a great influence as well. Predisposing factors include diet, infections, stress, smoking and obesity since they can cause or worsen symptoms of Psoriasis. Recent research also shows that genes and environment may act together to determine whether a person will develop Psoriasis and when.


Psoriasis in Children

Psoriasis is not very common in children but can develop, and the management may not be the same as in adults. Research states that children can have mild, moderate, or severe symptoms of Psoriasis, and it may negatively impact their functioning and self-image. Parents suffering from Psoriasis should ensure that they monitor their children for signs of the disease and should consult a doctor if they believe their child has Psoriasis.


Do you or someone you know suffer from Psoriasis or any other skin concerns? Learn the answer to the question “Is it possible for my children to inherit Psoriasis from me?



Managing Psoriasis as a Family

Families suffering from Psoriasis can benefit from knowing the hereditary nature of the disease to seek treatment at an early stage. If you have Psoriasis and are concerned about your children inheriting the condition, here are some steps you can take:


Stay Informed

Learn as much as you can about Psoriasis, how it manifests itself, and any stimuli that may lead to it. It is a well-known fact that knowledge is strength and knowledge is power and that it can therefore be useful in the early diagnosis and treatment of the condition.


Monitor Symptoms

More specifically, be careful about your children’s skin all the time. Some of the initial symptoms of Psoriasis include the appearance of small red patches, or scales and itchiness. This shows that early detection could lead to better management of the condition.


Healthy Lifestyle

Promote a healthy lifestyle for your family. Psoriasis can be managed by maintaining a healthy diet, engaging in regular exercise and avoiding triggers that may worsen the condition.


Iridology Consultation

People with Psoriasis are encouraged to regularly visit an Iridologist and Nutritionist to make sure the condition is detected early and controlled. In case you observe any of the above-suspected changes on the skin of your children, we encourage you to consult our wellness clinic.



Assure your children and be there for them when they need help. It is not easy to go through life with a chronic illness such as Psoriasis, particularly when you are young, and in this case, a child. It is advisable to engage the services of support groups or counselling where needed.


Research and Future Directions in the Medical Community

Further research is being conducted to find more about the genetic and environmental causes of Psoriasis. As ongoing research is carried out on the genetic aspect of Psoriasis as well as the understanding of the immunological mechanism in the development of this disease, improved therapies and even prevention measures may be developed in the future. Another promising field of research that could transform Psoriasis treatment is known as personalised medicine, which focuses on the patient’s genes and adapts the treatment accordingly.


How To Get Rid Of Psoriasis Using Iridology. Watch our insightful video to learn more.



Planet Wellness Psoriasis Course

As we mentioned, our wellness clinic knows how to treat and heal your Psoriasis. Unlock the secrets to managing and even reversing Psoriasis with our affordable course, “Psoriasis Expert Secrets“. With proven natural remedies included, this course offers invaluable insights to alleviate your symptoms and promote healthier skin. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to gain access to expert knowledge that can transform your life. Enrol now and take control of your Psoriasis journey. Invest in yourself today and say goodbye to Psoriasis woes. Click here to enrol and start your path to healthier skin!



Therefore, it is clear that Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin disorder with hereditary predisposition. However, it is a multifactorial disease that depends on genetic, environmental and immune system factors. Families coping with this condition benefit from knowing its genetic basis and the chances of its transmission to the next generation. Awareness, prevention, proper diet and continuous research on the best treatment and management procedures can help in the fight against the disease. If you would like more detailed information or specific solutions about how to deal with Psoriasis, we encourage you to check out our “Psoriasis Expert Secrets” course and to download our FREE Psoriasis Guide Booklet.


To learn more about Psoriasis, check out our other related blogs:

How To Get Rid of Psoriasis Using Iridology

Is Psoriasis Contagious?

Can Psoriasis Affect My Pregnancy?

What Is The Main Cause Of Psoriasis?

How To Heal Psoriasis Naturally

Who gets Psoriasis?





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