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What are the common triggers of Psoriasis flare ups?

As a chronic autoimmune disease, psoriasis produces red and inflamed skin surfaces that become covered with scaly patches. The specific origins of psoriasis remain undetermined but experts link this condition to genetic inheritance in combination with immune system irregularities and external influences. Coping with psoriasis becomes complex because patients struggle to identify and prevent the factors that cause their symptoms to get worse. Individuals who identify their psoriasis triggers will achieve better skin health and enhanced lifestyle quality.

This blog examines prevalent psoriasis triggers as well as effective methods for their management.


Did you know Psoriasis is oftentimes triggered? Aside from FOOD, get to know the other triggers which usually flare up Psoriasis by watching our video, “Triggers of Psoriasis”!




People with psoriasis frequently experience stress as a major factor that causes their condition to worsen. Experiencing psychological or emotional stress makes the immune system overreact, thus triggering more inflammation which worsens psoriasis symptoms. Flare-ups triggered by stress suddenly emerge and generally exceed typical symptom intensity.

How to Manage Stress:

  • Learning relaxation methods through meditation and deep breathing and practicing yoga provides effective ways to manage psoriasis symptoms better.
  • Regular physical exercise acts as an effective method to maintain lower stress levels.
  • Create space between work duties and personal life by scheduling rest intervals.
  • A professional therapist can help patients learn how to build effective methods of managing stress.
  • An iridology consultation can detect stress levels and give you a personalized stress management and overall wellness plan.


Infections and Illness

Psoriasis can become more severe when bacteria and virus infections result in immune system weakness. Strep throat and respiratory infections together with common colds have the ability to intensify psoriasis symptoms.

How to Reduce the Risk:

  • The prevention of infections becomes possible through regular hygiene practices including frequent handwashing.
  • Get vaccinated against preventable diseases.
  • Receive immediate medical evaluation if you have strep throat since it is a bacterial infection.
  • A healthy diet combined with physical exercise will help you keep your immune system strong.


Weather and Climate Changes

When exposed to cold and dry weather conditions, the skin becomes dehydrated and its irritation and flaking worsens. Introduction to high temperatures combined with moisture in the environment can create worsened psoriasis symptoms through increased perspiration.

How to Protect Your Skin:

  • The maintenance of skin hydration requires the use of fragrance-free creams and ointments.
  • A humidifier should be used in dry seasons to preserve skin moisture.
  • Wear appropriate clothing for the weather to shield your skin from hot or cold temperatures.
  • Direct sunlight exposure should be limited and every outdoor activity needs sun protection.


Skin Injuries (Koebner Phenomenon)

The Koebner phenomenon causes new psoriasis lesions to emerge when your skin suffers any injury such as minor cuts or tattoos.

How to Minimize Injury:

  • You need to exercise caution when shaving or cutting nails because this can lead to skin injuries.
  • Wear protective equipment during activities which might injure your skin.
  • Protect your skin by resisting the temptation to scratch itchy spots that could aggravate your condition.
  • Ask a healthcare professional to evaluate your condition before obtaining tattoos or body piercings.

Psoriasis Guide



Request for our free guide 6 Proven Secrets To Improve Your Psoriasis.

If you are suffering from Psoriasis, discover natural proven techniques to improve and even completely reverse your condition by enrolling in our online course Psoriasis Expert Secrets.

Certain Medications

Psoriasis symptoms may increase in intensity when patients take certain medicines which also have the potential to trigger new psoriasis outbreaks. These may include:

  • Beta-blockers which serve as hypertension treatment medication.
  • Patients under mental health treatment with lithium have shown increased vulnerability to psoriasis symptoms.
  • Antimalarial drugs
  • NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs)


How to Manage Medication-Related Flare-Ups:

  • You should notify your doctor about your psoriasis condition when starting a new medication.
  • Discuss treatment alternatives which show fewer adverse effects on psoriasis with your healthcare provider.
  • You must receive medical approval before ending your usage of any prescribed medication.
  • With the science of iridology, you can heal and even reverse your psoriasis naturally.


Diet and Food Triggers

The treatment of psoriasis requires avoiding particular eating habits but individuals react differently to various foods which might activate psoriasis inflammation. Common culprits include:

  • Processed and junk foods
  • Dairy products
  • Red meat and high-fat foods
  • Alcohol and sugary drinks

How to Maintain a Psoriasis-Friendly Diet:

  • Regularly consume anti-inflammatory foods that include fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts and fatty fish.
  • People should decrease their intake of processed foods as well as high-sugar products.
  • Drinking water regularly will help maintain your skin hydration.
  • Observe your physical responses to various foods before making changes to your eating habits.


Alcohol and Smoking

Scientific research shows that both alcohol consumption and smoking increase the likelihood of psoriasis outbreaks. The immune system becomes weaker from alcohol use which challenges psoriasis treatments and smoking produces inflammatory reactions that make symptoms more severe.

How to Cut Down or Quit:

  • Find support from trusted individuals including close family members and support network groups you are affiliated with.
  • People should try therapy along with smoking cessation aids to stop smoking.
  • Those dealing with psoriasis should lower their alcohol consumption or shift toward drinking non-alcoholic beverages instead.
  • Healthy activities including exercise along with hobbies make excellent alternatives to focus on.


Hormonal Changes

Psoriasis flare-ups tend to be more severe among women when their hormones undergo changes. Women commonly notice different symptoms of psoriasis during puberty, pregnancy and menopause as well as throughout their menstrual cycles.

How to Manage Hormonal Triggers:

  • Regular physical exercise combined with a healthy diet helps stabilize hormone levels in the body.
  • Consult with our expert iridologist regarding suitable treatments for your hormonal fluctuations.
  • Recording your psoriasis symptom patterns during your menstrual cycle helps you better predict when flares will occur.


Lack of Sleep

Lack of sleep creates stress while damaging the immune system which together make psoriasis symptoms more severe.

How to Improve Sleep Quality:

  • Make a routine sleep schedule by going to bed and waking up at the same time every day.
  • You should refrain from using devices or gadgets for at least an hour before going to bed.
  • Make your bedtime relaxing through activities like reading or meditation.
  • Create sleeping conditions that have quiet spaces with darkened rooms and comfortable temperatures.


Excessive Sun Exposure

Sun exposure in moderation benefits psoriasis patients because of vitamin D content but overexposure likely causes sunburn that could activate psoriasis symptoms.

How to Balance Sun Exposure:

  • Spend brief time under the sun while applying sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher.
  • Protect your body using appropriate clothing and take shade breaks whenever possible.
  • Always follow the recommended time guidelines established by your healthcare provider when using phototherapy treatments.


Do you or someone you know have Psoriasis? Watch and learn from our video where Petrina answers the question “What Triggers Psoriasis?“.

What triggers Psoriasis?



People with psoriasis need to determine their specific triggers and make changes to their lifestyle to control their symptoms. In order to achieve better skin health and overall well-being, you should identify and avoid known psoriasis triggers that include stress, infections, weather changes, skin injuries and dietary choices.

Severe or recurring psoriasis symptoms need professional iridology and holistic healthcare evaluation for suitable treatment options. Proper care combined with management approaches enables you to minimize symptoms while improving your overall quality of life.


What if we told you that you can heal and even reverse your Psoriasis without having to depend on conventional medication? Start your Psoriasis journey with confidence, using our resources that are meant to guide and encourage you. Start by downloading our FREE Psoriasis guide booklet, containing all relevant information and helpful tips. For those interested in gaining further knowledge and learning more about comprehensive approaches, enrol in our special Psoriasis course. Furthermore, you can book a free consultation from our wellness clinic to get professional help that will be aimed at meeting your needs. Do not let Psoriasis be a hindrance – begin your path to improved skin health right away!


To learn more about Psoriasis, check out our other related blogs:

Can stress trigger Psoriasis flare ups

What Triggers Psoriasis?

How common is Psoriasis?

How does Psoriasis affect the skin?

If I’ve just been diagnosed with Psoriasis, what should I know?

How does lifestyle and diet affect Psoriasis?




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