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Can Psoriasis Affect My Pregnancy?

Psoriasis is an auto-immune disease that manifests itself with scaly patches of skin. These may be irritated or painful. The condition itself is quite familiar, though how it plays out during pregnancy is not as well known. It is important for women who are pregnant and have Psoriasis to know how the disease can affect their pregnancy. This article provides information on the potential impact of Psoriasis on pregnancy including the risk factors, measures that can be taken to address the issue, and the general impact on the mother and the baby.


Understanding Psoriasis

Psoriasis involves an increased rate of skin cell production, so the cells are not shed as quickly as they should be, causing them to pile up on the skin’s surface. This leads to the formation of thick scales which are silvery in colour and some red patches. Psoriasis can be mild, and patches may be few and small, or the disease can be severe, and the entire body may be covered with red patches. Psoriasis is also linked with other diseases, known as comorbidities, such as psoriatic arthritis, cardiovascular disease, and depression.


Watch and learn from our video where Petrina answers the question “Who gets Psoriasis?



Psoriasis and Pregnancy: The Connection

There is a rather unpredictable interaction between Psoriasis and pregnancy, with variations in each case. There are certain females with Psoriasis who experience changes in their condition during their pregnancy period. Some of the hormones that have been identified to have an effect on Psoriasis include oestrogen and progesterone, where changes in their levels are believed to impact the severity of the condition. However, these changes might occur to varying degrees or may be of a different sort.


Psoriasis Symptoms During Pregnancy


Improvement in Symptoms

Many women have reported that they find their Psoriasis condition improved when they are expecting. It is believed that increase in oestrogen and progesterone levels have anti-inflammatory effects which is likely to have led to this improvement. These hormones might also suppress the immune reaction responsible for Psoriasis outbreaks.


Worsening Symptoms

On the other hand, there are some women who may experience a worsening of their Psoriasis during pregnancy. This increase could be attributed to the stress of pregnancy or other personal factors.


Unchanged Symptoms

In some women, the symptoms of Psoriasis may either be mild or may not change during pregnancy.


Potential Risks and Complications

Psoriasis per se does not pose a threat to pregnancy and vice versa; however, severe forms of the skin disease may be linked to some risks. However, it is crucial to stress that these risks are mostly linked to the severity of the condition and its treatment rather than Psoriasis.


Pregnancy-Induced Hypertension

Moderate to severe Psoriasis has also been linked to pregnancy-induced hypertension. This condition is also referred to as preeclampsia and is indicated by high blood pressure; if not well controlled, this condition poses dangers to both the mother and the baby.


Low Birth Weight and Premature Birth

There are some findings that show that women with severe Psoriasis are more likely to give birth to a low birth weight baby or have a premature baby. However, such outcomes are comparatively rare and depend on the general health and medical management of the mother.


We share Tried and Tested Effective Natural Remedies For Managing Psoriasis in this comprehensive video.


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Managing Psoriasis During Pregnancy

Managing Psoriasis during pregnancy requires dietary and lifestyle changes and cooperation with obstetrician-gynaecologists or dermatologists. The overall aim is to keep the mother healthy while at the same time minimising any risks that may come to the growing baby.


Lifestyle Adjustments


Stress Management

Stress is known to cause or exacerbate symptoms of this skin condition. Yoga, meditation, and gentle exercise are some of the ways that can reduce stress levels.


Diet and Nutrition

A diet of foods with anti-inflammatory properties, including fruits, vegetables, and omega-3 fatty acids, can improve overall health as well as lessen the effects of Psoriasis.


Skincare Routine

Skin care measures such as regularly moisturising and avoiding any scrub or soap that may further irritate the skin are effective in managing Psoriasis.


Natural Treatments

Pregnancy management is always a delicate issue, and it is not different with Psoriasis since taking the right treatments for the condition should not pose any harm to the baby as well. Below are some natural remedies that are generally considered safe for women with Psoriasis who are pregnant.


Warning: Always consult with your doctor or healthcare provider before trying any of these treatments or remedies, especially if you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant. They can advise you on what is safe and necessary for your specific situation.


Salt Baths

Soaking in a warm water bath using Epsom salts or Dead Sea salts have been shown to assist in removing scales and relieving itchiness. The minerals contained in these salts can provide skin-soothing properties. 


Aloe Vera

You can apply aloe vera gel as this will minimise skin inflammation and is useful for those with redness and scaling. It is an easily absorbed moisturiser that is safe for pregnant women.


Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)

Drink apple cider vinegar by diluting it in a glass of water and mix with lemon or lime juice and honey. ACV is powerful for detoxifying your body and a natural way of healing your Psoriasis.


Oatmeal Baths

Adding ground oatmeal to water when taking a warm bath can help reduce itching and hot sensations on the skin. Oatmeal can reduce inflammation that may be helpful in treating Psoriasis.


Coconut Oil

Coconut oil should be applied on the affected areas to help in moisturising the skin as well as minimising scaling. Coconut oil is anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial in nature and therefore appropriate to use when treating Psoriasis. You can even take a spoonful of it directly or use it for cooking for a more nutritious meal.

To learn more, watch our video where Petrina answers the question “Is it possible for my children to inherit my Psoriasis?



Postpartum Considerations

It is also important to note that women with Psoriasis may notice a change in their symptoms after childbirth. The postpartum period is a time when hormonal changes occur and this is known to affect the severity of Psoriasis. It is possible for some women to experience worsening of symptoms while others will maintain the same level of improvement as they experienced during pregnancy.



In most circumstances, breastfeeding is not a problem for women with Psoriasis, and the disease does not interfere with the process. However, some of the drugs used in the conventional medical treatment of Psoriasis may be present in breast milk, hence consulting a healthcare provider is advisable.

Psychological Impact

It is particularly important to address the emotional impact of living with a chronic illness such as Psoriasis and the additional stress of pregnancy. Pregnant women with Psoriasis should have good social support and be in contact with mental health resources. There are psychosocial aspects associated with Psoriasis such as depression and anxiety, and these can get worse during pregnancy.

To learn more, watch our video where Petrina answers the question “Can Psoriasis affect my pregnancy?



Pregnancy may change the course of the disease or exacerbate the symptoms, but if well managed, most women with Psoriasis can go through pregnancy and childbirth with minimal complications. For pregnant women with Psoriasis, it is important to consult with their doctor or healthcare provider in order to come up with a treatment plan that will meet their needs and concerns.

Thus, despite certain difficulties related to pregnancy, women with Psoriasis can learn about them and be prepared for this exciting period of their lives. Regardless of whether a woman experiences an improvement, a worsening, or no change in her symptoms, knowing the possible outcomes and how to address them is essential to promote a healthy pregnancy. Do take note that it is of the utmost importance for the expecting parents to be as healthy as they can be, so that their baby can be healthy as well.


Why not try the best way to improve your health with the help of Planet Wellness? We would like to offer you a free 15-minute discovery call, which will help us discuss your specific health issues and objectives. In this one-on-one consultation, our experts will first discuss with you about your concerns and then give you an initial assessment and explanation about your recommended wellness regime exclusively designed for you. It is a perfect opportunity to see how we can assist you in reaching your optimal level of wellness. Start your journey towards a better you now by scheduling an appointment for a free consultation!

Unlock the secrets to managing and even reversing Psoriasis with our affordable course, “Psoriasis Expert Secrets“. With proven natural remedies included, this course offers invaluable insights to alleviate your symptoms and promote healthier skin. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to gain access to expert knowledge that can transform your life. Enrol now and take control of your Psoriasis journey. Invest in yourself today and say goodbye to Psoriasis woes. Click here to enrol and start your path to healthier skin!

To learn more about Psoriasis, check out our other related blogs:

How To Get Rid of Psoriasis Using Iridology

Is Psoriasis Contagious?

When Does Psoriasis Start To Heal?

Which Psoriasis Is Dangerous?

How To Heal Psoriasis Naturally

Who gets Psoriasis?





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