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How is Psoriasis diagnosed?

Psoriasis is a lifelong autoimmune disease that involves scaly, red patches on the skin. It is not just a cosmetic problem but also an inflammatory disorder with systemic involvement, including joint diseases like psoriatic arthritis. Better management and treatment rely on close accurate diagnosis of psoriasis. Conventional medicine uses clinical assessments, biopsies and other diagnostic tools while alternative methods such as Iridology provide a different way of understanding what may be playing a part in what is going on. In this article, we will discuss how Iridology can help us understand the psoriasis triggers and what conventional drugs are used to treat this condition.


Do you or someone you know suffer from Psoriasis or other skin concerns? Our skin is our largest organ and this is the means of our body releasing internal toxins. Watch and learn from our insightful video on How To Determine Body Toxicity Using Iridology.



Conventional Diagnosis of Psoriasis

Medical History and Physical Examination

The first step to diagnosing psoriasis is taking a detailed medical history. A dermatologist or skin specialist will ask about:

  • Psoriasis or other autoimmune disease family history
  • Any history of trigger factors (stress, colds, injury, any medicine)
  • Itching, burning or joint pain

After that, a physical examination is done, where the healthcare provider checks the skin areas that are affected. Psoriasis is a distinctive skin condition manifested by red plaques with silvery scales, which sometimes results in easy diagnosis.

Skin Biopsy

A skin biopsy is done in cases where the diagnosis is unclear. In this case, a small sample of the problem skin is then examined under a microscope. A biopsy can confirm psoriasis by revealing specific characteristics, such as:

  • Thickened skin layers
  • Skin cells (keratinocytes) that are immature
  • Inflammatory cells present

A biopsy can also help tell the difference between psoriasis and conditions such as eczema or fungal infections.

Blood Tests

Blood tests can’t diagnose psoriasis directly, but are often used to eliminate other conditions or to screen for conditions that may occur with psoriasis such as psoriatic arthritis. Systemic inflammation can be indicated by elevated inflammatory markers, e.g. C-reactive protein (CRP) or erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR).

Imaging Studies

Imaging studies such as X-ray, MRI or ultrasound can be used to diagnose psoriatic arthritis in people with psoriasis who have joint pain. These tests show damage or inflammation in the joints or other problems.

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Challenges in Diagnosing Psoriasis

Despite its atypical presentation, psoriasis sometimes is misdiagnosed, especially in early stages or in atypical cases. Other conditions, such as eczema, fungal infections, or lichen planus can mimic psoriasis and cause delays in diagnosis. Moreover, conventional diagnostic techniques do not usually identify the triggers and root causes.

Iridology and other complementary methods may prove to be a useful addition.


What Is Iridology?

Iridology is a holistic diagnostic technique that looks at the iris, the coloured part of the eye, for signs of health or imbalance of the body. In iridology, the iris reflects the state of many organs and systems and certain zones relate to specific body parts. An Iridologist can analyse patterns, colours, and markings in the iris, and see where there is weakness, inflammation, or toxicity in the body.

Although Iridology is not a definitive diagnostic tool recognised by conventional medicine, it is used widely by holistic and naturopathic practices to provide information about underlying health problems.


Can Iridology Detect Psoriasis?

Iridology does not diagnose diseases in the manner conventional treatment does. Instead, it points to possible imbalances, predispositions, and root causes that may help contribute to psoriasis. Here’s how Iridology might relate to psoriasis:

Constitutional Weaknesses

Your irises can show constitutional strengths and weaknesses, such as your body’s ability to detoxify and neutralise inflammation. In individuals with psoriasis, Iridology may highlight:


Digestive System Imbalances

Poor gut health, a known contributor to autoimmune conditions such as psoriasis, may show up in sluggish or weakened digestive systems, which can be seen in some iris patterns.


Liver and Kidney Stress

They are essential to detoxification. Dark or congested areas of the iris are often associated in iridology with liver or kidney dysfunction, and psoriasis is particularly exacerbated.


Inflammatory Markings

Colorations or specific markings in the iris may indicate systemic inflammation. For example:


Radii Solaris

Sometimes these fine, dark lines extending out from the pupil are actually due to toxicity or inflammation throughout the body.


Lymphatic Rosary

Lymphatic congestion might cause a white ring around the outer edge of the iris that could interfere with the body’s ability to clear waste and toxins.


Stress and Emotional Factors

Stress can cause or aggravate psoriasis. The counterpart of emotional imbalances may also appear in the iris, that is darkened zones in the corresponding zones to the nervous system. Iridology can point to individuals who may benefit from the treatment of stress as part of their overall plan.


Gut-Skin Axis

And emerging research has shown that gut health is linked with conditions such as psoriasis. If Iridology shows signs of digestive weakness, discoloration and markings in zones of the iris pertaining to the intestines will suggest that the gut health be examined.


Iridology in Practice: Detecting Psoriasis’s Root Causes

A typical Iridology consultation for someone with psoriasis might involve the following steps:


Detailed History

The patient’s symptoms, diet, lifestyle and triggers.


Iris Examination

The iridologist uses a specialised camera or magnifying lens to look over the iris for signs of imbalance.


Analysis and Interpretation

The Iridologist connects iris findings to systemic dysfunction, for example, liver congestion or digestive toxicity.



    • Dietary adjustments to reduce inflammation, for instance, following an anti-inflammatory diet
    • Liver support and kidney health detoxification protocols
    • Mindfulness or relaxation therapies, along with stress management techniques

As a complement to conventional treatment, Iridology helps to address the root causes and support a holistic approach to psoriasis management.


Integrating Conventional and Holistic Approaches

Iridology provides some valuable information; however it is not a replacement for standard diagnostic testing. A combined approach which uses the strengths of both paradigms can give the best outcome for individuals with psoriasis.

Iridology is a non-invasive health check tool. It highlights lifestyle factors, dietary imbalances and systemic issues that may be leading to psoriasis and provides people with the power to make changes to help manage their condition.


Have you ever wondered How Iridology Can Detect The Underlying Causes Of Skin Issues? Watch and learn from our informative video.




Psoriasis is a complex, external and internal disorder. To diagnose it, one must take a multidimensional approach, going beyond simply identifying the obvious symptoms, to identifying the hidden triggers. Where conventional medicine is good at providing accurate diagnosis and targeted treatment; Iridology offers a holistic understanding of systemic health and the possible root causes.

Integration of both approaches facilitates an understanding of psoriasis in individuals with the disease, who are then able to work towards sustainable management strategies. Whether through clinical evaluation or the holistic lens of Iridology, the ultimate goal remains the same: to improve quality of life and to promote overall well being.


What if we told you that you can heal and even reverse your Psoriasis without having to depend on conventional medication? Start your Psoriasis journey with confidence, using our resources that are meant to guide and encourage you. Start by downloading our FREE Psoriasis guide booklet, containing all relevant information and helpful tips. For those interested in gaining further knowledge and learning more about comprehensive approaches, enrol in our special Psoriasis course. Furthermore, you can book a free consultation from our wellness clinic to get professional help that will be aimed at meeting your needs. Do not let Psoriasis be a hindrance – begin your path to improved skin health right away!


To learn more about Psoriasis, check out our other related blogs:

How To Get Rid Of Psoriasis Using Iridology

How Iridology Can Detect Health Issues Before They Arise

How Iridology Can Detect Early Signs Of Disease

Why Psoriasis Occurs

Are any other conditions linked to Psoriasis?

How To Get Rid Of Psoriasis Using Iridology





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